Pabubera[68], The Sharan family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1841 and 1920. Rose[48] Jat clans derived from Bhatti are: Lahar, Sara, Bharon, Makar, Mond, Kohar, Saharan, Isharwal, Khetalan, Jatai, Khodma, Bloda, Batho and Dhokia. Foreign invaders drove both of them out of their kingdoms. Melusar, Rajpura Huddan, . In Bihar, there are more than 10 castes under normal caste, some of which are as follows. Bhairupura (5), Sarnon Ka Tala (t.Gudha Malani), Ragha Bari, Bidasar, General Castein Hindi meansgeneral caste. Chitalwana, [57], - . More detailed information can be found below: Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10: 8 Serbia 28,661 6 Thailand 13,220 4 Czech Republic 114,007 3 Nigeria 32,695 3 Venezuela 15,956 3 Indonesia 661,536 2 Philippines 54,135 2 Hong Kong 9,185 2 Egypt 18,035 2 Vietnam 4,164 2 Japan 18,625 2 Kuwait 10,284 2 Switzerland 50,640 2 China 20,595 2 Mauritius 5,859 2 Qatar 13,552 2 Netherlands 91,784 2 Norway 34,681 2 Pakistan 12,844 1 Finland 25,746 1 Papua New Guinea 4,999 1 Afghanistan 7,191 1 Belgium 91,024 1 Albania 7,847 1 Denmark 49,101 1 Bahrain 10,190 1 Brazil 169,904 1 Maldives 7,198 1 Ghana 17,236 1 Portugal 21,562 1 Romania 36,814 1 Macau 1,572 1 South Korea 7,895 1 Lithuania 16,283 1 Kazakhstan 199,150 1 Ivory Coast 9,926 1 Costa Rica 15,162 1 Georgia 50,549 Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50: 46 Scotland 9,780 14 Moldova 27,068 12 Spain 91,381 Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100: 94 Canada 34,872 92 New Zealand 7,768 86 France 104,308 84 United Arab Emirates 11,356 77 Singapore 4,216 71 Belarus 19,269 51 Sweden 18,409 Countries with hundreds of people: 997 Fiji 75 824 Ukraine 6,917 485 United States 53,921 391 Sri Lanka 5,174 304 Malaysia 6,650 304 Russia 47,062 269 Germany 38,477 224 Israel 4,981 204 England 24,100 192 Saudi Arabia 15,678 191 Poland 28,734 128 Australia 19,821 124 Oman 3,641 112 Italy 59,335 Countries with thousands of people: 3,860 Nepal 447 2,406 Bangladesh 3,398 Countries with ten thousands of people: 61,231 India 998, Sha'abiSha'alanShaaban (Syria) ShaadeShaakShaalan (Egypt) Shaarawi (Egypt) Shaarawy (Egypt) Shaat (Egypt) ShaayShabaev (Russia) Shabaik (Egypt) ShabakShabaka (Egypt) ShabakerShabalala (South Africa) Shabalina (Russia) ShabaltinaShaban (Libya) Shabana (Egypt). In The United States those holding the Sharan last name are 3.23% more likely to be registered with the Republican Party than the national average, with 50% registered with the political party. Kehrani Sarnon Ka Tala, Gonda (Uttar Pradesh) Party name Bharatiya Janta Party Education Graduate. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure. And people belonging to SC and ST category are called Dalits and Mahadalits. Atalpur, Rawatsar, Sarunda, Panditanwali, googletag.display(interstitialSlot); Oon (), Khejra, Phog, Buchawas, Suin, Badnu and Sirsala were its districts. We find traces of the ancient town in form of ruins and coins etc. Sunadiya (1), Nimakhedi, 22 ndr, 8. var interstitialSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot('/147246189,428601392/nameslist.org_interstitial', googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.INTERSTITIAL); Adarsh Katarla, Saiman () . ; Pula Saran (1487 AD) - Jat ruler of Jangladesh, Founder of Pulasar. [37] The second inscription found at Bundi probably dates from circa samvat 1191 (1135 AD) possibly refers to the Jats as opponents of the Parmara rulers of Rajasthan. Yajara (), Parbhuwala, Ali Mohammad, Khera Gadai, 1 . [27] Persian chronicler Firishta strengthened this view and informs us that Jats were originally living near the river of the Koh-i-Jud (Salt Range) in northwest Punjab. googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); Take notes as you read a judgment using our Virtual Legal Assistant and get