J. H. Oestreicher and K. Tarassoly, The mini tarsal strip lateral canthopexy for lower eyelid laser-assisted blepharoplasty-indications, technique and complications in 614 cases, Orbit, vol. 11, pp. Prevent by planning an incision that extends to the medial commissure, May be corrected by Zplasty, Wplasty, transposition flaps, or YV advancement procedures, May be due to inadvertent trauma to the levator complex, including postsurgical edema and dehiscence, May be due to unrecognized preoperative levator dehiscence, May be related to lagophthalmos and dry eye, Usually corrected with lubrication regimen, May require corrective lid surgery to reduce palpebral aperture, May be related to corneal irritation and/or dryness. Similarly, for a lower lid blepharoplasty, the medial extent of the lower eyelid incision should stop just lateral to the punctum, whether it is conjunctival or subciliary in nature. 2, pp. Excessive trauma to the levator muscle, levator aponeurosis, and pre-aponeurotic fat pad can result in upper lid retraction, scleral show, and lagophthalmos. Incisions that are made at the very medial aspect of the supraorbital creaseoften produce a slight artifact that is difficult to correct, particularly with Asian patients or patients with a prominent epicanthalfold. Blink dysfunction is common postblepharoplasty because of postoperative swelling of the eyelid tissues. It is believed that irreversible optic nerve and retinal ischemic damage may be prevented if appropriate intervention is performed within 1 to 2 hours of onset of ischemia. The solution to a problem is not always more cutting, however intuitively appealing the anticipated result might sound. If noted, however, it should be treated with bleaching creams. Elimination of topical allergy, and occasionally short-term topical steroid use are helpful. Wanderer AA, Grandel KE, Wasserman SI, Farr RS. PubMedGoogle Scholar. L. Guo, H. Bi, C. Xue et al., Comprehensive considerations in blepharoplasty in an asian population: a 10-year experience, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, vol. Occasionally, incision lines may look hypertrophied, particularly in keloid-forming patients. The horizontal laxity of the tarsoligamentous sling of the lower eyelid is often overlooked at the time of surgery, which allows the other abnormalities to manifest themselves after surgery [12, 13]. The risk of suture granuloma formation is decreased by using prolene sutures and removing them completely at the appropriate time. Depending on the amount of laxity, a full lateral tarsal strip procedure or a lateral canthal tendon plication can be done. I had eyelid surgery one year ago and have been left with a very unsightly scar. I had an upper eyelid surgery six months ago and it has been a disaster. All patients except one reported good surgical outcomes, defined as cosmetically and functionally acceptable result to the patient and surgeon, after one procedure. Blindness after blepharoplasty: mechanism and early reversal. 125, article 1017, 2010. Remove granulation tissue and freshen wound edges. Most patients only need to take 7 days off work. There were no peri- or post-operative complications. Visual field is repeated with the eyelids taped up. e The posterior flap is folded into its new position. The most common result which will be noted by the patient is lid crease asymmetry. There are currently 25 Eyelid Surgery + Webbing questions and doctor answers on RealSelf. Systemic osmotic agents and corticosteroids may be given but do not take the place of prompt pressure release. Cicatricial canthal webs. Lelli GJ, Lisman RD: Blepharoplasty complications. A full-eye examination includes vision, motility, strabismus, orbital, or eyelid asymmetry, exophthalmos, brow ptosis, and asymmetry, ptosis, lid retraction, lid fold height, inferior scleral show, lid laxity, entropion, ectropion, dry eye assessment. Aesthet Surg J 2009; 29:87. 4550, 1996. a The new eyelid margin is marked (dotted line). It is unique among surgical specialties due to changing trends, racial, and regional ethnic preferences that influence what is considered an . If done in the plane of the lateral wall and in the plane of the levator aponeurosis and inferior rectus, in a blunt fashion, the risk of significant damage to orbital structures is low. Most surgeons use epinephrine-containing local anesthetics in blepharoplasty surgery and have found that meticulous cauterization and maintenance of a dry operative field outweigh the theoretical risk of rebound hemorrhage. http://tabanmd.com/gallery/revisional-eyelid/ Helpful Mehryar (Ray) Taban, MD, FACS Oculoplastic Surgeon, Board Certified in Ophthalmology ( 302) 12511260, 1997. In the initial consultation, it is important for the surgeon to identify which unrealistic patients can be educated and operated on with confidence, and which ones cannot [1, 2]. Freeman EE, Muoz B, Rubin G, West SK. Surgical planning involves deciding whether upper or lower eyelids, or both will be operated on. Up and down gaze photographs document levator excursion. Only rarely will a deep loculated undrained hematoma be found; usually one sees streaking hemorrhage and air, more likely merely hallmarks of the surgical trauma. The patient must be a resurfacing candidate to consider this treatment modality (Fitzpatrick skin type, I, II, or III), and the risks of hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation stressed. Prolonged surgery and reoperation with scarred tissue contribute to swelling and ecchymosis. 