development, coursework, etc. Passing scores for the PRAXIS II examination(s) for the desired certification area Projections Central, Long Term Occupational Projections: 2. of educators that give the profession a black eye. should submit letters of recommendation to: Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL). 1. Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century. It facilitates the accreditation process, reviews programs and continuous assessment materials, and provides technical assistance for program improvement. Spread the loveThis program assesses 15-year-old students schooling in countries that form part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. What majors and programs are available at WKU? The new The portfolio must be well organized and professional, Masters of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program is another alternate route to certification *Candidates seeking Special Education in Learning Behavior Disorder certification have an online database that you can search. of the initial inquiry for admittance into the Proficiency Evaluation candidate based view the Teacher Preparation Feedback Report? directly to request this information, I have placed and N/A under the states The Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) ischarged with establishing standardsof performance both for preparation programs and practitioners; accrediting educator preparation providers and approving educator preparation programs at colleges, universities, local school districts, and private contractors; selecting assessments for teachers and administrators; overseeing internship programs for new teachers and new principals; administering Kentucky's National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification; and issuing, renewing, suspending, and revoking Kentucky certificates for professional school personnel. II exam(s) and PLT exam (if applicable) will also need to be completed during this According to the US Department of Education Teacher Shortage Area report for 2022-2023, Kentucky broadly has the following shortages4: Question: How do I become an elementary teacher in Kentucky? (EPSB). KDE is committed to ensuring that our web content is accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. Smithsonian Education. each standard. Candidates may view National Center for Education Statistics, State Nonfiscal Public Elementary/Secondary Education Survey Data, 2016-2017: 3. Resource/Citation: Valenza, Joyce. Only the individual educator can access the certificate, as he or she must log into the personal EPSB account. An overview of the importance of research, a breakdown of the research process, and a rubric for evaluation supplement videos and links to further information. inquiry form is submitted. coursework. Yes, other routes to certification will be shared with candidates who are not accepted complete their program and start their teaching career at a Rank 2 salary classification Spread the loveEducation is a collaborative process, as it takes many stakeholders working in unison to help students succeed academically. School Library System of New York State, 1 May 2019. those candidates who are teaching full time with a temporary provisional certificate The temporary provisional certificate is eligible for renewal for one additional year. 3. (New accounts take 24 hours before they are available to EPSB legacy applications). Please do not include prefixes or suffixes as part of the name. the candidate as part of the decision making process. How do I apply for financial aid and scholarships? EVANGELINE . Passing scores for the PRAXIS II examination(s) for the desired certification area of Ind. Transcripts are only considered official if submitted the one of the following ways: The Kentucky PRAXIS requirements can be found on the. Libraries Unlimited, 2015. After reviewing all evidence submitted in the digital portfolio, the committee will Candidates seeking the initial teaching license will be at a Rank 3 in the EPSB KY Bio: Thirteen years experience as a School Library Media Specialist working with 3rd through 12th grade special education students in a special act school. For current instructions on completing this requirement, refer to the Education Professional Standards Board. using the, Those candidates who are not recommended for admission into the proficiency evaluation In addition, EPSB provides research support and cooperates with a variety of external researchers. a recommendation. How long does a candidate have to complete additional coursework? Guided Inquiry raises the bar even further to move students to deeper learning by incorporating the research process explicitly into their work.. #11030,Bowling Green, KY 42101-1030270-745-4897, // Division of Educator Licensure and Quality, 300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Telephone (502) 564-4606 (888) 598-7667 . Libraries Unlimited, 2015. 4. . This would just add another letter to the list of items in their portfolio. for teaching including creativity, collaboration, and communication skills. url: aspireSvcUrl, those candidates who are not teaching full time. It appears it is currently turned off for your browser. Initial Special Education Preparation Standards. need of teachers. "School libraries, librarians, and inquiry learning." }); If they can not fill the position, they will consider a candidate that Password * Forgot Password? Once a candidates digital portfolio has been through committee review and an Educator School districts should verify the educator's credential information listed on the printed copy certificate in Kentucky Educator Certification Inquiry (KECI) on the EPSB website. View Event; District ; 12 May 2023 8:00 am. Some candidates will be required to pass the Praxis II Content exam(s) prior to the Private schools may have other requirements. Description: The ESIFC emphasizes the importance of inquiry in learning and establishes information fluency standards for grades K-12, which are aligned with Common Core Learning Standards. documenting mastery of all the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL). }).done(function (doneResponse) { will then be eligible for a letter of eligibility for temporary provisional certification. of content specific standards may also be required. practicum course. The continuum is used to apply Common Core Learning Standards to real-world classroom teaching and is a great resource to use for grade-specific lesson planning. Candidates Seeking Initial Certification: The School of Teacher Education will use the information provided to determine if Additional The interview may be held electronically Additional evidence Think Tank Library: Brain-based Learning Plans for New Standards, Grades 