Symptom: utils dbreplication runtimestate shows the replication is setup completed but with RTMT counter value as zero. Note: When you change this parameter, it improves the replication setup performance, but consumes additional system resources. ----- Command execution example ----- Then choose "Database Status Report", and generate a new report. 3. subscriber), utils dbreplication reset (Only on the publisher ). The components that are essential for the proper functioning of the database replication are: The validate_network command checks all aspects of the network connectivity with all the nodes in the cluster. No replication is occurring in this state. Step 7. Replication is in the process of setting up. 3. Tool (RTMT) for the replication. performance, but consumesadditional system resources. If the RTT is unusually high, check network performance. On the Publisher, enter the utils dbreplication dropadmindb command. Publisher must be able to reach all subscribers and network connectivity result must be completed successfully. consistency and an accurate replicationstatus is displayed. still in progress. It is important to understand that the database replication is a Server Servers >10 = 3 Minutes PerServer. These cookies do not store any personal information. If the nodes. Check the connectivity In order to verify database status in CUCM, access from Command Line Interface (CLI) must be granded in each of the nodes in the cluster. order to avoid any databasereplication issues. Overall replication setup time is improved, although It still comes into play during a node down and upgrade scenarios when node reboots are spread out over time. Once it is generated and downloaded, save the report so that it can be provided to a TAC engineer in case a service request (SR) needs to be opened. on the network. When selecting a time, just choose to do the relative range and select however far back you want to go (number of minutes, days, weeks, etc). This is an important step. Check the same and use the Timestamp. Step 1. Check the connectivity status from all the nodes and You can also check the output of file list activelog cm/trace/dbl date detail. Select Generate a new report. Replication Setup (RTMT) and detailsas shown in the first output. the Sqlhosts files are mismatched, run the command from,, Generate a new report and check if the Sqlhost files are Navigate to System Reports and click Unified CM Database Ensure the Local and the Publisher databases are accessible. Recommended to set to 40 for large clusters (10+ nodes). All rights reserved. Step 8. with connectivity, an error is often displayed on the DomainName status from all the nodes and ensure they are authenticatedStep 6. Find answers to your questions by entering keywords or phrases in the Search bar above. 2023 Cisco and/or its affiliates. Download the If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command. value ), utils dbreplication setrepltimeout ( To set the replication network utils. If no, contact Note: This command is no longer functional as of CUCM 9.0(1). one by one then the publisher), utils dbreplication reset all ( Only on the publisher ). Status as shown in this image. Complete these steps in order to check NTP status: Use the utils diagnose test command to check the output, as 06-08-2014 Cluster Manager populates this file and is used for local name resolution. Click on Navigation Drop Down Menu > Select Cisco Unified Reporting and click on GO. To check all tables run. Try to sync the local servers first. This is an outdated state and is no longer around. Logical connections are established but there is an unsurety whether the tables match. Check the individual components using the utils diagnose connectivity with all the nodesin the cluster. Click on Open Enter the OS Administrator Username and Password once prompted Enter " utils dbreplication runtimestate " and hit Enter > Please refer to the below screenshot. 0 InitializationStateReplication is in the process of setting Generate a new report every time you make a change on the GUI/CLI to check if the changes are included. In case of an error, check for the network connectivity between not been passed from the subscriber to theother device in the database replication issues when theservers are defined using the If there is an issue Verify that " RPC? 3. Repair all/selective tables for database replication, Step 8. commandcompletes the operation in 300 seconds. Repair all/selective the tables for database The broadcast is shown in yellow. "RPC" only instead of DB/RPC/DBMonii. The 'utils dbreplication runtimestate' command provides a summary of the validation process. We also have already verified in the link (LINKHERE) that all connectivity is good and DNS is not configured or working correctly. message, check your network forany retransmissions or block the NOTE: If the date and time is old, execute a utils dbreplication status to get updated data. You could probably pull the following and see if you find anything. Example: 12 Servers in fulfilled: All the nodes have the connectivity to each other. node. It is essential that the NTP stratum (Number of hops to the parent reference clock) must be less than 5 or else it is deemed unreliable. New here? If Graphic User Interface (GUI) is available, a Database Status Report must be generated. Very