2, pp. 103, no. Persistent cases are treated by a V- to-Y plasty procedure. A free tarsoconjunctival graft can alternatively be used [2023]. Care is taken to avoid the levator palpebrae superioris complex which lies just posterior to the preaponeurotic fat pad. Multiple repairs may be required for the optimum result to be achieved. im worried that i wont be satisfied with my results if i only get the upper bleph, but im also worried about getting bad scars / webbing with epicanthoplasty. Vertically oriented upper eyelid nerves: a clinical, anatomical and immunohistochemical study. It aims to improve the appearance of the lower eyelids by addressing skin laxity, fat prominence, and adjusting the lower eyelid position. Because of the complexities in modifying the overcorrected upper lid, a more mild degree of symptomatic lagophthalmos can be addressed via lower lid elevation with lower lid posterior lamellar grafting, as detailed in the next section. Visual acuity measurement and slit lamp examination are critical on the first postoperative visit (almost always the day after surgery) to rule out ocular injury and to document its absence. A thorough understanding of the upper eyelid anatomy is essential when evaluating patients for possible upper blepharoplasty. Incidence of postblepharoplasty orbital hemorrhage and associated visual loss. 8589, 1990. The patient has severe symptomatic lagophthalmos as well as an unsightly appearance. Medial canthal webbing occurs when incisions are carried too medially as seen in Figure 9. The surgery involves removing redundant skin, fat, and muscle. Patients undergo upper blepharoplasty for purely aesthetic reasons. Is there a high chance the webbing gets worse or say my lower eyelid droops post surgery? Prolene is inert and ties cleanly, which is useful in closing a wound precisely. Median follow up was 12 months (range: 1.548). 2 were supplied by DS and NJ. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. All ophthalmologists should feel comfortable treating orbital hemorrhage with canthotomy and cantholysis. Inadvertent injury to the lacrimal system should be avoided in upper blepharoplasty by limiting incision medially. The authors declare no competing interests. In the tenth century, Middle Eastern surgeons described removal of excess eyelid skin to improve vision. Narcissists as 'victims': the role of narcissism in the perception of transgressions. Postoperative eyelid edema and levator edema are common and are temporary causes of ptosis. Excessive skin removal may require free full-thickness skin grafting. On average, this amount is between 1 to 2mm. Clinical characteristics of cold-induced systemic reactions in acquired cold urticaria syndromes: recommendations for prevention of this complication and a proposal for a diagnostic classification of cold urticaria. A trial of a short course of topical steroids can be applied; otherwise, treatment is excision of the pyogenic granuloma. Figure 10 shows corneal scarring due to severe lagophthalmos. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41433-021-01497-y, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41433-021-01497-y. I would like to have this corrected as soon as possible and need advice. Slight dehiscence can be treated with topical and oral antibiotics, but a complete dehiscence needs prompt debridement and repair to avoid lower lid retraction and scarring. A bandage contact lens or collagen shield is placed to protect the cornea, and the lower lid is placed on traction upwards overnight. The canthal rounding is marked (Fig. Patients concerns can vary immensely, ranging from a particular dislike of lateral hooding, a staring or overdone look (very common), a sunken look (a common concern in younger patients), to a fear of blindness to concerns about the length of the recovery period and intra- and perioperative pain. Bruising and swelling typically lasts 1014 days after surgery. I experienced significant swelling in my tear duct area (especially on the right side) My right eye now appears to have webbing on the inner corner. 426432, 2004. Photographs are also an essential part of the medical record and are helpful in resolving medicolegal issues. Risk factors for postoperative wound dehiscence includes infection, restless sleepers, and even minor postoperative trauma. Figure 11 shows an example of hyperpigmentation post-laser resurfacing. What complications can come from a blepharoplasty? Jeong S, Lemke BN, Dortzbach RK, et al: The Asian upper eyelid: an anatomical study with comparison to the Caucasian eyelid. It requires medial canthal scar revision with multiple z-plasty. 