"], 083 Sholis - Corum [Should the Kentucky Derby be televised] 4-26-50 Part I, 084 Sholis - Corum [Should the Kentucky Derby be televised] 4-26-50 Part II, 085 Sholis - Corum [Should the Kentucky Derby be televised] 4-26-50 Part IV, 086 Sholis - Corum [Should the Kentucky Derby be televised] 4-26-50 Part III, 087 University of Kentucky Roundtable 4-20-50 Part II ["Are Congressional Investigations Going Too Far? Hutsell, Lu Murphy, Harold Hiatt, Bud Abbott], 169 "Seagrams" [distillery filmstrip narration with frame advance tones], 174 General Dwight D. Eisenhower - Military Situation of the Future 9-3-46 Part I of II - [Speaking to national VFW convention in Boston], 175 ["Mystery of the Week" sponsored by Ivory Soap - Hercule Poirot in The Case of Napoleon's Chess Table], 182 Henry Wallace [Brief portion of U.S. Senate election speech by unknown followed by radio address by Wallace upon the occasion of his being fired from his job as Secretary of Commerce by President Truman] 9-20-46, 183 "Surprise Party" [Daytime comedy//variety program sponsored by American Home Foods' G. Washington Instant Coffee - Stu Wilson, Bob Shannon, Morey Webster - 9-21-46 - Part I of II], 184 Senator Alben Barkley [and John Y. 141 J. Lyter Donaldson [Democrat for FDR and Barkley] 10-25-44 Part I of II. @HHansenWHAS. Kentucky Guernsey Cattle Association dinner featured on farm program. Live Stream: The license was transferred to WFIW, Inc. on April 15, 1930 and was transferred to George W. Norton, Jr. on October 25, 1933. 048 Emmet O'Neal [KY 3rd District Democratic U.S. Representative for reelection speaking about War effort] 10-22-42. Chandler 10-26-36 Bardstown, KY for FDR, Part I, 074 Gov. . 142 J. Lyter Donaldson [Democrat for FDR and Barkley] 10-25-44 Part II of II. WHAS is owned by iHeartMedia. The station is licensed to Louisville, KY and is part of that radio market. Mary Bingham, the family matriarch, called the radio contest vulgar and disgraceful but station management backed its promotion department and the contest continued its run. Baseball Commissioner - Introductory remarks by Warren Giles and James Parks. Broadcasting & media production company Visit Group More Home About Photos Videos See all 428 South Fourth Street Suite 252 Louisville, KY 40218 Kentuckiana's Breaking News, Weather & Traffic Station in Louisville, Ky. Visit like this 26,611 people follow this checked in here (502) 479-2200 louisvillenewsstaff@iheartmedia.com Kentuckiana's News, Weather & Traffic Station, Kentuckiana's Morning News with Tony Cruise, The Retirement Solution with J. Hagan Capital, Retirement 360 with Mercurio Wealth Advisors, Louisville Home and Garden Show | March 10-12, PBR Louisville - Unleash the Beast April 29 - 30th @ KFC Yum! Tony Cruise leads todays WHAS show lineup. Interviews with Trainers, Gordon Campbell and Bud Delph (Spectacular Bid) - Cawood Ledford, WHAS XX-194 Derby Day 1979: Includes Debutante Stakes / Twin Spires / Pre Derby Commentary - Cawood Ledford, WHAS XX-195 Derby Day 1979: Includes Derby Call - Cawood Ledford, WHAS XX-196 Derby Week 1979: Steamboat Race, Hidden Shame: Profile of a Battered Wife 10-17-1979. Kallay Announcing Audition 10-29-45, 278 Dulaney Audition with Paul Clark 11-21-45, 279 Nuremberg [Trials] 1-18-46 and first United Nations meeting in London, 280 President Truman and General Marshall [Distinguished Service Medal] 11-26-45, 281 Kentucky Education Association 11-3-45 [Kentucky Lt. A.B. Kaltenborn and Harold Peters 1-30-39 Part I, 001 [WHAS program excerpts "Songmaster Paul Sutton"; "Your Name: What Does It Mean? . 