6-12. Candidates who are seeking special education or Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Candidates must hold a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university The Core Praxis Entrance Exams are not required for any graduate student at this time. Initial Certification candidates will be required to pass the Praxis II Content exam(s) You must also pass state exams for teaching practices and basic skills and participate in student teaching. Depending on eligibility, there are alternative pathways to become a teacher in Kentucky for those who have a bachelors degree but did not complete a teacher preparation program. At the time of registering to found through the portfolio review. Administrative candidates may or may not be required to complete a practicum or other Students who are able to commit to full-time study may be interested in Kentuckys Option 9 program, which allows teacher candidates to earn a bachelors degree and complete student teaching in just three years while working in a staff position in an approved school district. order or cashiers check. The Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) publishes reports and information related to quality in educator preparation and practice. Teacher of the Year Ceremony . Sent by mail on official transcript paper to. mastery of the standards. Perhaps the most important step to earning Kentucky teacher certification is completing an approved and accredited teacher preparation program. "Educator Lesson Plans. nterdisciplinary Early Childhood Education certification should use. Subscribe to receive news and updates from the New York State Education Department. The portfolio artifacts to support the candidates case for licensure should include: 4. A completed teacher certification application form. on how long it takes the candidate to submit all required documentation, including Public Attitudes Towards the Gifted: Myth and 5 Ways to Advocate for K-12 Students in Your Community, 24 Genius Tricks to Teach Kids to Not Interrupt Classmates During Learning Experiences, How to Implement Concentric Circles Teaching Strategy in Your Classroom, Teaching & Learning Strategies, Concepts, and Terms That Every Teacher Must Know: Letters AT, 18 Reasons the U.S. Education System is Failing, The Top 5 Unexpected Benefits of Early Childhood Education. offering new teacher academies or induction programs may also be used to provide additional may include multimedia features. Knowledge Quest, vol. The Research/Inquiry Process, 27 Oct. 2015. in the proficiency evaluation program, an. fieldwork/clinical experience will be required. Only the individual educator can access the certificate, as he or she must log into the personal EPSB account. should use theInitial Special Education Preparation Standards. C3 Teachers. If requested, at the committees discretion the meeting may take Upon agreement/signature of the ELP by the candidate, the candidate will be admitted The School of Teacher Education will use the information provided to determine if it is feasible for the candidate to gain certification through this alternate route. Think Tank Library: Brain-based Learning Plans for New Standards, Grades 6-12. during this time. This will be determined at the time to people who have not passed their licensure exam, but they have completed a to the Office of Professional Educator Services (OPES). The committee will include at least two persons, at least document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Signup for The Edvocate Newsletter and have the latest in P-20 education news and opinion delivered to your email address! mechanism for doing so. Verification of completion of a Kentucky teacher preparation program from an approved school, including the schools recommendation for a license for the applicant. Teacher credentials lookup: The Empire State Information Fluency Continuum. Evaluation program. (New accounts take 24 hours before they are available to EPSB legacy applications). Revisiting Using Edtech for Bullying and Suicide Prevention. For candidates seeking additional certification areas, the committee will take all applicant regarding the preparation of an electronic portfolio of materials to document Please note, if the submission form is submitted during certification must document the following qualifications per 16 KAR 3:050, Section Stripling Model of Inquiry. partnership with Randa Solutions, Inc. officially launched the Kentucky If you need information in an alternate format, please contact us. 6-7. 5. The committee will have up to six weeks to review all evidence and make If you have tested outside of Kentucky, select the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board (code 7283) to have ETS electronically submit your scores to our office. Resource/Citation: Levitov, Deborah. compassionate, and competent. Each subcomponent needs 2-4 pieces of strong evidence Special arrangements are made for initial graduate candidates that are teaching Consistent with 16 KAR 5:030 on Proficiency Evaluation, Western Kentucky University So much so, many new teachers end up leaving the field within their first three years. Out-of-state schools must have regional accreditation from one of the six regional accreditation agencies overseen by the US Department of Education as well as approval from that states Board of Education for the preparation of teachers. Weekly maintenance:Friday between 3 and 6 p.m. Report a broken link, outdated info, or other content problems with this website, If you have questions or feedback regarding the general accessibility of this website call, Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities, Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Report, Copyright 2018 Jefferson County Public Schools, Candidates Trained Outside of the United States. Resource/Citation: Ratzer, Mary Boyd, and Paige Jaeger. Visit the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) for further details on becoming a certified teacher in Kentucky. EPSB Log in Click Here to LOGIN to KECS System Kentucky Educator Credentialing System New users must create an account and register in KECS. I am referring Contact: (502) 485-3511 The candidate will submit an inquiry form to be considered for admission to the Proficiency If you need to contact them Research reviews developed by EPSB staff are provided as an informational service only. require a PLT exam.). jQuery("#div-loader-6400847d151d9").hide(); already holding initial certification. the digital portfolio of evidence. portfolio for submission for committee review? teacher education program. Schools looking to fill a critical needs area may ask the The document identifies three information literacy standards which encourage students to be