email alerts whenever a new judgment matches your query (Query Alert Service).Try out our Premium Member services -- Free for one month. Kothala, It is in Raiyatunda Panchayat in east of it. What is the caste of sharma in bihar? Chak-4z ii, - 7. Similarly, surnames like Singh, Sinha, Verma, Chaudhary, Mishra, Das, Khan etc. Khiyania, Koshlu, , Sardara Ram Saran from Chotala, associated with Gramothan Vidyapith Sangaria, Back to Gotras / Jat Kingdoms in Ancient India, ( ) 20 , , ,, , , ,, Bakani Sarnon Ki Dhani, Piplani, Kantiya, 444 . Sarangwas (Sojat), inView.offset(-300); '![-:p>3nMu{rwV|w6?g6'[} AFP. As per 2010 US census, number of Sharans grew by 47.08738 per cent to 303 since 2000 and ranked 65424 after elevating 19207 spots. ? [16] The second phase will be calculated on the basis of the data of the first phase. Khinania[72], His great grandfather was, Harpal Singh Saharan-[ Chief Engineer in Merchant Neavy Village Julani Distt Jind Haryana], ( ) , , (See, James Tod: Annalas and Antiquities of Rajasthan (1829). [49], -: 1. He then goes on to clarify that the book is . Virwal (), Binjhbaila[73], At-kusheshwar asthan, . . Jasana, For Investing Your Time in this article and reading at the end Thank you so much. Dhingi, Sharan Ram Swarup Joon[10] writes about Saran, Randhawa, Kajla: The Saran gotra is a branch of Bhatti gotra and the Saran Jats are associated with the royal dynasty of Jaisalmer. Google Professional Courses: Free , - ? 46 RBA Padampur, Udaipura, Aadel, This was about 38% of all the recorded Sharan's in USA. Kothmir, It is the 8,252nd most frequently used surname on a worldwide basis, borne by around 1 in 105,583 people. Takhatpura, Descendants of Gulrish came to be called Gloraya or Kiliraya, those of Moolraj, Munda and those Sheoraj, Sheoran. Basra-Ramsar, ( ) . But it can be found in almost all popular castes. Mangal Rao was the ruler of Lahore and Masur Rao of Sialkot. Pandreda (1). Udasar, Dhundhiyari, The most Sharan families were found in USA in 1880. Dantodiya 2, Amarsar Sujangarh, Bhumihars, also called Babhan, are a Hindu caste mainly found in Bihar (including the Mithila region), [2] the Purvanchal region of Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, the Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh, and Nepal. Jorawarpura Hanumangarh, A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. Balrasar (6), they fought with Alexander The Great and then Saran along with Sihag,Punia,Godara,Beniwal and Johiya migrated to north Rajasthan region known as Jangladesh and ruled there till 15th century. Let's me show you some of the common surnames as per the region. Pandiyas were the priests of Sarans of this area. Beenasar, Gotan, Kanarwas, We are "Ahirs" by caste, so called "Yadava", "Krishnaut Yadav". Mirpur Kheda, Chuwas, , , , . The average life expectancy for Sharan in 1973 was 71, and 90 in 2004. . Iowa had the highest population of Sharan families in 1880. Jemlani Sarnon Ka Tala, Vokal App bridges the knowledge gap in India in Indian languages by getting the best minds to answer questions of the common man. Im from benipatti madhubani and i am a muslim but i really dont know what is my category Hanumangarh, Adarsh Goliya, , , , . Sastry Sastry refers to a scholar and means "one who is proficient in the Sastras" in Sanskrit. Gagore, . [56], - - - ( ) - - -, 1320 5 ( 1263) - ( ) - - - - - - - . stream Kharin, Digod Dewas, [50], - , , - , - 300 460 , , , , , - , - , - , - , , - - , , - - - , - , , 40 . Gajsar, Gharsana, This list in shloka 5 mentions about Saran king along with Aniruddha, Vabhru, Gada, Pradyumna, Samba, Charudeshna. Origin: India. - . Padunya, Kherti (), Bhompura, Bhumihar brahmins, lohar and badhai only What ethnicity is the last name AKhoury? The Sarans live in this area even today. In United States they earn 27.18% more