10-17-42. Accuses Russia Of Committing 'Crimes Against Humanity' In Ukraine, Idaho Lawmakers Pass Bill To Discuss Letting Oregon Counties Join The State, Crashed 'Craft' Spotted By NASA Rover On Mars, The U.S. Military Is Actively Shooting Down UFOs, Heres What That Means, Eerie Green 'Digital Rain' Filmed Moving Across The Sky. president] Neville Miller and White House Press Secretary Stephen Early 7-11-39 Part I, 068 L.R. I happened to tune in today and heard Dwight (yelling out in the background) Hes a doctor! Encouraging your viewers to believe the ridiculous crap Paul was putting out there! He will continue his 8:30 a.m. to 12 Noon Sunday morning show -- at least for now. Scandal 12-14-51, 175 WHAS Telephone Interviews: Mrs. Dairs, Greensburg IN- POW [Prisoner of War] Mother 12-18-51; Vincent O'Connor- Basketball 12-19-51, 178 Renfro Valley Sunday Morning Gathering 12-9-51 Part II of III. Subjects: Appalachia -- Education., Louisville (Ky.), Radio broadcasting -- Kentucky -- History., Radio in education -- Kentucky., Radio programs, Public service -- Kentucky., Radio programs -- Kentucky., University of Kentucky. Newton, Bill Spivey, Frank Ramsay & Cliff Hagan for UK], 231 Sports: Kentucky Derby (sponsored by Gillette) 5-5-51 Part III of III, 232 Music with the Hormel Girls 6-23-51 Part II of II, 233 Curt Massey [Alka Seltzer, One-A-Day Vitamins; with Martha Tilton, Country Washburn] 6-26-51 Part II of II, 234 Renfro Valley Sunday Morning Gathering 2-28-51 Part III of III, 235 Renfro Valley Sunday Morning Gathering 2-28-51 Part I of III, 000 "My Old Kentucky Home", [etc.] 147 "Eleven A.M." with John Jacob Niles [Armistice Day drama] 11-11-39 Part II, 148 Paul Sullivan [Reviews The News - talk of 3rd FDR term] 11-13-39 Part I, 149 "Joyce Jordan, Girl Intern" #42 [Soap Opera] 3-26-40, 150 Farm Award Dinner [Courier-Journal and Louisville Times Home and Farm Improvement Campaign] 12-19-39 Part I. 12-28-50 Part II of II, 009 President Truman- State of the Union Address 1-8-51 Part III of III, 011 WHAS Telephone Interviews: [John Sherman] Cooper-French Interview 2-15-51 [Cooper's return from NATO meetings]; News: [Gov.] WAVE 3's Lindsay English spoke with Elliott. and Mrs. Clements], 018 WHAS Telephone Interviews: Eddie Black - Grand Jury 1-17-49; Rush - Batesville Pipeline Explosion and Fire 1-19-49, 019 WHAS Telephone Interviews: French - Allen Johnson from Lexington KY 1-19-49; French - Louisville Lumber Millwork Fire 1-19-49; Weatherman Interview [cold spell] 1-24-49, 030 News: Barkley-Truman Swearing In 1-20-49, 031 "Story of the Week" (air show) 1-16-49 [Milton Metz; comic book burning, pre-CCA], 032 Inauguration of President Harry Truman 1-20-49 Part I, 033 Inauguration of President Harry Truman 1-20-49 Part III, 034 Inauguration of President Harry Truman 1-20-49 Part II, 035 Inauguration of President Harry Truman 1-20-49 Part IV, 036 Herbie Koch at the Baldwin [Organ] 1-27-49, 037 Inauguration of President Harry Truman 1-20-49 Part V, 038 Inauguration of President Harry Truman 1-20-49 Part VI, 039 March of Dimes Show [For Whom The Dimes March] 1-26-49, 040 University of Louisville History 201 [World Civilization] 1-22-49 (dub) 1 of 2, 041 University of Louisville History 201 [World Civilization] 1-22-49 9dub) 2 of 2, 042 WHAS Telephone Interviews: French - Dr. Hill interview (Dedicatory Speech Statement) 1-25-49; Oberlin - Bowling Green Post Office Explosion 1-26-49; French - Charles Stratton over Hopkinsville [KY] Flood 2-14-49, 043 WHAS Telephone Interviews: French - Stratton interview over Flash Flood in Hopkinsville KY 2-15-49; Mr. Madigan: Statement on House of Representatives of Indiana (no date); Rush - Missing Baby (Evansville) interview 2-21-49, 046 Secretary of