12, no. Fortunately, with time, these tend to diminish. Posterior eyelid elevation is achieved by careful dissection at the level of the bottom of tarsal plate through conjunctiva, lower lid retractors, and orbital septum, and these are recessed downwards off the overlying orbicularis muscle. Dupuis C, Rees TD: Historical notes on blepharoplasty. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2007; 48:4445. Avoid placing the crease too high to prevent the appearance of over-westernization. G. Y. Shaw and J. Khan, The management of ectropion using the tarsoconjunctival composite graft, Archives of Otolaryngology, vol. Severity of visual field loss and health related quality of life. In the Asian upper eyelid, there is a lower fusion point between the orbital septum and the levator aponeurosis, which allows orbital fat to descend further down in addition to the increased fat in the preseptal fibroadipose layer. Burroughs JR, Patrinely JR, Nugent JS, et al: Soparkar CNS, Anderson RL, Pennington J H. Cold urticaria: an underrecognized cause of postsurgical periorbital swelling. The patient was given topical steroids by his original surgeon, resulting in untreated intraocular pressure of 45OU. Our patients reported excellent outcomes post-operatively without any significant scarring. I was given antibiotic drops but havent seen any improvement in two weeks.I also appear to have webbing forming in both eyes but more so on the right (which also looks smaller). There is a wide range of cost/fee due to the condition of the patient and the procedures involved. On examination of the patient, the surgeon must look for ophthalmic and periocular disease by history and a full-eye examination. Due to the inability to close the eyelid, intractable exposure keratitis can result. 21, no. Cautery is applied as needed to achieve hemostasis. The patient demographics, clinical characteristics and outcomes are summarised in Table1. It also includes deciding which technique to perform (steel blade versus CO2 laser, transconjunctival versus external approach to lower blepharoplasty). Canthal rounding can occur following surgery to the medial or lateral canthus. Is this resolvable? All research was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Patients with vitiligo may have an increased risk of hypopigmentation. Nonlaser-induced postoperative hyperpigmentation can result from hematoma formation and excess sun exposure. The palpebral fissure shape and dimensions should be preserved and sometimes corrected during blepharoplasty. Early recognition and aggressive massage will eliminate the majority of cases. Consideration can be given to prophylactic lower lid elevation and posterior lamellar grafting at the time of blepharoplasty surgery. 4, pp. D. R. Jordan and R. L. Anderson, The lateral tarsal strip revisited: the enhanced tarsal strip, Archives of Ophthalmology, vol. Eye 36, 564567 (2022). Incisions should be at least 4 to 5mm above the punctum to avoid the canaliculus. Running, interrupted, subcuticular, and other cutaneous skin closures can be with absorbable or nonabsorbable suture, incorporating skin and orbicularis muscle tissue, which aids in the lid crease formation (. Often lateral where there is increased vertical tension. After 24 hours of spinal-trauma dose level of steroids (solumedrol 30mg/kg bolus over 15 minutes followed by 5.4mg/kg per hour) without response, one can discontinue the drug, possibly after repeat imaging. I would like to have this corrected as soon as possible and need advice. Article This can also lead to corneal dellen formation, or a dry cornea can break down de novo. 4, pp. Blepharoplasty is an operation to modify the contour and configuration of the eyelids in order to restore a more youthful appearance. Lower blepharoplasty is one of the most common facial plastic surgery. Several surgical techniques to repair canthal rounding have been described previously. Severe pain, decreased vision, and progressive swelling may represent retrobulbar hemorrhage and should be brought to immediate medical attention. If deeper scarring requires release, it should be done at the time of skin graft placement. Orbital hematoma, ectropion, and scleral show, Clinics in Plastic Surgery, vol. It should be noted that these products also may thin the blood and increase the chance of postoperative bleeding. It is virtually unheard of for this to fail to resolve. The subciliary skin muscle flap approach to the fat pads is avoided if at all possible. Once patients concerns are identified, the surgeon should inquire about cardiac and thyroid disease, hypertension, diabetes, bleeding diathesis, and keloid scar formation. A posterior lamellar graft is then placed between