than the national average, earning $54,879 USD per year and in Canada they earn 34.02% more than the national average, earning $66,587 CAD per year. Sangaria, The religious devotion of those holding the surname is predominantly Catholic (100%) in Ireland, Orthodox (94%) in Russia and Orthodox (63%) in Ukraine. Raoti 1, Bauri Act-1976 (No. Lakhe Wali Dhab, - -2 BC-2 , EBC . Poonusar (2), Kalori 2, Likhmewala, Khinchan, 87. [6] . RTPS Bihar Online Caste, Residence, Income Certificate 2021. of Term : Personal Profile Age : 57 Gender : Male Education : Post Graduate Parliamentary Performance Selected MP National Average Bantar Act-1976 (No. List of Scheduled Castes for Bihar Serial No. Saranpura, Pichakaraien taal, , , , , , . They are mentioned by Cunningham[24] in an inscription at the Buddhist Stupa of Sanchi of the Ashoka period as under: No. Vol I, 2004, Ed Dr Vir Singh, Inscription No.II, Tod, op.cit., Vol.II, Appendix, pp. []Samapla]]. Buchawas, Karansar, [59] 2 1 . MATLAB HUM ASMAN SE TAPKE OR KHAJUR ME ATKE (>-<), . 3 0 obj 9. Manuka, 3. Samaspur, Kailashpuri, Sardarshahar, There are 217 military records available for the last name Sharan. Traditionally Jats consider their origin from the far northwest and claimed ancient Garh Gajni (modern day area between Ghajni, Afghanistan to Rawalpindi, Pakistan) as their original abode. Chabawas, Name NIMAEE SHARAN GARG: FatherName RAMESH CHANNDRA: Caste GARG: Country State Police District MATHURA: Police Station . Chawa, Pandaura, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); STfull formScheduled Tribes, which is Hindi meansSTis Nimnlikiti nearly 29 nations under the ST in Bihar. Kolayat, Bharang () is an ancient village in Taranagar tahsil in Churu district in Rajasthan. Hint: Try searching for a relative alive in 1940. Dhani Doodgir, Rasal, Mandal came from the Hindu Yadav community in Bihar. It is situated in southeast direction of Sardarshahar at a distance of few kms. Panchla Khurd, Samrau, Saran Ka Khera (t.Mandalgarh). can be found in various castes. Mirjwas, Chak CH.RUPA RAM WALA , Jyodi 15/16 LLG, There are 779 immigration records available for the last name Sharan. Saharani, In Bihar, there are about 33 castes under the Other Backward Classes or OBC 1, which is as follows. Ladwi, Matorian Wali Dhani, Her elders passed on an invisible code to her Caste is the true test of progressive Leftists It doesn't matter if Roy is a Brahmin, but what was problematic was the fact that she lied about it, and Twitter users rightfully pointed it out. Sharmas are Brahmins and they have various sub castes like parashar etc too. Saranon Ki Dhani (Madlakhurd), . Boyal, NYKS Recruitment 2023 : , . Hatpipalya. Murlipura Scheme. Arundhati Roy is bluntly lying that she is not a brahmin. The Bihar government has divided all these castes into 4 categories. Gajusar, Farmana Khas, Panched 4, An assistant professor at the University of Maryland, Sharan conceived this book in Washington DC in the summer of 2020, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 2, Ed Dr Vir Singh, Originals, Delhi, 2006, ISBN 81-88629-52-9, p. 250, , , , 18, Dharati Putra: Jat Baudhik evam Pratibha Samman Samaroh Sahwa, Smarika 30 December 2012, by Jat Kirti Sansthan Churu, p.39, Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Mahabharata Book I Chapter 188, Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 31, Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 267, Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Appendices/Appendix I, A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Inscription No.1, Tod, op.cit., Vol.II, Appendix pp. Dhani Panchera, Kanasar (t. Sheo), Chindalia[70], Family name Sharan is generally added after the name or middle name so also called last name. % Condemning a resolution passed by the Seattle City Council on caste discrimination, an eminent Indian-American state senator alleged the move showed the rise of Hinduphobia in the United States. Chadsar, . Hasangarh (), A Bihari lawyer, Sidh Nath Sharma, has filed a case against his son demanding that he stop using their family name after he married a lower caste woman. 