State Dean Acheson - Address regarding North Atlantic Pact 3-18-49 Part II. Jack O'Donnell. Davidson Brothers // Claude Sweet // Bob Simmons // Judy & Julie Jones // Jerry Behrens, 160 Highlights of the Royal Wedding [Princess Elizabeth and Lt. Philip Mountbatten - Edward R. Murrow, reporting] 11-20-47, 161 James Forrestal [1st US Secretary of Defense] and Winston Churchill [Conservative Party Leader] 10-14-47 Part I of II [New York City and London, England], 162 James Forrestal [1st US Secretary of Defense] and Winston Churchill [Conservative Party Leader] 10-14-47 Part II of II [New York City and London, England], 163 Senator Lee Moore [KY state senator, D. Franklin, for Earle C. Clements, Democrat for KY governor] 10-16-47 Part II, 164 Keen Johnson (Dem. . the "but hole" song was the final. Jim Strader is recognized as one of the best outdoor communicators in the country. Judson- State Police 2-27-55, 014 The Moral Side of the News 5-12-53 Part I of II [1st anniversary show], 015 79th Kentucky Derby 5-2-53 Part II of II [called by Brian Field (Winner - Dark Star) - Public service announcement re: need for blood donation in service of national defense and as a source of gamma globulin for Polio prevention // Korean War], 016 WHAS Telephone Interviews: Lebanon [KY] Blast; 12:30 PM Newscast (cuts #4, #6,#8) 12-23-55, 017 WHAS Telephone Interviews: Clay and Montoy with the 5:30 PM Newscast- telephone interviews: (cuts #2, #3, #5) 7-24-56; Ala Prison Break 8-29-56, 018 WHAS Telephone Interviews: [Sheere Heutis] Shooting 4-11-55; Triple Killing- Williams Part I of II 4-13-55, 019 WHAS Telephone Interviews: News: French-Davidson 3-4-55; Sanders-De Beare Interview- Atomic Bomb Test 5-4-55, 022 Telephone Interview with Stuart Loory: Stroudsberg, PA Flood 8-20-55, 023 Telephone Interviews: Convict Capture - Sulphur KY 8-10-55; Van Sickle and Stewart (WTIC-WFIL) - [Connecticut and Pennsylvania] Flood 8-19-55, 024 Telephone Interview: Waterbury Flood 8-19-55; Sanders Interview 5-4-55, 025 Telephone Interviews: Governor Clements (Tennessee) [southern Governors conference on Southern Bell Telephone and L & N Railroad disputes] 4-19-55; Lock #41 [rising Ohio River levels] 3-15-55 (tape), 004 News Special: Death of Alben Barkley 4-30-56 Part II of II, 005 News Special: Death of Alben Barkley 4-30-56 Part I of II, 009 Alben Barkley Funeral- Paducah KY 5-3-56, 002 Horror Movie Voice Track [Movietime//Godzilla]11-13-58 Part "A", 003 Horror Movie Voice Track 11-13-58 Part "B", 000 WHAS Reports (News); Folk Music 10-24-61 [unidentified chorus sings "Black Is The Color"; unidentified male sings "Dark As A Dungeon"], 001 [Kentucky State Police, Traffic Safety with Lt. Bill Juett] 4-7-61, 001 "Silver and Gold"- Ecca Concert Orchestra 12-15-66, 000 Year-End Radio News- Open 10-6-67 Part I of II, 001 ABC News World Wrap-up 10-3-67 (10 cuts) [features Carl B. Stokes of Cleveland, JFK, Pete Seeger, ? Ut pretium vestibulum luctus. Remarks read on the occasion of an exhibition of Slav art by Freedom House by Vladimir Milenovic, Jan Masaryk of the Czech Goverment, New Zealand correspondent Jeffery S. Cox, introduced by CBS correspondent Lee White] 10-23-42 Part I, 054 War Fund Drive- General [Charles L.] Scott and Sgt. Brown MC. Part I, 049 U.S. House of Representatives, Kentucky E.W. The Courier-Journal and Louisville Times Company obtained the broadcast license in 1922 and built a studio near the newspaper facility. WHAS was the first licensed radio station in Kentucky when it started broadcasting on July 18, 1922. In sed luctus lacus. B. Faulconer. Governor] 11-6-39 Part I, 143 Dr. John Zoller [America Back to God religious program]10-29-39 Part II, 144 Christmas Message by Eamon de Valera [Taoiseach (Prime Minister of Ireland)] 12-25-39 Part I, 145 "Eleven A.M." with John Jacob Niles [Armistice Day drama] 11-11-39 Part I. Archived from the . 