detailed. Commands to check/set the replication timeout: Steps 7 and 8 must be performed after the checklist is fulfilled: If the utils dbreplication runtimestate command shows that there are error/mismatched tables, run the command: Run the utils dbreplication runtimestate command to check the status again. The utils dbreplication runtimestate command shows out of sync or not requested statuses, Step 7.,, Check all the hosts files that will be used when setting up replication. Cluster Detailed View from PUB01DC (3 Servers): PING CDR Server REPL. Make sure the IP, OU and DC are correct and that no firewall is blocking the connection. . Cluster Replication State: BROADCAST SYNC Completed on 5 servers at: 2012-02-13-15-01 Last Sync Result: SYNC COMPLETED 605 tables sync'ed out of 605 Sync Errors: NO ERRORS DB Version: ccm9_0_0_99071_6 Number of replicated tables: 605 Repltimeout set to: 300s Cluster Detailed View from PUB (6 Servers): PING CDR Server REPL. 10:20 AM. utils dbreplication statuscommand to check all the tables and the Great document, One thing i would add to the document, is to check the server times are correct and synced (NTP working fine). Network Time Protocol (NTP) Reachability: The NTP is responsible for keeping the server's time in sync particular node: utils dbreplication stop (Only on the publisher), utils dbreplcation dropadmindb (Only on the affected Note: In some case, restarting the service may work, cluster reboot may not be required. Step1: Open CUCM CLI via Putty. Later examples talk about identifying a corrupt syscdr database. of the node using the utils service list command. Communications Manager 5.x has a similar replication topology to Callmanager 4.X. However, all of the nodes must be authenticated (ensure that the security password is same on all of the nodes). I choose to ask for the Database Status report as the customer is in a version that has this available. With this information in hand we have identified that the cluster does not have any logical connections to replicate across. status again. CUCM services involved for database replication are Cluster Manager, A Cisco DB and Cisco Database Layer Monitor. This can be run on each node of the cluster by doing utils dbreplication stop. The validate_network command completes the operation in 300 seconds. After you complete Step 1, select the Cisco Unified Reporting Check the connectivity status from all the nodes and ensure they are authenticated, Step 6. This section describes scenarios in which database replication is broken, and provides the, troubleshoot methodology that a TAC engineer follows in order to diagnose and isolate the, In order to determine whether your database replication is broken, you must know the various. Love it!!! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Starting in CUCM 10.0(1), repltimeout is slightly less important because the Publisher will now queue define requests instead of waiting for the retry timer. (RTMT) & details, ----------- ------------ ------ ---- ----------- ----- ------- ----- -----------------, PUB X.X.X.80 0.173 Yes Connected 0 match Yes (2) PUB Setup Completed, tftp1 X.X.X.81 0.259 Yes Connected 0 match Yes (2) Setup Completed, tftp2 X.X.X.82 0.203 Yes Connected 0 match Yes (2) Setup Completed, sub1 X.X.X.83 0.267 Yes Connected 0 match Yes (2) Setup Completed, sub2 X.X.X.84 0.358 Yes Connected 0 match Yes (2) Setup Completed, sub3 X.X.X.85 0.247 Yes Connected 0 match Yes (2) Setup Completed, sub4 X.X.X.86 0.952 Yes Connected 0 match Yes (2) Setup Completed, Replication Status Definitions: a. We also have already verified in the link (LINKHERE) that all connectivity is good and DNS is not configured or working correctly. Once it is generated, download and save the report so that it can be provided to a TACengineer in case a service request (SR) Ensure Replication Server List (cdr list serv) is populated for all the nodes. New here? of sync ornot requested statuses. Ensure that: The nodes are in the same Data Center/Site: All the nodes are reachable with a lower Round Trip Time (RTT). That would be covered under the "utils diagnose test" section. states of the Real Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) for the replication. (RTMT) & details----------- ------------ ------ ---- -------------- ----- ------- ----- -----------------PUB01DC 10.x.x.x. Saved me hours of extra work. thesubscribers syncs the time with the publisher. In other words, a change made on "A" will be sent to "B" by "A". Error checking is ignored. If any node has a A list of hostnames which are trusted to make database connections. T. shown in this image.1. Run the utils dbreplication runtimestate command to check the Reset the database replication from the scratch Refer to the sequence to reset the database replication and start the process from the scratch. address changes or updates to theHostname on the server. 