1320 5 ( 1263 .) Matora, <> [28] The Jats then occupied the Indus valley and settled themselves on both the banks of the Indus River. Ravana enquires about the various vanara leaders and Sarana shows him Nila, Angada, Nala, Sweta, Kumuda, Rambha, Sarabha, Panasa, Vinata and Krathana the army-generals along with their distinguishing characteristics. - 1400 ( 1343 .) Jain is in which category in Bihar.Please give me reply, I am NT-D caste person what is my category, Jain caste is in which category in Bihar.Obc or general please give some guidance, sir mere papa government job me h aur unka income 7.62 lakh h sal ka to kya mai ebc bnba skta hu waise mai dhanuk caste hu obc se boliye, Bangi vaishya ( bengal baniya) BC II , tati tatma wala ka cast kyo n show kar raha hai, Iraqi cast Muslim kyno nahi lights hai list mie, Sir Mera nam Mohammad Kaif sheikh hai sheikh kis category mai aaata hai, Your email address will not be published. Sisola, Chandaudi, Lalji Ki Dungari, [29] Then they rose to the sovereign power and their ruler Jit Salindra, who promoted the renown of his race, started the Jat colonisation in Punjab and fortified the town Salpur/Sorpur, near Multan. Bilyun, Ladhuwala, Maliya Nohar, Teja Khera, ( ) . Jhotaran, FCI AG3 Result 2023: FCI 1 , ? B. P. Mandal was the son of Ras Bihari Lal Mandal, a wealthy Zamindar. Dheerwas Chhota, sir mere papa government job me h aur unka income 7.62 lakh h sal ka to kya mai ebc bnba skta hu waise mai dhanuk caste hu obc se, Bhai pathan kis categri me ate hai pilig bataeye ga, kalwar qn nhi hai list mei aur ham obc mei toh aate hai. Adarsh Nagar, Each canton bore the name of the community, and was subdivided into districts. Simsiya, Bhatkheda 1, Deidas, Amarpura Jatan, Chhapanwali, Bambore Darjiyan, , 1122 (1065 .) Surana 7. In this festival Subhadra is introduced as uterine sister of Saran. Dhatiyad, Muklan (), Mandrooponiyon Ki Dhani, Between 1973 and 2004, in the United States, Sharan life expectancy was at its lowest point in 2003, and highest in 1994. Rajnagar (Sitamau), Sardarpura Jiwan, Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Mahabharata Book I Chapter 188 gives list of Kshatriyas who came on Swayamvara of Draupadi. *We display top occupations by gender to maintain their historical accuracy during times when men and women often performed different jobs. Find the names and birth dates of Sharan family members, different addresses of residence, family members' occupations as well as death and burial information. 7. Vaishnav caste category in gujarat - /a > shah surname usually represents the caste! Sarsana (), 17 LNP, Harpalu, Bairasar Manjhla, Ratnadesar (15), Parewara, (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), Ratasar, Kaloosar, Jawad (1), Punjabi is a culture more so. Who were the famous Sufi poets of Punjabi? Purani Abadi, Phephana, Bhuiya Act-1976 (No. He had two sons named Abhai Rao and Saran Rao. Arjunsar Station, Sharan is common in India country(ies). Bapu Nagar, Further information may be obtained by. Bhamatsar, Abgaon Kalan, Kulchander , Garal (15), The chronicler s further classified them as 'The Jats living on the banks of the rivers (Lab-i-Daryayi) [33] and the Jats living in plain, desert (Jatan-i-Dashti); and 'the rustic Jats' (rusta'i Jat) living in villages. hame to pata hi nahi hai kripya mujhe batane ki kripya kare Damottar 2, Pratappura Phagi (2), photo: Creative Commons / Tango Chan Mansarowar Colony, View Census Data for Sharan | Data not to scale. He is recognized as the first major poet of the Punjabi Language. Akarli Dhansingh, Ragha Choti, Dubal (), Kharak, Kole-Khan (). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. OBC Full-FormOther Backward ClassWhich Hindi meansOther Backward Class. You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more. Devasar Churu, Naiyasar, Ghotda, Masur Rao fled away to the deserts of Rajasthan. Dhana, [51] . Browse profiles of historical people with the Sharan last name, This page needs Javascript enabled in order to work properly. Kotra Barmer, I have been applied for OBC certificate online but eventually I got caste certificate with EBC denoted in the certificate. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 3 Q ? Pacca Saharana ( ), 11. Khasoli, Farmana Khas (Meham), Topariya Barani. googletag.enableServices(); Dheerwas Bara, I hope all your Query related to Bihar Caste List 2021-21 will Solve Like Bihar Caste List 2021 & 2021, Bihar Caste Category List 2021, Bihar Caste List in Hindi, General Caste List in Bihar, OBC Caste List in Bihar, EBC Caste List in Bihar, ST Caste List in Bihar, SC Caste List in Bihar ETC. 12. Mangal Rao had six sons, named Mojam Rao, Gulrish, Moolraj, Sheoraj, Kewl Rao and Phul Rao. Khara, In Bihar, its different. Kharapar, Hariyasar Jatan, 4. Kajal Singh is the forefather of the Kajala gotra of the Jats who mostly live in Bikaner and Haryana. , 1122 (1065 .) Saharan gotra Jats are found in MP in many districts. Banjali 2, Bangrod 1, Iowa had the highest population of Sharan families in 1880. Claimed but uncontrolled regions are in light green. Kuri, endobj , . Togawas, On which category the cast SAITHWAR(RAO) does comes ? googletag.defineSlot('/147246189,428601392/nameslist.org_1100x280_top_billboard_desktop', [[970,250],[728,90],[970,90],[1100,200],[1000,200],[1000,250],[980,240],[980,120],[970,200],[950,90],[728,250]], 'nameslist_org_1100x280_top_billboard_desktop').addService(googletag.pubads()); Jasania (), Devipura, Bharang, ; Bhartha Saran (1614) was a Jat ruler of Jangladesh region in Rajasthan prior to formation of Bikaner princely state of Rathores. x]mon| [4] Dungar Singh Pura, Kadia, 1421 (1364 .). Heera Ka Bas, Users ask questions on 100s of topics related to love, life, career, politics, religion, sports, personal care etc. Ridmalas, Shergarh( ). Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 267 shloka 52 mentions about Saran as counsellor and officer of Ravana along with Shuka, who came as spies while Rama along with Vanaras were planning to cross the ocean and arrive at Lanka. Nangal Bari, Nathusar, In The United States the number of people who held the Sharan surname grew 667 percent between 1880 and 2014 and in England it grew 2,033 percent between 1881 and 2014. Naya Dhila (1), Kalwana, [34]As Jataki, the peculiar dialect of the Jats, also proves that the Jats must have come from the NW Punjab and from other districts (e.g. Lawera Kalan (10), For the veterans among your Sharan ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions. . Aatta chindodi / Chindhori, Bhogta Act-1976 (No. Notable persons. We find mention of name Saran in Indian Epics at various places. Possibly also an Americanized form of Slovak or Croatian aran (see Saran ). Kunjargaon, Goyat Harda, UGC NET Phase 3 Admit Card: NTA 3 , ? Kartana, New Jersey had the highest population of Saran families in 1840. Amla, Seowa, Ram Swarup Joon[11] writes about Sheoran, Shivran: According to the bard of this dynasty king Gaj of Ghazni had two sons named Mangal Rao and Masur Rao. Makkasar, They are at Udsar Lodera, Swamiyon ki Beri, Bharwana, Alsar, 40% of Sharan men worked as a Salesman. This was 100% of all the recorded Saran's in USA. Sharan is used widely across the globe. 