Talk about throwing in the towel! Barbell bench press 5 Sets of 8-12 reps Incline dumbbell fly 5 Sets of 8-12 reps Bar dips 5 Sets of 8-12 reps Cable crossover 5 Sets of 8-12 reps Dumbell skull crushers 5 Sets of 8-12 reps Cable row tricep pushdown 5 Sets of 8-12 reps Cable overhead extension 5 Sets of 8-12 reps However, after a few weeks, you will feel mentally drained. Rest-Pause is a bad idea for naturals, Id say. After 2-3 weeks I can see noticeable gains. Robert H U really dont knowe the meaning of HIT . Before you go sprouting information, name calling Mentzer fagsbest you get your facts straight. Dont get your info from poorly summarized third person articles that miss many of the important details of the HIT method. By utilizing a large number of muscles at the same time, you promote the release of essential anabolic hormones that are vital for increasing strength and muscle mass. Write by: Conversely, when you train more often, the body has no time to lose its condition. I dont see the above as rhetoric. Take breaks. Keep protecting that manhood keyboard warrior. A heavy duty workout should be relatively short, but the intensity must be taken to the ultimate limit. See my post above. The Heavy Duty system was different from other bodybuilding regimens and even quite different from the bodybuilding workouts that you see. In order for adaptation to occur, there must be stress. Even though MikeMentzer passed away in 2001 at the age of 49, his ideas about bodybuilding continue to influence thousands of people worldwide every year. The intensity (heavy weight) provides the strike force whereas the volume spreads the damage over the muscle tissue. Keep your back straight, knees bent, and feet at a shoulder-width distance. And you have to get past volume routines. Sorry to tell you it isnt a matter of grasping a routine, any routine, and running with it. Wrong again. For me Mikes HD training system is perfect, being 48 years of age it allows my body to recuperate while the workouts of short & intense. He just kept quiet about it. The Mike Mentzer workout is a high-intensity training program desi. The reps build fluid in the muscle, not muscle fibers. Nope. Cole Wright, Springfield (39-6) 2. Due to the resurgence of rest/pause training we present the following excerpt from Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty Journal. WebMike Mentzer was a legendary bodybuilder who won the 1978 Mr. Universe, becoming the first bodybuilder ever to get a perfect score from the judges. You are everywhere in regards to this HIT vs volume debate and developing one hell of a cult following in regards to this topic of conversation.People nowadays just quite simply look down the comments section of YouTube in regards to both Mentzer brothers, Casey Viator, Arthur Jones and anything to do with the HIT vs Volume debate just to see if they can find your comments.You really are one helluva character !!! With that being the case, Ill pick the one that requires less gym time. The hit proponents try to keep selling hit but if it really worked, it wouldnt need selling. Engage your core muscles and press your feet into the floor. Mike Mentzer said that the progress should be immediate and continuous. High volume dont work, 20 rep squats dont work, HIT dont work, make up youre fucking mind. Further the training partner would act as a spotter for rest pause set as the lifter would add singles with time in-between single rep mini sets. Unlike most believe, Mike Mentzer did warm up his clients with a few lighter weight sets with slow cadence and controlled form with no momentum. The Heavy Duty system was different from other bodybuilding regimens and even quite different from the bodybuilding workouts that you see. I have also found like another contributor that five days rest between body-parts seems to keep cropping up as an optimum pause. with a perfect score and also one of the first bodybuilders to promote high-intensity training as a means for building muscle seriously. His workout philosophy mattered. Its the laws of nature the dictate training requirements. There is no further debate. In the late 80s to early 90s, Mentzer started his clients on a 3-day-a-week split routine of 7-9 total sets. How much volume is different for each individual. Shop eBooks and audiobooks at Rakuten Kobo. WebNumber of repetitions in approach
Key points in Mike Mentzers system are the minimum amount of work essentially just one working approach in an exercise, and much rarer workouts. Ill stick to my constant progression on an abbreviated program. 2. Mike Mentzers Heavy Duty workout routine was unique because it was a. that was only performed one day per week. 285 pounds. No hitter has a bodybuilder physique. Total crap, after two months I was mentally drained and i looked fatter and deconditioned. Then, begin training the same body part 2 times a week. If you are man enough to have the will, psychologically and physically to do the work, Heavy Duty is the way to go. The USC Trojans will likely get to the NCAA Tournament if they win two more games this season. The focus on calories in Mike Mentzer's diet shouldn't come as a surprise. Remember, only steroids can get one past their genetic potential, not a magic routine. WebGet this Public Opinion page for free from Wednesday, June 4, 1969 URS - Sem-privit 2 fa and 7 to p.m.; maternity, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. As you land with your knees bent, simultaneously take a squat position and complete another repetition. Arnold is my hero so is Lee priest and I have no investment in HD whatsoever, so I promise an unbiased opinion. Rest enough and this works. Because its a fad and fads come and go, what actually works, sticks. Bench presses, squats, dead lifts, shoulder presses and pull/chin-ups are all favored in HIT workouts. Youve already shown how clueless you are, with foolish statements and name calling. The work set should leave the lifter on the floor with vivid hallucinations before the eyes. He was an A student who enrolled in pre-medicine at the University of Maryland but left after three years to serve in the US Air Force. But for strength its better. If you dont agree thats fine; I cant see the point in going round in circles repeating the same old rhetoric. Mike Mentzers Chest Workout. 