the cut lower edge of tarsal plate and the recessed cut conjunctival edge. The information on RealSelf is intended for educational purposes only. Up to 24 hours, cantholysis and pressure release (if the orbit is still tense) and steroid treatment can be utilized. Laser can be used to expose the superficial fibers of the levator for incorporation into the skin closure. Also, avoid excess cautery to the levator. Treatment is focused partly on identifying the source of bleeding, but frequently active bleeding has subsided from tamponade within the closed orbital compartment. Proptosis, decreased motility, and increased orbital tension, and associated bleeding are the clinical signs to appreciate. Even a moderate amount can be upsetting to the patient who has always been heavy lidded. (Remember there is an increased rate of dehiscence of the periosteal attachment in these circumstances.) I had an upper bleph three weeks ago (22 days out). To minimize bruising, the patient should avoid using anticoagulative drugs, control his or her hypertension if present, and avoid postoperative trauma, bending, and straining [4]. The procedure can be carried out under local anaesthesia only or in combination with sedation. 1, pp. Patients with progressive edema, pruritus, and discomfort despite antibiotic therapy and cessation of topical ointments may have PACU. Rapid treatment is critical. This is also a good way to ensure one has not forgotten the medial fat pad in terms of fat removal. Webs abnormal folds of skin can occur in both areas and are referred to as medial and lateral canthal webs. An allergist should guide the workup and management of this condition. Hard palate mucosa or upper eyelid tarsoconjunctiva can be utilized as the graft, but one must remember that these patients have had aggressive surgery already. The etiology of eyelid retraction is usually the incorporation of orbital septum in deeper tissues. In equivocal cases, a posterior lamellar graft can be tried first, and the patient warned that a following procedure with a skin graft may be necessary. It is, therefore, often wise to avoid further manipulation of the upper lid by taking a donor graft from it. Correspondence to at my consult, the Dr. mentioned that in order to get parallel, i would need to get epicanthoplasty as well but that theres a chance of having visible scarring with epicanthoplasty. To avoid this, use a Q-tip backstop immediately behind the fat incision made by the CO2 laser. Antiglaucoma medications and anterior chamber paracentesis are treatments aimed at central retinal artery occlusion, not orbital hemorrhage. If skin shortage is evident however, full-thickness skin grafting may be needed. Figure 3 shows an example of lagophthalmos secondary to the overcorrection of the upper lid. Prevent by planning an incision that extends to the medial commissure; May be corrected by Zplasty, Wplasty, transposition flaps, or YV advancement procedures; Ptosis. The lateral canthal angle is reformed to an acute configuration [2426]. The oblique divides the medial lower fat pad from the central lower fat pad and it should be easily identified, and thus protected. Prompt decompression of the orbit alone can restore vision. The exception can be the patient who has had a combined blepharoplasty and levator advancement ptosis repair and is obviously under corrected at about a weektheir wound can be readily opened and the slipped levator suture replaced fairly easily. Very rarely topical or injected steroids can be used, as true keloids of the eyelid skin are rare. Safety of Periocular Mohs Reconstruction: a Two-Center Retrospective Study. A slit lamp examination and Schirmers test are necessary in this authors view. 87, no. McKean-Cowdin R, Varma R, Wu J, et al. The surgery involves removing redundant skin, fat, and. The patients racial, ethnic, or congenital facial features must be noted and discussion made as to what, if anything, is to be changed. The skin incision should still be kept low, perhaps at 5 to 6mm at the most. Any true globe injury must have prompt and appropriate treatment by an ophthalmologist. If persistent, intense pulse light is a useful adjuvant treatment. Discomfort and edema are expected after surgery and are usually adequately managed with acetaminophen. An effective emergency contact arrangement needs to be in place so prompt assessment and intervention can be carried out [33]. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. Time will soften an upper eyelid crease as the patient learns to relax eyebrows which were chronically arched preoperatively (due to dermatochalasis) and the crease itself becomes less sharply defined. The median age was 65.5 years (range: 2688). 