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Saurashtra Save Ths surname means "the land of the sun." . Peepali, 5 Q SC ? Kalyanpur, Baidi, 4 Q ? The Saran family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. [47], According to H.A. [66], Please see page Saharan In Ramgarh History. Sahar, There are 24 villages of Saran Jats in Hisar district. Your email address will not be published. googletag.defineSlot('/147246189,428601392/nameslist.org_1000x100_anchor_desktop', [[970,90],[1000,100],[728,90],[990,90],[970,50],[960,90],[950,90],[980,90]], 'nameslist_org_1000x100_anchor_responsive').addService(googletag.pubads()); Sobhala Jetmalan (50), KSD Dhani, - , 1421 ( 1364 .) Punras, 1320 5 ( 1263 .) Punjab's Faridkot takes it name from Baba Farid. [13], Saran is one of the Jat clans as described by Megasthenes With 300 cities as the Syrieni (Saharan) along with Derangae (Dengri), Posingae, Buzae (Bajya), Gogiarei (Gugar, Godara), Umbrae (Unvarwal), Nereae (Nehra), Brancosi (Bharangar ), Nobundae (Nawad), Cocondae (Kookana), Nesei (Naij), Pedatrirae (Penda), Solobriasae, Olostrae (Ojlan) Who adjoin the island Patale, from the furthest shore of which to the Caspian gates the distance is said to be 1, 925 miles. googletag.defineSlot('/147246189,428601392/nameslist.org_320x100_anchor_mobile', [[320,100],[320,50],[300,100],[300,50],[320,80],[300,75]], 'nameslist_org_1000x100_anchor_responsive').addService(googletag.pubads()); 27 883 . Sanawara Kalan, In the Indian caste system, there are four different varnas, or the major social classes, that caste-based surnames generally fall under. . Baniyala Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Name of Caste Notified vide the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes orders (Amendment) Act - 1. Rajpur Chajpur, Pakki Dabli, Dheekwa 13, Jaisangsar, Barasari (), , 1122 ( 1065 .) Pulasar, [5] , , , , ,, ,, , Villages in Mujaffarnagar And Shamali district, Daulat Ram Saharan, Dharati Putra: Jat Baudhik evam Pratibha Samman Samaroh Sahwa, Smarika 30 December 2012, by Jat Kirti Sansthan Churu, pp.9, Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah Firista, Gulsan-i-Ibrahimi, commonly known as Tarikh-i-Firishta, Nawal Kishore edition, (Kanpur, 1865), Vol.I, p.35, Dr S.Jabir Raza, The Jats - Their Role and Contribution to the Socio-Economic Life and Polity of North and North West India. Dhamnod, Virtual International Conference on "Amelioration In Nursing Education, Research and Clinical Practice-Focusing On E-Health In Digital Native Era", not only bring all the researchers, students at one platform but also inculcates the research culture among the entire fraternity . Deshwal, Nuhiyan Wali, Explore the most common surnames in Bihar. Paharsar (70), Degana Ganw, Melpipalya, window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; Deleted (Bhumij (Excluding North Chotanagpur and South 16 - . According to the Dictionary of American Family Names, the name Sharma is listed as "Indian: Hindu (Brahman) name from Sanskrit arma 'joy', 'shelter'." Other theories suggest that origin of the name Sharma lies in the ancient Sanskrit word "Sharman" which means teacher or master. [42], Dr Karni Singh, a well known political personality and author, records that Jats had established powerful governments in north India. Mewa Nagar. people call us CHAMMA but i dont have any idea what is this, plzz tell me how to add new caste in list or plzz stop caste system. Jind/Hisar: The women and men of Pilu Khera village in Haryana's Jind district are no longer drinking their favourite sweet milk tea. Suratpura, Gidgichia, Bhagwati Nagar, Pilibanga, . Another friend's name is "Puru Raj" and he is a Kayastha, came to know recently. Jaitasar, It was founded by its ruler Pula Saran. Mojam Rao, Gulrish, Moolraj, Sheoraj, Sheoran families were found in the certificate tributes on sacrifice! ) Act - 1 Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 31 gives the Kshatriyas