smart communications pa doc st petersburg fl

Approved mail is printed and delivered to inmates. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Please emailRA-CRMailProcedures@pa.govfor more information about the DOC's procedures with Original Transactional Documentation. You may mail a photo copy of a business document to the institution address starting January 31st or to Smart Communications. What happens if I send a photo book with more than 25 photos? Instead, the business office at each institution holds all inmate's official documents on file for them. Box 33028 St. Petersburg, FL 33733 Black/New Afrikan Liberation Support Group Email: register Photos from outside vendors are permitted. Smart Communications/PADOC SCI Forest Inmate Name, Inmate Number PO Box 33028 St Petersburg, FL 33733 How to Call an Inmate Inmates at SCI Forest can't receive incoming phone calls, but they do have access to phones during certain hours. Please enable scripts and reload this page. (717) 728-4063 or email them at Smart Communications can be abbreviated to "SC" and the institution name can be removed from address all together. SCI Camp Hill opened as the Industrial School at White Hill for young offenders. SCI Benner Township is designated as a Mental Health Stability Code D Facility. Follow Route 26 North. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. In an effort to curb the introduction of drugs into facilities, the Department of Corrections (DOC) has overhauled its system for sending mail to inmates, and the DOC continues to make changes to its mail procedures to maintain the safety of all inmates and staff. Current Population Report, Age Range of Offenders: 18 to 65 and over. Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services:Bradley Booher, Deputy Superintendent for Facility Management:Curtis Grice. full and correct inmate name and inmate number. It will be mailed to Smart Communications for normal processing. The Reentry Program is located on Housing Unit D-1, which serves as a Transitional Housing Unit. Upon this denial if the inmate wishes to appeal they have 15 working days to notify the Facility Manager in writing, in accordance with theDC-ADM 804 Inmate Grievance Systempolicy. The mail will then be printed and delivered to the inmate by the facility mailroom. I sent mail to an inmate through Smart Communications; however, the inmate never received the mail. Where can I get more information about Smart Communications? the full and correct inmate name and inmate number on the envelope. You should reach out to the DOC mail procedures resource email Please do not cut through SCI Rockview property. An inmate can order any book; however, it is still subject to content review by the Incoming Publication Review Committee, and content may not violate DC-ADM 803, "Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications.". Original Transactional Documentation are documents in which the inmate needs to sign and return the original to the sender (i.e. All mail is handled by a third-party vendor called Smart Communications. Publications sent to the Smart Communications will be returned to the sender. I accidentally sent my photo book to the Smart Communications address, not the SPC address, what will happen to my photo book? SCI Somerset, Post Office Box 33028. All vocational classes offer industry-recognized certifications specific to the trade skills taught in the program. We see this contract for what it truly is yet another way to completely privatize every facet of an incarcerated persons life. All general incoming correspondence sent to Smart Communications will be printed on 8 by 11 paper. It will then be printed at the institution by the SCI mailroom staff and transferred to the SCI Business office. The Security Processing Center processes the following materials: Use the SCI mailing address found on the SCI's webpage, Mail which is addressedto DOC staff members, Mail which contains cash, personal checks or money orders, Mail which is bound in the center or is in a format which prevents scanning, Mail that has been damaged by the United States Postal Services, The return address listed on the envelope. The ultra-reliable, industry-leading SmartEvo inmate telephone system with 100% commissions. Original Transactional Documentation, and If the address still does not fit you can leave SC out altogether. Smart Communications - Corrections, Simplified. From there, books and magazines will be delivered to inmates. Full return address of the court/ court entity, c. Court Control Number associated with the court/entity address, There is no secondary authentication number/time code associated with Court Control Numbers, *UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD THE ATTORNEY CONTROL NUMBER, COURT CONTROL NUMBER, OTHER CONTROL NUMBER AND/OR SECONDARY AUTHENTICATION NUMBER APPEAR ANYWHERE OTHER THAN THE OUTSIDE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE.*. We recommend that subscribers with internet access get our free email subscription and share our articles with your contacts and on social media. Are inmates limited to the number of books they may receive? The Security Processing Center (SPC) operates at a strict 2-3 week turnaround time. Continue on 220 South (this is also Route 26 South, for about 3 miles) and take the SECOND Bellefonte Exit (78A), which is approximately 6 miles. Photographs are limited to 25 per mailing. Smart Communications also offers the potential for deep surveillance. All photo books must be sent to the DOC's Security Processing Center using the address format below: Inmate Name/ Inmate Number268 Bricker RoadBellefonte, PA 16823-1667. ( It is highly suspect that a company could be found and a plan could be implemented in six days; so, was this already planned? Senders of mail who register withSmart Communicationscan receive alerts when mail arrives at Smart Communication and when it is delivered to or rejected by the DOC. Copyright 2009-2023 by Smart Communications Holding, Inc. CWP crew participates also pick up litter on their assigned roadways. Can photographs sent to Smart Communications be returned to the sender once its' been processed? Follow Route 26 North. connects family and friends with inmates, prisoners, and detainees in correctional institutions through an easy-to-use online communications system. SCI Smithfield houses approximately 180 Inmates on a permanent basis. All scanned mail is uploaded to a database that is organized/sorted by inmate. What happens if I mail an official document to Smart Communications? The original mail containing photographs will be securely stored for 45 days. Social Media Abuse:, Vocational Education: Optical, Braille, Custodial Maintenance, Cosmetology, Monthly Custodial Work at the National Guard Stryker Base in Cambridge Springs. Ultra-reliable, industry-leading inmate telephone technology with 100% commissions, Eliminate contraband, generate and retain investigative intelligence, and add safety at no cost, Electronic communications delivered through our kiosk or tablet platform. Smart Communications returns all phone revenue to agency, 2019 Deployed next-generation SmartVisit video visitation platform to replace previous platform, 2020 Provided support for video arraignment, funeral visits, and other special-case visitation in support of COVID-19 social distancing efforts. Who can I reach out to? If the inmate does not wish to appeal they can forward a cash slip with an addressed envelope to the mailroom within 15 working days from the denial to have the publication mailed out of the facility. A separate secondary authentication number will be emailed to each Attorney Control Number holder each week. The original design capacity of SCI Smithfield was originally for 492 inmates (A-G Blocks, RHU, and Medical cells). Take Route 322 west and follow Route 322 to the State College junction with Route 26. The expense was not to exceed $1,250,000, and $300,000 was provided for planning purposes. Its capacity was 1,012 with 500 maximum and 512 medium minimum-security cells. I have more questions about the Legal Mail procedures who should I contact? Number of Acres Inside Perimeter: 35.042Number of Acres Outside Perimeter: 4,268.88Number of Operational Structures (inside and outside of perimeter): 103Number of Housing Units: 14Housing units consist of both cells and dormitory-style housing.Special Features: Secure Residential Treatment Unit, Inmate Population: SCI Benner Township is equipped with a 19 bed infirmary that provides sub-acute hospital care with daily physicians rounds. Upon arriving at the facility mailroom the photographs will be denied and confiscated. The original design capacity of SCI Smithfield was originally for 492 inmates (A-G Blocks, RHU, and Medical cells). St. Petersburg, FL Grades Taught: Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade . Facility. They should have any photos sent to Smart Communications for processing. The electronic document will then be made available to the facility mailroom for printing. For mail tracking, please register at MailGuard Tracker. The Medical Department provides all medical and mental health services to the inmate population. ( This contract is paid for with tax dollars, leeching money from the families of the incarcerated. All general incoming correspondence and photographs will be destroyed after the 45-day retention unless otherwise instructed by DOC. Specialized programming is provided for the Special Needs Unit and for men in the age range of 40-50 years of age. Otherwise, the photo book will be destroyed. It is sent to inmates' location six days per week. Institution. All publications, including photo books, are searched for contraband at the Security Processing Center. Official Documents include but are not limited to: All official documents can be mailed directly to the institution address where the inmate is housed using the address format below: Attn: Business Office Inmate name/inmate number InstitutionAddress Line #1City, State Zip Code. fill out a control number request form to receive their respective control number. Does the DOC accept hard-cover photo books? Social Media Abuse:, Victim Awareness Education Program (Act 143). Publications, The originals are kept for 45 days. Contact If you are a friend or family member of an inmate and are looking for assistance with setting up a telephone Prepaid Collect or PIN Debit account, please create an account at or contact our customer care center toll-free at 1-888-843-1972 for assistance. Books and portions of bookssent through regular mailwill not be printed or delivered to inmates. Box 33028, St. Petersburg, FL 33733. . It can take 6-8 days for inmates to receive their mail. On November 29, 1990, Governor Robert P. Casey signed into law Senate Bill 637 that replaced the electric chair with lethal injection as the state's method of executingconvicted killers. Please enable scripts and reload this page. The inmate must successfully complete a four-month vocational class before being permitted or eligible to work in the Optical Lab. More than half of those use its "MailGuard" service, which was launched in 2016, just as prisons and jails around the nation began exploring ways to limit or eliminate postal mail. Smart Communications / PA DOC Alejandro Rodriguez-Ortiz - NW2883 SCI Camp Hill P.O. If a photo book contains at least one prohibited photo, the entire photo book will be denied. Under Governor Gifford Pinchot, in the 1920's, the plans were changed to provide that Rockview would become a medium-security institution operated as a branch, or farm, prison by the Western Penitentiary. You should reach out to the DOC mail procedures resource email What should I do? If the inmate refuses to pay for the item to be mailed out, Department staff will destroy the confiscated items. SCI-Cambridge Springs was accredited by the American Correctional Association in 2002 and has successfully achieved reaccreditation every 3 years since that time. This excludes weekends and holidays, mail which contains content requiring review by the IPRC, and mail that is being held for investigative purposes at the prison. You can contact them at A control number will be issued upon request bycompleting the online Control Number Request Form. It looks like you have a question about mail being sent to an inmate housed by the PA DOC. Smart Communications is unable to process a mailing that does not have the inmates name and number on it. Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services: Joe Trempus, Deputy Superintendent for Facilities Management: Tina Walker, Superintendent's Assistant: Rhonda House. Keystone State. Family members may not order religious items for inmates. First Name. Each photo book is limited to a maximum of 25 pages. Photographs are limited to 25 photos per mailing. Are photo collages in photo books accepted? . Programs include intramural basketball, volleyball, flag football, small games, board games, cardio-vascular fitness programs, weight training programs and circuit training programs. Inmates will continue to write to the Board of Pardons and pay the fee for an Application for Commutation. The DOC accepts both hard and soft cover books; however, the SPC may remove the cover of a hard cover book for search purposes. Each page may contain more than one photo. DO NOT GO STRAIGHT, because that is SCI Rockview. for any correctional institution with our patented MailGuard Postal Mail Elimination system. In January 2021, SCI Smithfield became a reception facility as a mitigation effortto thwart the spread of COVID-19 within the PA Department of Corrections. It now serves as the state's diagnostic and classification center for men entering the state prison system. Please provide the following information in your email: The DOC requires all publications be sent directly to the DOC's Security Processing Center (SPC), at this mailing address: Inmate name, Inmate #268 Bricker RoadBellefonte, PA 16823-1667. I accidentally sent publications to the Smart Communications address, not the SPC address, what will happen to my publications? What happens to my photo book if it sent from a home address or unverifiable vendor? St Petersburg, FL 33733 Upon this denial if the inmate wishes to appeal they have 15 working days to notify the Facility Manager in writing, in accordance with theDC-ADM 804 Inmate Grievance Systempolicy. Smart Communications cannot process any materials that are bound or open like a book, and all materials they receive which are bound will be rejected. Number of Acres Inside Perimeter: 40 Number of Acres Outside Perimeter: 85 Number of Operational Structures (inside and outside of perimeter): 20 Number of Housing Units: 6 Number of Operational Structures (inside and outside of perimeter): 26. Your questions and The original law signed by Governor John K. Tener in 1911 provided that: Whereas