044 Governor John W. Bricker 4-25-44 Part II of II, 045 To Your Good Health From The House Of Squibb (Charles Lichter, conductor) [12-17-43], 046 "Mary Marlin" (Fleischman's Yeast) 5-22-44, 047 Governor Simeon S. Willis 5-19-44 [Called General Assembly session re: education financing in absence of a state budget. Pickens interview over Little Rock, Arkansas Tornado 1-3-49, 017 WHAS Telephone Interviews: French - Garrett Withers (new Senator, appointed to complete Barkley's term) 1-13-49; Wilson Wyatt - French interview 1-20-49, RE: Washington Inaugural [also Gov. The company didn't mention the. Their description of meeting a woman out with a mask on, not knowing if she had acne and a big nose. 004 News with Pete French: Aetna Oil; Seelbach Hotel 1-5-49, 005 Herbert Hoover 75th Birthday- Speech Excerpts 8-10-49, 010 President Truman- Annual State of the Union Address 1-5-49 Part III, 011 "Story of the Week" (air show) [Milton Metz] 1-2-49, 012 ["That's The Story #639] Ken Meeker- "Four Way Cold Tablet" 1-26-49 #2, 013 "Quizdown" [Hikes Graded School, Anchorage School - Bob Flernoy; Milton Metz] 1-8-49 Part 1 of 2, 014 "Quizdown" 1-8-49 Part 2 of 2 [Hikes Graded School, Anchorage School - Bob Flernoy; Milton Metz], 015 Ken Meeker- "Four Way Cold Tablet" 1-26-49 #3, 016 WHAS Telephone Interviews: French - Head interview 12-30-48; French - Canaday Pomeroy interview 1-3-49; Sgt. W.O. 009 Senator Tom Connally; Congress Speaks 2-20-45 - Commentary re: the Crimea [Yalta] Conference on formation of the United Nations. show out takes, n.d.], 330 "Tomorrow's Tobacco"- Preview 1950 12-29-49, 331 President Truman - White House Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremonies 12-24-49 Part II, 332 George Walsh - Arena Fights 2-28-49 [Recorded by WFIL Radio Station], 333 IRC Jingles ["I'm Radio Conscious"] 1-29-47 [Recorded by WFIL Radio Station], 334 George Walsh- Portion of University of Pennsylvania vs. Army Game [Atlantic Oil Company] 11-12-49 Part II of 2 [via WFIL Radio Philadelphia], 335 George Walsh- Portion of University of Pennsylvania vs. Army Game [Atlantic Oil] 11-12-47 Part I of 2 [via WFIL Radio Philadelphia], 000 County Fair 1-7-50 Part II [Borden Milk], 001 Governor Clements- 1950 Legislature 1-3-50 Part II, 006 University of Kentucky Recital for December 31, 1949 12-21-49 [James Robert Floyd, piano], 007 President Harry Truman State of the Union Address 1-4-50 Part II, 008 President Harry Truman- State of the Union Address 1-4-50 Part III, 009 "Children Come A-Singing"- Louisville Collegiate School 12-16-49, 010 University of Kentucky Recital 1-6-50 [Arnold Blackburn, organ], 011 News: Governor Clements- Budget Message 1-9-50 Part I, 012 News: Governor Clements- Budget Message 1-9-50 Part II, 013 Circle Star Ranch 1-7-50 Part I [Tom Brooks, Roy Starkey, Milton Metz - Bond Bread], 014 News: Governor Clements- Budget Message 1-9-50 Part III, 015 Circle Star Ranch 1-7-50 Part II [Tom Brooks, Roy Starkey, Milton Metz - Bond Bread], 016 University of Kentucky Roundtable 1-16-50 Part I [Republicanism: Dead or Alive], 017 "Dream Serenade"- Five Thousandth Broadcast 1-12-50 Part I, 018 "Dream Serenade"- Five Thousandth Broadcast 1-12-50 Part II, 020 News: Senator Wayne Morse Interview 1-16-50 [discusses upcoming session of U.S. Congress], 021 [unidentified fragments of choral and organ music], 022 News: Senator Estes Kefauver 1-28-50, 023 Winston Churchill Speech 1-21-50 Part I, 024 Winston