2013;29:20814. T. R. Hester, The trans-blepharoplasty approach to lower lid and midfacial rejuvenation revisted: the role and technique of canthoplasty, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, vol. Note any resistance to passive lid movement. A tense, enlarging orbital hematoma and brisk incisional bleeding are clinical signs. A contact lens does require a daily or near daily visit until the abrasion is healed and the lens is removed. Younger patients may want to retain fullness above the lid crease so that preservation of orbicularis muscle may be considered, Older patients may need to retain blink efficiency so that so that preservation of orbicularis muscle may be considered, In Caucasian women, the crease is usually 811mm above the lid margin. Patients who view cosmetic surgery as a commodity rather than a medical procedure with attendant risks should not be operated on. Photos in Fig. CO2 laser incisions need 7 days to heal, so sutures are removed on day 7 or 8. R. L. Anderson and D. D. Gordy, The tarsal strip procedure, Archives of Ophthalmology, vol. Usually, it is a mistake to try and change their upper eyelid nature too drastically, unless this desire and postoperative appearance is made abundantly clear. Therefore, it is critical to release the septum from these deeper tissues. do you think epicanthoplasty would be a good option? It is important to elicit particular concerns of each individual patient, and also for the surgeon to identify unrealistic expectations. 3, no. In older patients with excess upper lid fat, the septum needs to be formally opened to remove preaponeurotic fat. You have full access to this article via your institution. f The flaps are secured into their new positions. 49, no. Difficult to rectify? Proptosis, severe pain, decreased visual acuity, relative afferent pupillary defect, and elevated intraocular pressure confirm the diagnosis. This is due to more rapid and wider diffusion of the local anaesthetic agent, affecting other structures such as cranial nerves. R. D. Anderson and M. W. Lo, Endoscopic malar/midface suspension procedure, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. Abnormalities of lower eyelid position include lower lid retraction with scleral show, rounding of the lower eyelid contour, rounding of the lateral canthal angle, and ectropion. Google Scholar. For more proximal obstructions with tearing a sequence of increasing interventions is possible. 2, pp. Allergy Asthma Proc 2003; 24:9. Assess degree of lacrimal gland prolapse. Some surgeons prefer to place a corneal protector in each eye. Patients may prefer to retain or change certain features such as relative hollowness or fullness of the upper eyelid sulcus. Finally, management of complications is just as important as surgical technique. Excess preaponeurotic and/or nasal fat is removed. Twelve patients have undergone this surgical technique for correction of post-surgical canthal rounding. Inadvertent trauma to an extraocular muscle with deep dissection in orbital fat may occur. Anticoagulants may increase the risk of postoperative bleeding. If the lid crease is marked 8 mm above the lash margin, for example, the upper edge of the incision should be 12 mm below the brow margin. Mild hyperpigmentation is relatively common at 4 weeks postresurfacing and will usually resolve spontaneously. One must be careful to note patients with poorly developed midfacial bony structure where the lower lids already sit low, and where the potential for postoperative retraction is much higher. 4350, 1985. Patients may fail to recognize substantial change in their appearance until they view pre- and postoperative photographs. Similarly, if the patient is asked to look up, the orbital septum will not move when grasped but the levator will. Plast Reconstr Surg 1971; 47: 246. If the obstruction is more distal than 8mm from the punctum (unlikely in blepharoplasty surgery), a canaliculo-dacryocystorhinostomy may reconstruct the system. In addition to a thorough pre operative assessment and meticulous surgical planning, understanding the etiology of complications is key to prevention. Massry GG. 1997;13:849. Similarly, corneal epithelial breakdown can result in transient pain, foreign body sensation and tearing. Levator function is assessed to identify myogenic ptosis. If this persists, the lower crease can be raised by making a higher incision to match and fixating the crease to the levator aponeurosis just above the top of the tarsal plate. May be due to incision extended too far medially. Retrobulbar hemorrhage is a form of compartment syndrome, with the orbit bounded by four bony walls and the orbital septum acting as the compartment. In patients with extremely excessive skin, low-set brows, previous brow lift, or previous blepharoplasty, particular care must be taken. Systemic osmotic agents (mannitol) and steroids are an adjunct but will not take the place of prompt pressure release. Normal postoperative swelling may normally worsen during the initial 24 hours following surgery and can be partly alleviated by applying ice. If a definite levator laceration is observed, it should be repaired if it is causing ptosis. The experienced surgeon who is certain that the levator muscle and aponeurosis was identified and preserved during surgery will not be alarmed. One possible issue is that tissue stretching may occur over time, leading to rounding recurrence. The addition of epinephrine to local anesthetic solutions prolongs the duration of action of the anesthetic agent and may reduce intraoperative bleeding. Dermatitis: Chronic dermatitis caused by redundant skin is an indication for surgery. However, this was not encountered in our patient group. Patients often complain of headache and brow ache from overworked frontalis muscles, pulling excess skin away from the eyelid margins. 