1 1. Incline dumbbell fly (5 sets, 8 reps) 2 2. Flat barbell bench press (5 sets, 6-8 reps) 3 3. Bodyweight dips (5 sets, 10 reps) 4 4. Flat dumbbell fly (5 sets, 8 reps) 5 5. Incline barbell bench press (5 sets, 6-8 reps) Unlike other bodybuilders who ate fewer carbs than protein, Mike believed eating a lot of carbs helped him win competitions. WebHis cocky, confident attitude and massive frame with his ability to bench press 400lbs for reps earned him a place with the big players. Ischemia serves to demonstrate that the intensity of each set diminishes with the physiologic changes that attend strength increases. Load at least 70% of your maximum pushing capacity. And Im all natural, I only eat 3 meals a day and take Whey protein once a day. It promoted the idea that you only train once a week or two weeks in some cases and youll build a body of a Greek god. Stand upright and bring your arms over your head. Mentzer used to believe that exercising at a high level of intensity was essential for size gain and strength, and his upper body and overall physique were proof that high-intensity exercises could do wonders if performed correctly and consistently. Its versatile; you can use it in a wide range of dishes, from stir-fries to curries or salads. Ellington Darden, one of the foremost exercise physiolgists, has published numerous books/studies that espouses Mentzners theories. It never caught on as it failed to deliver. Keep pretending youre 250. When they have done that and have reached a meaningful weight they should start to see results. His training style was basically developed from high-intensity Leg Exercises: Squats / Hack Squats / Leg Press / Leg Extensions / Leg Curls Daily or as Needed Abdominal Exercises: Situps / Rope Crunches Calf Exercises: Standing Calf Raises / Donkey Calf Raises / Seated Calf Raises Forearm Exercises: Heavy dutytraining leaves the muscles in agony, but the most damage is actually eaten by the Central Nervous System. None. Realty Executives Jones Realty & Mgmt. Why? Agreed. Bodyweight Dips: 5 sets x 6 reps (60 seconds between sets). Whether youre looking for a complete body transformation or just finding a routine to add to your current workout plan, Mike Mentzers Heavy Duty approach and diet plan are a solid foundation to begin building on. If you account for weights used and time under tension (including negatives, focus on eccentrics,drop sets, and rest pause sets) and actually calculate, an HD workout actually has a lot more volume than a typical 55 workout. As I say, if Mike was being honest, its fact. A dumbbell overhead or a dumbbell shoulder press is a weightlifting exercise that not only targets the muscles in your upper body but also your trapezius, lower back muscles, glutes, and triceps. Before you go sprouting information,name calling Mentzer fagsbest you get your facts straight. When a routine previously yielded strength gains, then eventually doesnt, it can hardly be because of the laziness of trainees. Mike also helped me put together a workout for my 17-year-old brother for his senior track season. ); all you need to do is add a little to the load (say increase it to 605 or even less). A lateral raise is a shoulder workout that targets the trapezius in your upper back and the deltoid in your shoulders. The benefit of Arnolds training therefore was that he emphasised the need to train each bodypart at least once every four days. So again, you are making yourself look stupid with falsehoods! Volume rules because it works. If you read nutrition labels, sucrose, glucose, fructose, and maltose, all refer to sugar. HD sucks for nattys. Training to failure compromises the cns too much. Google for some modification. I have trained people since the 70s using Mike methods, and providing they put in the effort they were rewardedquickly and efficiently!!! In my op If you aint sore you aint growing. All bodybuilders are con men. When he was 18, Mentzer entered and won physique competitions. Schwarzenegger was Mr. Volume, and he also was Mr. Roids. He started weight training at age 12 and, by age 15, could bench press 370 pounds. In fact when we discussed it Mike simply said dont get too hung up on it. This article is clearly opinion based, not off experience . Arnold and his friends were training six days a week, two times a day. Otherwise he wouldve slipped into obscurity. This will ensure that the body does not have time to adapt or plateau in its development. Where are all of this natties getting amazing results with heavy duty? I think youre missing the point. 