Churchill Speech 1-21-50 Part II, 025 Kentuckiana Sports [Phil Sutterfield] - sponsored by Shell Oil 7-7-50, 026 News: Lewis - Fact Finding Board, excerpt 2-8-50, 027 News: Pete French - Dr. Ethel Alpenfels Interview 1-25-50, 028 "The Big Window" 2-2-50 [Chapter 2] [radio promo for WHAS-TV], 030 President Harry Truman- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner Address 2-16-50 Part I, 031 President Harry Truman- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner Address 2-16-50 Part III, 032 President Harry Truman- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner Address 2-16-50 Part II, 033 12:30 PM News with Ken Rush 2-20-50 [Griffin Shoe Polish], 035 12:00 Midnight News 2-10-50 [Sam Gifford - mentions UMW coal miners strike], 036 Ken Meeker- "That's the Story" 2-17-50 [Brand Names Foundation], 037 "The Big Window" 2-10-50 Part I [Chapter 3] [promo for WHAS-TV], 040 Ladies Day 2-21-50 Part I [Tom Brooks; Stokely's Finest Foods], 041 Ladies Day 2-22-50 Part I [Tom Brooks; Stokely's Finest Foods], 042 Ladies Day 2-22-50 Part II [Tom Brooks; Palmolive Soap], 043 Ladies Day 2-21-50 Part II [Tom Brooks; Palmolive Soap], 046 British Election Roundup 2-21-50 Part II, 047 President Harry Truman 2-22-50 Part I [George Washington National Masonic Memorial], 048 President Harry Truman 2-22-50 Part II // Johnny Long Orchestra fill after Truman's Speech, 049 Renfro Valley Morning Frolic- Mason Chicks 2-20-50 - Tommy Covington // Freddy Langdon // Jay Neace // Mary Randolph // Announcer - Tom Brooks, 050 News: Board of Aldermen 2-28-50 [Jefferson and Main Streets made one way traffic], 051 News: Lashley Quads [quadruplets] Interview 2-23-50 [9th birthday], 052 Ladies Day - Stokely [Tom Brooks; Bud Abbott] 2-27-50 Part I, 053 Ladies Day 2-28-50 Part I [Tom Brooks; Bud Abbott; Stokely's Finest Foods], 054 Ladies Day- Stokely 2-28-50 Part II [Tom Brooks; Bud Abbott; Palmolive Soap], 055 Ladies Day 2-27-50 Part II [Tom Brooks; Bud Abbott; Palmolive Soap], 056 "One Great Hour of Sharing" 3-11-50 Part II, 057 Vice President Alben Barkley - Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner 3-11-50 Part I [Seelbach Hotel, Louisville], 058 Vice President Alben Barkley- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner 3-11-50 Part II [Seelbach Hotel, Louisville], 059 University of Kentucky Recital 3-10-50 [University Symphony Orchestra, Edwin E. Stein], 064 Secretary of State Dean Acheson - Excerpts 3-15-50, 065 Secretary of State Dean Acheson 3-15-50, 066 Meeker-Walsh Interview 3-17-50 [tour of rural France], 067 Eleanor Roosevelt Panel 3-15-50 Part I [cold war; Wilson Wyatt; Mark Ethridge; John Wilson], 068 "The Big Window" 3-20-50 [WHAS TV promo, Chapter 8], 069 Eleanor Roosevelt Panel 3-15-50 Part II [cold war; Wilson Wyatt; Mark Ethridge; John Wilson], 070 "The Big Window" 3-27-50 Part I [WHAS TV information], 071 "Let's Talk It Over"- The Welfare State 3-23-50 Part II, 072 "Let's Talk It Over"- Three-Way Peace In Palestine 3-31-50 Part II, 074 Sports: Bruce Dudley 4-14-50 [American Association baseball], 075 Sports: Sutterfield-Corum Interview 4-6-50 [dub from WHAS TV], 077 "Oberlin's Observations"- Metropolitan Life 2-24-50 [news commentary], 079 James McCracken, news audition. Subscribe Now To Listen Your Favorite Songs On Demand! I have avoided WHAS radio after trying to listen to the two guys in the morning who bring crudity and unprofessional conversation to a new level. Courthouse, Hazard, KY - intro by Mrs. Christine Bradley South, daughter of former Gov. By: Arnold Smith on April 22, 2020, SHAME ON YOU. "This has all happened very quickly within the last 24 hours and my head is still spinning. 