it appears that the Western Penitentiary is greatly overcrowded as well as otherwise inadequate and so unsanitary that numerous cases of tuberculosis exist among the prisoners confined therein, as a direct result of their imprisonment that for lack of a large tract of land opportunant, it is impossible to keep the inmates sufficiently employed, by reason thereof a large number thereof became insane and become permanent charges upon the State; and the said penitentiary is located in a congested city district where it is impossible to extend the buildings and prison yard thereof at any reasonable cost. 100% phone commission and zero cost. The Metal Factory produces products such as cabinets, shelves, security benches and furniture that are used in prison cells. It is desirable (that the new prison) be of modern design and so constructed in a rural district, so that the prisoners may be provided with useful employment in tilling the soil or otherwise. Authorized under Act No. Prior to World War I, Warden John Francies' exposure of the overcrowded conditions and the unhealthy environment at Western Penitentiary led to legislation for the development of a rural penitentiary. All general incoming correspondence included with a photo copy of an official document sent to Smart Communications will also be scanned into the electronic system. Petersburg, Florida Area Smart Communications is the world leader in innovative technologies for the. The authentication number provided is valid only for the following week. Combining proven inmate calling technologies with our patented technologies, Miscellaneous questions. When the St. Petersburg DOC facility holds visiting hours. The renewal of this Smart Communications contract is in September, and Food Not Bombs Solidarity, along with incarcerated member Jerome Coffey, plans another demonstration to expose and protest the privatization schemes of the Prison Profiteers. This is a testament to his resilience and persistance and to his family . 551 talking about this. Once cleared, they are transferred to a diagnostic center or other facility. Photo orders from outside vendors are also limited to 25 photos per mailing and all photo orders must be sent to the Smart Communications address. This process is for transactional documentation only; inmates will not be permitted to keep original documentation sent through this process. 2002, 2018 100% Phone commission. The old institution hospital building has been renovated into an execution complex complete with the equipment necessary for lethal injection, rooms to accommodate various department and institution staff,newsmedia witnesses, victims witness and other authorized individuals. All photos must comply with the DOCs content criteria, and All photo books must be ordered from an original source/third-party vendor which includes but is not limited to publishers, bookstores, and online distributors. I have more questions about sending Original Transactional Documentation to an inmate. Any other forms of general incoming correspondence, like letters, pictures, greeting cards, children's drawings, etc., that are included with an official document sent directly to the institution's business office are prohibited. In this situation the official document will be transferred to the business office by the SCI mailroom staff and all other correspondence included in the mailing will be destroyed. Smart Communications is unable to process the following mail: What should I do if the vendor will not accept the full Smart Communications address because it is too long? The Smart Communications websiteis great resource of information regarding their services. Once the book is processed and approved by the mailroom it will be delivered to the inmate. Box 33028, St. Petersburg, FL 33733. The Business Office/designee will coordinate a time for the inmate to review, sign the documents if desired and pay the postage to have the document mailed out of the facility. FROM HARRISBURG: Take Route 22/322 west to Lewistown. At the end of this 45 day period the photos will be securely destroyed. Inmates with tablets may order eBooks. This facility also has a diversionary treatment unit,mental health unit and a residential treatment unit. Upon this denial if the inmate wishes to appeal they have 15 working days to notify the Facility Manager in writing, in accordance with theDC-ADM 804 Inmate Grievance Systempolicy. How to contact this particular Florida facility. ), your attorney can send privileged mail directly to inmates being held in Pennsylvania State Correctional Institutions. Information you can learn includes: The best way to contact an inmate. What should I do? Can I mail a photo copy of an official document? The deputy warden building was completed in December 1914, and the first execution took place on February 23, 1915. Last Name. This certification allows them to practice Opticianry in the United States. When the electronic mail reaches the facility, staff can approve, deny or forward mail. Special Features: SNU, RHU, DTU and RTU. full return address with a first and last name of the sender. Founded in 2009 as a family-owned business, we provide industry-disrupting technologies to over 100 correctional facilities in more than 20 states. Unsubscribe at any time. Otherwise, the photo book will be destroyed. Envelopes will also be scanned and included with . Photographs containing obscenity, explicit sexual material, or nudity, as specified in Section 2 of the SC John Smith/ AB1234PO Box 33028St. Smart Communications will continue to forward all official documents they receive to central office for proper distribution to the institution's business offices. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Workers World suspended printing and mailing of the newspaper in March 2020. Will photographs from outside vendors like FreePrints or ShutterFly be permitted? The SCI Benner Township laundry, under the management of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Correctional Industries employs approximately 116 inmate laundry workers and is responsible for providing complete laundry services for the following customers: SCI Benner Township operates the Centralized Transportation HUB for the Department of Corrections. Yes. In frustration, many incarcerated people in Pennsylvania started to use email to communicate, even though it costs 25 cents a shot. It must also contain the full and correct inmate name and inmate number on the envelope. What happens to my photo book once it arrives at the Security Processing Center? Electronic communications, education, and entertainment delivered through our kiosk or tablet platform. Inmates may order publications through catalogs and brochures sent to the prison by publication companies. Smart Communications PA DOC P O Box 33028 St Petersburg FL 33733 USA Hello I am a 50 year old male 5'9 190lbs from Philadelphia Pa. It stated: Investigators will have access to the postal mail senders email address, physical address, IP address, mobile cell number, GEO GPS location tracking, exact devices used when accessing system, any related accounts the sender may also make or use, Fortunately. Housing units consist of both cells and dormitory-style housing. If the inmate does not wish to appeal they can forward a cash slip with an addressed envelope to the mailroom within 15 working days from the denial to have the publication mailed out of the facility to friend or family member. Bear to the left at the "Y" and take Route 150 approximately three miles. In this situation the official document will be transferred to the business office by the SCI mailroom staff and all other correspondence included in the mailing will be destroyed. I attended Benjamin Franklin High. All original mail will be retained for a period of 45 days unless otherwise instructed by DOC. The authentication number will be sent to the email address specified in the Request Form. Social Media Abuse: When you mail a photo copy of an official document to Smart Communications they will scan the mail into their electronic system. K Block was opened in 2010, which added 127 cells. Workshop topics include Stay on Track, Parenting, Healthy Living, Relationships, Mental Health, Living under Parole Supervision, Employment & Vocational Opportunities, Resume Writing, Money Smarts and Victim Awareness. The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections is responsible for operating the state's prison system. After the exit you will be headed on Route 150 South (Benner Pike). Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services: ChristianGarman, Deputy Superintendent for Facilities Management:Kenneth Shea, Superintendent's Assistant: Lisa Hollibaugh. SCI Camp Hill Superintendent: Michael Gourley Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services: William Nicklow Deputy Superintendent for Facilities Management: Randy Evans Deputy Superintendent for Diagnostic Center : Lindsy Kendall Business Manager: Robert Gimble Superintendent's Assistant: Deb Alvord and Tonya Heist Construction of SCI Smithfield was completed in 1988. How will the senders of mail know when the mail is delivered? Many do not realize that the mail one sends to an incarcerated loved one in Pennsylvania must now be sent to Smart Communications in St. Petersburg, Fla. Official documents sent directly to the institution will be transferred to the business office and held on file for the inmate. SCI Smithfield is the reception facility for all maleparole violators and new receptions from the counties. Inmates are not limited to the number of books they may purchase and/or receive; however, inmates are limited to the amount of property they may own at one time. DC-ADM 803, Inmate Mail and Incoming Publications Procedures Manualare prohibited. This facility is operated by the DOC, and the wages paid will stay in Pennsylvania; in contrast to the contract with Smart Communications that paid $15 million in Pennsylvania taxpayer dollars to a corporation in Florida. Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services: Lisa Graves, Deputy Superintendent for Facility Management: Valerie Kusiak. You must address a letter to an inmate like this: Smart Communications/PA DOC. What should I do? No. Photographs sent to the Security Processing Center will be processed through to the facility where the inmate is located. Smart Communications/PADOC Inmate Name/Inmate Number Institution PO Box 33028 St Petersburg, FL 33733 Phone calls: In order for you to stay in contact with an inmate through phone conversations, you will need to set up a prepaid account through Securus online or by phone at 1-800-844-6591. Yes, all photo copies of official documents are also held in the business office. If the inmate does not wish to appeal they can forward a cash slip with an addressed envelope to the mailroom within 15 working days from the denial to have the publication mailed out of the facility to a friend or family member. It would seem that the DOC could develop a similar facility to process prisoner mail. A photo book is a customizable publication, ordered and delivered through an original/ third party vendor, which contains personal photos. Department staff will notify the inmate and his/her counselor of the document being held. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. There the mail is scanned, then sent digitally to prisons in the state, where copies are printed and distributed to recipients. Please enable scripts and reload this page. P.O. When using you can connect in just minutes and correspond every day in near real time instant communication with your loved ones. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Legal Mail, as well as provides answers to common DOC considers legal mail (otherwise known as Privileged Correspondence) to be any mailing containing a DOC issued Attorney Control Number as well as a secondary authentication number (valid for one week) on the outside of the envelope, or any mail from a court entity containing a Court Control Number. H Block was constructed in 1991 which added 66 (51 double cells and 15 single cells) additional cells. We have continued publishing articles on, along with a weekly PDF of what would have been the printed version. A special committee surveyed 33 sites before choosing 4,300 acres in Centre County, which were purchased at $50 an acre. How to Send Money Otherwise, the photo book will be destroyed. The existing buildings were built in the 1930s and 1940s; however, construction of new housing units and renovations have since been completed. As a leader in business communication services, with locations placed across the country, Smart Choice Communications is proud to announce its third location in St. Petersburg - located near bustling Tampa, Fl. What happens if I mail a photo copy of an official document to Smart Communications? Can I send a photo book instead of photographs? On Aug. 29, 2018, Pennsylvania Corrections Secretary John Wetzel ordered a lockdown of all state facilities after correctional officials allegedly got sick from substances in incoming mail. Current Population Report, Total Number of Full-Time Employees: 355. Any photo book which does not originate from an original source/third-party vendor may be returned or denied. The mail containing photographs will then be printed and delivered to the inmate by the facility mailroom. If you are a friend or family member of an inmate and are attempting to locate a piece of postal mail that has been sent to mail or provide tracking or delivery information. customer care center toll-free at 1-888-843-1972 for assistance. Visit our SPC Tracking Siteto track packages sent through the DOC Security Processing Center. Seminole, FL 33777. Upon arriving at Smart Communications the mail containing photographs will be opened and scanned into an electronic document. The electronic document will be made available to the facility mailroom for printing. Smart Communications/PA DOC Inmate Name/Inmate Number Institution PO Box 33028 St Petersburg, Florida 33733 All photographs sent to an inmate must contain a full return address with a first and last name of the sender on the envelope. Full return address with the law office name and address; Inmate Name/NumberInstitutionInstitution Legal Mail Address, c. Attorney Control Number associated with the law office ; and, d. Secondary authentication number/time code issued for that week. Vocational class before being permitted or eligible to work in the Optical.. Of official documents they receive to central office for proper distribution to the left the. Address all together regarding their Services special committee surveyed 33 sites before 4,300... Upon arriving at Smart Communications websiteis great resource of information regarding their Services original to the Smart Communications D! 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