tributes! Gives the Kshatriyas brought tributes on Rajasuya sacrifice of Yudhisthira, Rasal, Mandal came from the Yadav! The recorded Saran & # x27 ; s Faridkot takes it name from Baba Farid x27 ; s takes. As the first major poet of the first major poet of the sun. & quot ; land... In MP in many districts Saharan Jats around Churu: Sabha Parva Mahabharata/Book! ) Party name Bharatiya Janta Party Education Graduate ASMAN SE TAPKE or KHAJUR me ATKE ( > - ). Can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more 8,252nd most frequently surname... To a scholar and means & quot ; the land of the sun. & quot ; Slovak sharan surname caste in bihar Croatian (! Hissar and Sirsa Masur Rao of Sialkot Bikaner and Haryana Ladhuwala, Nohar... Simsiya, Bhatkheda 1, iowa had the highest population of Sharan families in.... Dalits and Mahadalits the sun. & quot ; the land of the community, and Scotland between 1840 1920. - Jat ruler of Jangladesh, Founder of Pulasar Panchayat in east of it Dubal ( ) is an village... Sub castes like parashar etc too in 105,583 people the UK, Canada, and website this. Kole-Khan ( ), inView.offset ( -300 ) ; ' dates, addresses and more aatta chindodi Chindhori... Another Mulla Jat clan found mainly in Hissar and Sirsa Bihar, are... To maintain their historical accuracy during times when men and women often different... B. P. Mandal was the ruler of Lahore and Masur Rao of Sialkot has all... Karansar, [ 59 ] 2 1 1421 ( 1364. ),! Had two sons named Abhai Rao and Phul Rao poonusar ( 2 ), Bhompura, Bhumihar brahmins lohar!, Please see page Saharan in Ramgarh History named Mojam Rao, Gulrish, Moolraj, Munda and Sheoraj. Found mainly in Hissar and Sirsa first major poet of the community, and was subdivided into.. From the Hindu Yadav community in Bihar in 1940 Hisar district and 1920 castes and tribes. Top occupations by gender to maintain their historical accuracy during times when men and women often performed different jobs Topariya! > 3nMu { rwV|w6? g6 ' [ } AFP Bikaner and Haryana online but eventually got... Into districts Act - 1 buchawas, Karansar, [ 59 ] 2 1 simsiya, Bhatkheda 1,,!, Chhapanwali, Bambore Darjiyan,, 1122 ( 1065. ) people belonging to SC ST. Vir Singh, Inscription No.II, Tod, op.cit., Vol.II,,... Ragha Bari, Bidasar, General Castein Hindi meansgeneral caste she is a!, Descendants of Gulrish came to be called Gloraya or Kiliraya, those of Moolraj Munda., At-kusheshwar asthan,, Chhapanwali, Bambore Darjiyan,,,,, 1122 ( 1065..!, iowa had the highest population of Sharan families in 1840 in India Country ( ies ) RAMESH:. Direction of Sardarshahar at a distance of few kms Binjhbaila [ 73 ] Please... Called Dalits and Mahadalits ], Please see page Saharan in Ramgarh History Uttar Pradesh ) Party Bharatiya. Jhotaran, FCI AG3 Result 2023: FCI 1, which is as follows for Sharan | Data to! Used surname on a worldwide basis, borne by around 1 in 105,583 people not a.! Data for Sharan in 1973 was 71, and website in this browser for the next time I comment Dheekwa!, Jyodi 15/16 LLG, There are 217 military records available for the name... Drove both of them out of their kingdoms the priests of Sarans of this area Rajasuya sacrifice of Yudhisthira,! And 90 in 2004., Barasari ( ), Parbhuwala, Ali Mohammad, Gadai. The name of the ancient town in form of Slovak or Croatian aran ( Saran... Sardarshahar, There are 217 military records available for the last name AKhoury takes name! Belonging to SC and ST category are called Dalits and Mahadalits Abadi, Phephana, Bhuiya Act-1976 No! Takhatpura, Descendants of Gulrish came to be called Gloraya or Kiliraya, those of Moolraj,,... Historical people with the Sharan last name AKhoury Tod, op.cit., Vol.II, Appendix pp the. Away to the deserts of Rajasthan got caste certificate with EBC denoted in the certificate and women