1% or 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000200,000 units of epinephrine is typically used, sometimes with the addition of hyaluronidase. Nonsedating antihistamines may help control cold-induced symptoms. Excess skin only may be removed or orbicularis muscle and/or fat may be removed as well. 2 months post upper, lowers, and canthoplasty. If canthotomies have not restored vision, spreading bluntly posteriorly into the orbit along the lateral wall to access deep hematomas and release them, may be helpful. Lateral canthal support is used to address the lower eyelid laxity either by . Aesthetic and functional abnormalities result from excess skin and fat removal and from excess scarring and adhesions involving the levator aponeurosis. The conjunctival incision made in a transconjunctival lower lid blepharoplasty never requires sutures. Measure skin amount in millimeters between the lower border of the central brow and the eyelash margin. Several surgical techniques to repair. Arch Ophthalmol 1999; 117:907. Head elevation and limiting activity may reduce edema. Therefore, one needs to be gentle when freeing up the fat from the underlying levator or the levator can be damaged inadvertently. Lid crease in Asians can be absent, may be nasally tapered, or flat but typically lies lower and flatter than Caucasians. May occur with CO2 laser, steel scalpel, radiofrequency needle, or local anesthetic injection. To obtain 3, pp. Lower eyelid of the same patient shown in Figures. When needed, lid crease fixation method depends on surgeon's preferences and experience (. Filling in the hollowed areas can be problematic. The surgeon needs to stop the bleeding but at the same time avoid excess cautery or other trauma to the muscle. Thank you for visiting nature.com. Medial canthal webbing seen after upper lid blepharoplasy done by a dermatologist. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2004; 20:426. Besides webbing and incisions up to my eye brows I have this sagging in my left eye. Lee CW, Sheffer AL. Helps assure adequate skin remaining to prevent lagophthalmos postoperatively, Visual field testing with eyebrows relaxed, patient looking straight ahead, and the eyelids in normal relaxed position. Risk factors for overcorrection include previous eyelid trauma, dermatological conditions leading to tight skin, and Graves disease. Lastly, there are occasional patients who develop unrelated cranial nerve palsies some weeks or months after surgery by chance alone. I have started massaging the area and wearing silicone strips at night. One way to identify levator versus septum is to remember that the septum fuses with the orbital arcus marginalis. In Asian and Black patients, CO2 laser can be safely used inside the skin for fat removal, but laser skin incisions are to be avoided in these patients due to increased risk of scar hypertrophy and dyspigmentation. This is a retrospective case series describing the technique using illustrative cases from across three sites (London [UK], Adelaide [Australia], Sydney [Australia]). If the orbital septum is pulled, the surgeon can feel it tighten when a finger is placed under the brow. Proper repair is an art in itself. Photographs help the surgeon explain to the patient unique facial features important for planned surgical procedure. I have scar webbing from a previous lower bleph. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Eye (Eye) Deep to these layers is the orbital septum, which originates from the arcus marginalis at the superior orbital rim and inserts on the . 2, pp. R. R. Tenzel, Complications of blepharoplasty. Corneal scarring due to incision extended too far medially will eliminate the majority of.! 4 weeks postresurfacing and will usually resolve spontaneously or months after surgery by chance alone of lagophthalmos secondary the. Visual loss progressive swelling may represent retrobulbar hemorrhage and should be treated with bleaching creams extended... Can alternatively be used, sometimes with the orbital septum will not move when but! Factors for overcorrection include previous eyelid trauma, dermatological conditions leading to tight skin, and thus protected webbing when. If the patient who has always been heavy lidded often wise to avoid further of. 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