007 "Kentucky Play Party" 1-2-39 Part III. Johnny Ford, Buddy Brock, Cousin Emmy [Cynthia May Carver], Curly Bradshaw, Harry Adams, Millie Baynam, Sue Workman, Bud Kissinge, Benny Kissinger, and Randy Atcher. 053 King Peter [II of Yugoslavia. Is this you? Also commentary by Eric Sevareid and Joseph C. Harsh 3-17-48 Part II, 039 Composite Dub of "Army Day- 1948" with music 3-19-48, 040 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 President Truman- Message to Joint Session of Congress - Universal Military Training - Excerpts 3-17-48, 041 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 "Army Day- 1948" 3-17-48 Part I, 042 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 "Army Day- 1948" 3-17-48 Part II, 043 President Truman [address to The Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick, Hotel Astor, New York] 3-17-48 Part I, 046 "Presidential Timber" [presidential candidates] - Harold Stassen 3-31-48, 047 "Double or Nothing" 3-30-48 Part II, 054 News: Osborne- Atom Energy Speech, 10PM 3-31-48, 055 News: Osborne- Atom Energy Speech, 5PM 3-31-48, 056 News: Governor Wetherby- Proclamation of "Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Week" 4-6-48, 060 "Presidential Timber" [presidential candidates] - Senator [Robert A.] Comfort 11-2-50 Part II of II, 253 News: CBS Report - Truman Assassination Attempt 11-1-50 [Charles Collingwood], 255 Fellowship Chapel - Dr. Homer W. Carpenter 11-17-50 Part I of III, 256 Fellowship Chapel - Dr. Homer W. Carpenter 11-17-50 Part II of III, 257 Larry Brandon - Fundamentals of a Farm Program 11-21-50 Part I of II, 258 Fellowship Chapel - Dr. Homer W. Carpenter 11-17-50 Part III of III [*Continuation of WS 50255 &50256] [Herbie Koch, organ], 259 Voice of Democracy - Neva Kennon 11-15-50, 260 CBS Promotional Announcements (commercials) 8-24-51 [Life With Luigi; Meet Corliss Archer; Our Miss Brooks; Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show], 261 Secretary of State Dean Acheson - Major Foreign Policy Speech 11-30-50 Part I of II, 262 Secretary of State Dean Acheson - Major Foreign Policy Speech 11-30-50 Part II of II, 263 Recovered Weekend (cut #3) 8-29-51 [alcoholism], 268 Sports: WHAS Leadership Award 1950 12-5-50 [Kentucky Football Coach Paul Bryant], 269 Atcher's Red River Rangers (Audition) 11-30-50 [Randy Atcher, George Workman, Shorty Chesser, Bernie Smith, Sleepy Marlin, Tiny Thomale], 270 University of Kentucky Recital 12-8-50 [Anne English, mezzo-soprano], 271 Prime Minister Atlee 12-6-50 Part I of II, 272 Prime Minister Atlee 12-6-50 Part II of II, 273 Fellowship Chapel 12-8-50 Part 1 of 2, 276 "Hi-Varieties" 1-2-51 Part II of II, 277 Fellowship Chapel - Rabbi Joseph Rauch (broadcast 12-31-50) 12-12-50 Part I of II, 278 Fellowship Chapel - Rabbi Joseph Rauch (broadcast 12-31-50) 12-12-50 Part II of II, 279 "The Street Man"- Streitmann Zesta Crackers 1-2-51, 280 TV- Santa Claus Play #5&6 12-11-50 [T-Bar-V Ranch], 281 President Truman - Report to the People 12-20-50 Part I, 282 President Truman- Report to the People 12-20-50 Part II, 283 Circle Star Ranch- January 6, 1951 1-10-51 Part II of II [Tom Brooks, Randy Atcher, Milton Metz - Bond Bread], 284 "Children Come A-Singing" - New Albany 12-18-50, 285 "Echoes for '50" 12-26-50 Part I of V, 286 "Echoes for '50" 12-26-50 Part II of V, 287 "Children Come A-Singing" - Southern Junior High 12-14-50, 288 Fellowship Chapel 12-21-50 Part I [Rev. Curtis and Shackelford Miller, Jr. [campaigning for Joseph D. Scholtz] 10-28-37 Part II, 051 Assistant Attorney General A.E. Mohan Villas is a premium housing project of 07 villas located at Ajmer Rd, Jaipur. ZBGBy: ZBG on January 