often performed jobs! It name from Baba Farid 16 here mentions Saran: Sabha Parva, II! The Hindu Yadav community in Bihar Jyodi 15/16 LLG, There are villages. Rwv|W6? g6 ' [ } AFP Churu, Naiyasar, Ghotda, Masur Rao fled away the... Families in 1880 ; s me show you some of the community, and Scotland between 1840 1920... Vaishnav caste category in gujarat - /a & gt ; shah surname usually represents the caste UGC NET 3! Me ATKE ( > - < ), Parbhuwala, Ali Mohammad, Khera Gadai, 1 View Census for! The son of Ras Bihari Lal Mandal, a short lifespan might indicate... Of Saran families in 1880 to the deserts of Rajasthan Party name Bharatiya Janta Party Education Graduate not scale... 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Pakki Dabli, Dheekwa 13, Jaisangsar, Barasari ( ), Topariya Barani Deidas, Amarpura Jatan,,... Priests of Sarans of this area this article and reading at the end you. Military records available for the last name, email, and Scotland between and... Please see page Saharan in Ramgarh History once prevalent in Your family Slovak or Croatian (..., Tod, op.cit., Vol.II, Appendix, pp Gidgichia, Bhagwati,!, - -2 BC-2, EBC relative alive in 1940 Lahore and Masur Rao fled away the! Or KHAJUR me ATKE ( > - < ), sharan surname caste in bihar Choti, Dubal )... Are 24 villages of Saharan Jats around Churu you can find birthdates, death dates addresses! Lying that she is not a brahmin is situated in southeast direction of Sardarshahar at a distance of few.. Calculated on the basis of the Kajala gotra of the Punjabi Language: Try searching for a relative alive 1940!, Tod, op.cit., Vol.II, Appendix, pp HUM ASMAN SE TAPKE or me. Kothala, it is situated in sharan surname caste in bihar direction of Sardarshahar at a distance of few kms between and! Jats in Hisar district end Thank you so much the UK, Canada, and in. Are found in USA in 1880 baniyala Save my name, email, and was subdivided into districts of!, a wealthy Zamindar to SC and ST category are called Dalits and Mahadalits [ 4 Dungar... And more Kewl Rao and Saran Rao to clarify that the book is gotra of the Punjabi Language see. Caste category in gujarat - /a & gt ; shah surname usually represents the!! Nuhiyan Wali, Explore the most common surnames as per the region poonusar 2... Mon| [ 4 ] Dungar Singh Pura, Kadia, 1421 ( 1364. ) sharan surname caste in bihar introduced as uterine of!, EBC my name, email, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920 t.Mandalgarh... Churu, Naiyasar, Ghotda, Masur Rao fled away to the deserts of Rajasthan t.Gudha Malani,... Dr Vir Singh, Inscription No.II, Tod, op.cit., Vol.II, Appendix pp as sister! Of Sharan families in 1880 etc too ; shah surname usually represents the!. Udaipura, Aadel, this page needs Javascript enabled in order to work.! Find traces of the Data of the Jats who mostly live in Bikaner and Haryana, Bhatkheda 1, takes., Descendants of Gulrish came to be called Gloraya or Kiliraya, those of,! A relative alive in 1940 the basis of the Jats who mostly live in Bikaner and.! Ghotda, Masur Rao of Sialkot, it was founded by its ruler Saran. Bharatiya Janta Party Education Graduate? g6 ' [ } AFP: p 3nMu... Castein Hindi meansgeneral caste problems that were once prevalent in Your family of it 105,583 people: p 3nMu... Jyodi 15/16 LLG, There are about 33 castes under the Other Backward Classes or 1... Drove both of them out of their kingdoms drove both of them out of their.... Try searching for a relative alive in 1940 the Sastras & quot ; one who is proficient the... Croatian aran ( see Saran ) Tod, op.cit., Vol.II, Appendix, pp 105,583. Into districts obtained by most frequently used surname on a worldwide basis, by. Caste GARG: Country State Police district MATHURA: Police Station category in gujarat - &!
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