1. Lee saw Yates do more sets, not his one set to failure training when Lee trained with Yates in Australia. Im finding I get great results if theres about 4-5 days between hitting each of my splits for example back, shoulders and triceps every five days. Good luck! What Im arguing is that his earlier works that focussed on increasing intensity were key. What he taught worked for me. If you reach the upper-limit of your potential and cant add any more to the load and have tried reducing volume and frequency, then you could look at other ways to make training more difficult. And Ill work hard and stay strong and it wont matter 1 set or more I wont make excuses. Well I swing between 250-260#, and Ive been a staunch Heavy Dutyer since 1978. Before we dive into Mike Mentzers workout exercises, heres a summary of Mike Mentzers principles for building muscle mass: Intensity: The amount of effort you put into each set must increase as your body adapts to your routine. Dont worry, I will explain all of these training methods in great detail below. But, after months of unbreached progress, he hit a plateau, unable to gain any more, either in size or strength. Juice:Mike Mentzer drank different juices, including orange and grape juice, combined with a protein shake. B. Enjoy your super slow machine sets, but its not happening. Within one year I went from 155 to 180, all natural and I dont fully do HIT like Mike Mentzer but I firmly believe in the 1 working set. He went hard on all sets and on the last set he did forced reps and negatives. It requires years of hard work and consistency to achieve success. Hit sucks. Is that you,Captain Mantastic otherwise known as OldSkoolBodybuildingRoutines otherwise known as Rob Jeffery ? Over training is real if you arent on gear it takes a leap of faith to unlearn all the volume BS youve been reading about and using all these years. Look at Ellington Darden for instance, built his body with volume. Or, did you know that many of your How Frank Zane Built One of the Greatest Physiques the World has Ever Seen. Sadly, he took everything to the other extreme. WebSearch results for "The Golden Age of Bodybuilding" at Rakuten Kobo. It consisted of very few exercises per workout, each performed for one set only. Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 5 sets at 8 reps each set. That tells me all I need to know. This man owns a large gym, he used to compete as does many of his members. Instead, he suggested four portions of high-quality grains and fruit, as well as two servings of dairy and protein. Slightly bend your knees, hinging them from your hips, and keep your shoulders back and relaxed. Since October last year my body stood still but with your advice, re negative training, I have increased my weight by 2.6 kilos. HIT advocates with their endless claims and no proof to back it up. WebFebruary 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . You keep wasting your time with hit. All the hit books are filled with bodybuilders who are on drugs and dont even do hit, they do volume. Finally, during his competitive career, Robby gravitated towards Mike Mentzer. Mike didnt follow the typical high-carb approach either, which usually included eating lots of fruit or drinking fruit juices during workouts. Wed- Back and arms. If hit really worked as it states wed all be doing it. The majority of bodybuilders of the many decades built their bodies with a good amount of volume. Burpees are a very effective high-intensity upper body exercise that help develop full-body strength and endurance and offer result-worthy cardio training. I admit it though, I initially refused to believe it would work, as it went against everything I had learned up to that point. Eating bad food, chain smoking along with his amphetamine addiction caused his death. He didnt even use hit to bodybuild but instead used it to sell books to make money. b. Infrequent training causes de-adaptation. So, for anyone out there who wants to achieve a muscular upper body like Mike Mentzer, these high-intensity exercises are a must. Most important point; do a 4-2-4 cadence until failure and wait a week for each bodypart. Why? I kicked his ass.. Mentzers principles had a superb goal to finally place quality over quantity. Mentzer is known for his unique When your training is infrequent, the downtime is too long, and the body starts reverting to its previous weaker state. I also know Darden, dating back to 1983, hes of similar vane. Thats why his Consolidation Routine is basics focused. Mike believed that it was necessary to train less frequently because the body was becoming overtaxed. Some arent. All these hitters claiming theyve made amazing gains on hit are greatly exaggerating. For natties, volume works. He consumed foods heavy in protein, such as chicken and eggs. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a firm grip at shoulder level. If you are not used to Heavy Duty lifting, you may find it extremely refreshing. Quickly jump into the air and land back slowly at the same place where you started. Last edited by Toenail Juice Z; 16-Sep-2001 at 02:43 Business Advisory; Business Valuation; Corporate Finance; Cash Flow Modelling; M&A Advisory; Venture Capital; Private & Public Partnerships; Owner Supervision And Internal Control I honestly couldnt believe it but it made me giddy. However, the regimen incorporates machines too because thats the only way to safely perform forced negatives and assisted reps. Its much safer to do negatives on a bench press machine than with an actual barbell. Yates did more powerlifting type training but disguised it as some revolutionary way of training. So for natural bodybuilders heavy duty program should be the best approach because it provides the most recovery. He advocated a diet of 6,000 calories per day to gain a pound of muscle each year. Sorry this article is ridiculous. Hit has been debunked many times over. The exercises of choice are usually solid compound movements (e.g., bench press, dips, squats, deadlifts). Most of these hitters couldnt even bench press 20kg dumbbells in each hand. Featured are the six distinct approaches to Machine sets, but the intensity ( Heavy weight ) provides the strike whereas... Orange and grape juice, combined mike mentzer bench press a protein shake I looked fatter deconditioned. Routine of 7-9 total sets the trapezius in your upper back and the in! 2 times a week for each bodypart at least once every four.... 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