0 - Replication Not Started. In order to generate an Unified CM Database Status report, navigate to Cisco Unified Reporting > System Reports > Unified CM Database Status. Login to Cisco Unified Communication Manager > Navigate to Application > Plugins > Click Find, Click on Download > Cisco Unified CM Real-Time Monitoring Tool Windows, Once the tool is downloaded > Install the Tool as you install other software applications, Once the installation is completed > Launch Real Time Monitoring Tool Application on your machine, Host IP Address > Enter the IP Address of Cisco Unified Communication Manager >, Username > Enter the Username of Cisco Unified Communication Manager, Password > Enter the Password of Cisco Unified Communication Manager. timeout ). (3) Execute the utils dbreplication runtimestate command on the Publisher and Subscriber. replication. This information is also available on the CLI using 'show tech network hosts'. 4. utils dbreplication runtimestate. Step 3. Review the Unified CM Database Report any component Great guide! And also try to get this below fixed. If any errors/mismatches are discovered, they are shown in the output and the RTMT state changes accordingly, as shown in this image. Upon completion, proceed to the next step. The full list of user facing features is located on the following slide. Ensure that the Unified CM Hosts, Rhosts and Sqlhosts are equivalent on all the nodes. The amount of time this command takes to return is based on your cluster's repltimeout. This document will explain a little about the output to assist people in their learning and in their troubleshooting efforts. My go-to when troubleshooting database replication. Login to Cisco Unified Communication Manager Publisher CLI via Putty > Enter the command " utils dbreplication clusterreset " and wait for the process to be completed. Logical connections have been established and tables match the other servers on the cluster. Based on the version of CUCM in use you may see the following: i. The important output to review includes the Replication status, the number of tables checked and the results of the check which indicates whether any errors or data mismatches are found. If the network connectivity fails for the nodes: Generate a new report, and check for a successful connection. To verify the database replication, run the utils dbreplication the proper functioning of the database replication are: The validate_network command checks all aspects of the network Its does a great job of explaining how to troubleshoot issues with DB rep beyond "just restart the servers and hope for 2's". flagged as anerror. There is a possibility of an incorrect activity when an IP with the reference clock. It is more like a push model than a pull model. How to check if an Analog Phone is connected to a VG224 Port? This can be executed to one node by hostname utils dbreplication reset nodename or on all nodes by utils dbreplication reset all. have data that is out of sync, the utils service restart Cisco Prime LM Server. To verify the database replication, run the utils dbreplication runtimestate command from theCLI of the publisher node, as shown in this image. This is important to keep in mind if an upgrade has taken place from 5.x or earlier as additional routes may need to be added and additional ports may need to be opened to allow communication between subs in the cluster. Checkes critical dynamic tables for consistency. Full list of CCM servers for replication. Cluster : Server 1-5 * 1 min = 5 min, + 6-10 * 2 min = 10 min, Additionally, you can run the following command: Step 5. Replication REPLICATION SETUP SERVER-NAME IP ADDRESS (msec) DbMon? As shown in this image, the Unified CM Hosts, the Rhosts and the Sqlhosts are equivalent on all the nodes. With this you should be able to follow and fix replication cases. A root node will not pass a replication change on to another root node. The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. This is used to determine to which servers replicates are pushed. cluster: The replication timeout(Default: 300 Seconds) is the time This website uses cookies to improve your experience. . Generate a new report, and check for a successful connection. this image. All the nodes have the connectivity to each other. If the Sqlhosts are mismatched along with the host files, follow parameter to a higher value as shown. NOTE: THESE COMMANDS SHOULD BE RUN FROM THE PUBLISHER. Run on a publisher or subscriber, this command is used to drop the syscdr database. In the event the publisher goes down or becomes inaccessible the subscribers will use their local copy of the database. In the output, ensure that the Cluster Replication State does not contain the old sync information. Note: It is always better to raise a TAC case instead of issuing the command directly without understanding the risk involved. For IM and Presence Service , enter the command on the database publisher node if you have more than one node in your deployment. This shows if the replication dynamic real time replication indicator is working. It runs a repair process on all tables in the replication for all servers that are included in the command. The logical connections discussed above are the connections seen in the Topology Diagram in the begining of this document. Restart the following services from the CLI of the publisher If yes, go to Step 8. Repair all/selective the tables for Define Pub - Set it up to start replicating, Define template on pub and realize it (Tells pub which tables to replicate), Realize Template on Each Sub (Tells sub which tables they will get/send data for), Sync data using "cdr check" or "cdr sync" (older systems use sync). Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This state indicates that replication is in the process of trying to setup. In order to verify its progress, use utils dbreplication runtimestate command. that the following outputs and thereports are provided: The Cisco Unified Reporting CM Database Report (Refer to Step All Rights Reserved. Reset the database replication from scratch, Unified Communications Manager (CallManager). Check the individual components using the utils diagnose test command, Step 5. Replication in Communications Manager 6.x, 7.x, and 8.x is no longer a hub and spoke topology but is a fully meshed topology as seen in the figure below. These commands allow you to know the status of each of them. This change in topology overcomes previous limitations in replication architecture, as changes can now be made to local subscriber databases for user facing faetures even while the publisher is inaccessible. Cisco highly recommends to configure a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server with Stratum-1, Stratum-2, or Stratum-3 in CUCM publisher, in order to ensure that the cluster time is synchronized with an external time source. In a cluster where no nodes have been reinstalled, the publisher would be g_2, the next node installed would be g_3, and so on and so fourth.11: This shows the RTMT states for database replication. Sets the "process" value within Informix. After checking the current stat of replication using one of the previous methods, we can use the table below to understand what each state means. Logical connections are established and the tables are matched with the other servers on the cluster. The following table lists each command and it's function. according the command " file view activelog cm/log/informix/ccm.log . admin:utils dbreplication runtimestate Step 8. Ensure Local and Publisher databases are accessible. Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics: The information in this document is based on these software versions: The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. If you recieve Cannot send TCP/UDP packets as an error This should show corresponding defines for each subscriber in the cluster. The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. Non user facing features (such as changes to route patterns or gateways) still require the publisher to be accessible in order to make modifications. Informative and detailed doc.. Easy to understand. In the output, ensure that the Cluster Replication State does Once completed, follow Step 3. Consult the Cisco TAC before proceeding with Step 7 and 8 in Reset the database replication from the " is " YES ". In case errors are visible when these parameters are validated, it is suggested to contact Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and provide the collected information from each node in the cluster for further assistance. On the Publisher and Subscriber, enter the utils dbreplication runtimestate command. "REPLICATION STATUS": This lets you know if the node is connected or offlineiii. Ensure that the network connectivity is successful between the nodes, as shown in this image: Ensure that the network reachability is present between the nodes. click the Generate New Reporticon as shown in this image. New here? If there are any errors in the components, the errors are flagged with a red X icon, as shown in this image. Definition: Cluster Manager is denying access for this node / DB is down / This entire server is down d. Disconnect i. Queue: Continuously rising / accumulating ii. This is not an exhaustive list. flagged with a red cross icon, asshown in this image. I have try to reset the replication and also reboot the server but got the same results . At the publisher server, issue the utils dbreplication reset all. Thanks for taking the time to put it together. not requested statusesStep 7. utils dbreplication stop all (Only on the publisher), utils dbreplication dropadmindb (First on all the subscribers Cisco Database Replicator (CDR) list of servers is in no way related to Call Detail Records (also known as CDR). 07:42 AM STATUS QUEUE TABLES LOOP? We also have already verified in the link (LINKHERE) that all connectivity is good and DNS is not configured or working correctly. nd check if the mismatch is cleared. Proceed to Step 8, if the status does not change. their defined messages. Thanks for creating this Patrick. After you complete Step 4, if there are no issues reported, run The utils dbreplication runtimestate command shows out of sync or The Steps 7 and 8 must be performed after the checklist is 10-25-2010 I have a customer with cluster of cucm 11.5.1su2 and a a unity connection 11.5.2su2 , in the cucm everything is fine but in the unity if u type the command. Cluster Replication State: Replication status command started at: 2014-06-08-16-39 Replication status command COMPLETED 442 tables checked out of 603 Processing Table: commonphoneconfigxml Errors or Mismatches Were Found!!! If the DNS does not functions correctly, it can cause the If the statusof the node is unauthenticated, ensure that the (2) Execute the utils dbreplication stop command on the Publisher. It runs a repair process on all tables in the . If only Each server will maintain its own queue of changes made on the local server to send to other servers in the replication network. 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