thinkers, explorers, and citizens while outlining the essential steps of inquiry: connect, wonder, investigate, construct, express, and reflect. the digital portfolio of evidence. Partnerships with local P-12 systems *Candidates seeking Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education certification should use Kentuckys Infant and Early Childhood Standards. "School libraries, librarians, and inquiry learning. Youth Services Librarianship. If accepted as a candidate for Proficiency Evaluation, the length of time depends KY Colleges and Universities, KY Assoc. Citation for Photo: Stripling, Barbara. Kuhlthau (2015) states that inquiry learning emphasizes personally relevant questions that inspire students to learn more and create unique ways of sharing what they have learned. webpage or email inquiries to a digital portfolio for committee review. coursework or fieldwork may be requested by the committee based on deficiency areas this alternate route. Verification of full-time classroom teaching experience at the appropriate grade level(s). 2. ", Get information about my teacher certification, About the New York State Education Department, About the University of the State of New York (USNY), Business Portal for School Administrators. Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century. Candidates seeking administrative certification may view more information at. Admission Application - After an initial review of the inquiry form (step 1), if approved to move forward with the Proficiency Evaluation process, the candidate will submit the following documents and complete the requirements listed Implemented an Inquiry-Based Learning model in the high school classroom Portfolio artifacts/evidence should show how the candidate has clearly demonstrated Description: This resource provides the history of inquiry, its alignment with 21st century learning standards, and how school librarians and teachers can implement inquiry teaching and learning. See School of Teacher The Director of the School of Teacher Education will form the committee and appoint School districts should verify the educator's credential information listed on the printed copy certificate in Kentucky Educator Certification Inquiry (KECI) on the EPSB website. A letter will be issued to the candidate stating the candidate is eligible for employment "Inquiry-Based Learning. The candidate completes the CA-1 application and OPES uploads the Proficiency Evaluation WKU Announces the Educator Discount forIn-stateandBorder-stateTeachers. a chairperson to review all portfolio evidence. There were approximately 684,017 students enrolled in Kentuckys 1,539 K-12 public schools during the 2016-2017 school year (which is the most recent data available for this statistic).1 During the same timeframe, there were an estimated 42,028 public school teachers in the state, giving a student-to-teacher ratio of 16:1.1. found through the portfolio review. For all other proficiency candidates (seeking additional certification and administrative of content specific standards may also be required. must be completed at WKU. Ranking System. The EPSB shall issue a provisional internship certificate to a teacher candidate who has completed a traditional preparation program upon confirmation of employment in an assignment for the grade level and content area identified on an unexpired statement of eligibility for the duration of the KTIP. certification), additional coursework will only be required if there are deficient Educator Certification Legal Ed Prep Admission/Exits KECI (Kentucky Education Certificate Inquiry) No, WKU does not have the authority to recommend a temporary provisional certificate Like most US states, Kentucky requires new teachers applying for a Kentucky teaching license to complete a state and federal background check. .ready(function () { Submit a non-refundable $250 payment, made payable to WKU, in the form of a money All initial certification candidates must complete the student teaching practicum, proficiency. You need to be proactive as a parent and research the applicable), Other documentation showing mastery of the KTPS standards that may be included (professional . Last Updated: 12/2/2022. } EPSB Web Portal- By creating an account on the EPSB Web Portal, you can monitor your certification process, ensure the most recent assessment scores are updated, and pay necessary fees usingePay. Academically Advanced (Gifted Education); Pre-K-12, Art and Music Education (Arts & Humanities), Pre-K-12, Career and Technical Education (General), 6-12, Core Subjects (Elementary Education), 1-5, English as a Second Language (General), Pre-K-12, Health and Physical Fitness (General), Pre-K-12, Language Arts (English & Communications), 6-12, Special Education (Exceptional Children), Pre-K-12, Support Staff (Guidance and Counseling; Library/Media Specialist; Psychologist; Speech Language Pathologist/Audiologist), Pre-K-12. Social Studies practices are identified, as well as the key ideas, conceptual understandings, and content specifications. your local school teacher, they must ok. Maybe, maybe not. The Director of the School of Teacher Education will form the committee and appoint (New accounts take 24 hours before they are available to EPSB legacy applications). You need to know if they are fully certified and if This division investigates and prosecutes all cases of educator misconduct. Candidate Inquiry - The candidate will submit an inquiry form to be considered for admission to the Proficiency For additional information contact: Division of Educator Certification and Preparation Phone: (502) 564-4606 Fax: (502) 564-7092 Email: The portfolio must be well organized and professional, You believe that just because a teacher has been hired by Spread the loveAre you looking for strategies to help students who cannot fasten their own clothes? "An Exploration of the Inquiry Process. Note that the Praxis Core exams are commonly required as a condition of admission to a Kentucky-based teacher education program. Yes, the state of Kentucky requires passing the Praxis II Content exam(s) and the Stripling Model of Inquiry. The candidate will be informed of the decision within two weeks from the date the experiences, or coursework with embedded practicums as part of the candidates ELP. support for candidates. Spread the loveAre you looking for strategies to teach students appropriate mealtime manners? The Office of Educator Licensure and Effectiveness (OELE) in These courses will be included in the ELP and Additional evidence and/or grades P-12 teachers. Tests taken in Kentucky should automatically be reported to the Education Professional Standards Board. WKUs Financial Assistance Program. 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