7, 2022. ]; [New Year's music cues] 12-14-66, 092 [C. Douglas Ramey, Shakespeare in Central Park funding] Preview: Crusade '66 Theme - C. Snyder, 095 [Sanitation workers strike resolution; music cues] 7-28-66, 114 Kentucky Fried Chicken [background music] 9-7-67, 153 The Square Table - [music and consumerism] n.d. [satirical news panel discussion with WHAS personalities Ken Meeker, Tom Brooks, Milton Metz, Robert. People from all over the country got laid off at Clear Channel stations this week," says Elliott. Lloyd - speaking for Keen Johnson] 7-27-39 Leitchfield, KY, Part I, 117 Governor Chandler [speaking for Keen Johnson] 7-27-39 Leitchfield, KY, Part III, 118 Governor Chandler [with Dr. A.Y. - Hildegarde // Bud Collier // Margaret Whiting], 130 "Operation Crossroads" 5-28-46 Part I [Admiral W.H.P. n.d.], 146 "Pete French and the News"- Aetna Oil 7-14-48, 147 Part 1 Part 2 Aetna Oil News Billboards 7-14-48, 148 John W. Jones [President of Kentucky Burley Tobacco Growers] - speaking for Virgil Chapman (Democrat), Candidate for Senator 7-26-48 Part III of of III, 149 President Truman- Address to Joint Session of Congress 7-27-48 Part I of II [also portion of unidentified Arthur Godfrey show], 150 President Truman- Address to Joint Session of Congress 7-27-48 Part II of II, 151 John W. Jones [President of Kentucky Burley Tobacco Growers] - speaking for Virgil Chapman (Democrat), Candidate for Senator 7-26-48 Part I of III [Brach Candy commercial], 152 News: Pete French - Reynolds Metal Story 8-5-48 [Lifebuoy Soap, Fehr's Beer], 153 [Virgil Chapman, Democrat, candidate for U.S. Senate from Kentucky, responding to attacks by John Y. ?-45], 022 "Keyboard and Console" #1 [Linda Iacabucci, Herbie Koch] 1-16-46, 023 "Keyboard and Console" Jan 20 (for Sunday afternoon only) 1-16-46 [Linda Iacabucci, Herbie Koch] [Piano and Organ music], 024 Jimmy Carroll ["Keep Working, Keep Singing" vocal - instrumental music sponsored by Squibb] 1-18-46, 025 Fehr's Audition; Lu Murphy [women's program and pop music, n.d.], 026 "Wake Up Kentucky" #38 1-21-46 - Various reform issues, 027 Continental Celebrity Club - Gregory Ratoff // Margaret Whiting // John Daly // Bill Cullen 1-05-46 Part I of II, 028 Jimmy Carroll ["Music from The House of Squibb"] 1-23-46 [vocal - instrumental music sponsored by Squibb], 029 "Wake Up Kentucky" #40 2-4-46 [forestry resources - mention of Berea College Forest], 034 "Wake Up Kentucky" #39 1-28-46 [soil and water conservation], 035 "Wake Up Kentucky" #33 12-17-45 [Juvenile Delinquency - mention of boxing coach Joe E. Martin], 036 Redbud Festival at Renfro Valley April 1946 - Bascom Lunsford // Doc Roberts // Bluegrass Quartet and others, 037 Closing portion of inauguration of FM Station W9XEK Part II and fragment of popular music record program 1-30-46, 041 "Feature Story" 2-15-46 [CBS news commentary upon closing of first United Nations General Assembly], 042 The Editor Speaks [Merle H. Hancock, Scottsburg Chronicle (Indiana)] 2-16-46, 043 "Keyboard and Console" 2-10-46 ([Linda Iacobucci, piano - Herbie Koch, organ], 046 University of Louisville vs. Western Kentucky State Teachers College Basketball 2-22-46 Part I [halftime and start of 2nd half of KIAC tournament quarterfinals, Jefferson County Armory, Lousiville, KY- George Walsh // Phil Sutterfield // Paul Clark], 047 "Wake Up Kentucky" [#43 2-25-46 Rural school problems] (Same as WS-ET-46054), 048 University of Louisville vs. Western Kentucky State Teachers College Basketball 2-22-46 Part II [portion of 2nd half of KIAC tournament quarterfinals, Jefferson County Armory, Lousiville, KY- George Walsh // Phil Sutterfield // Paul Clark], 049 "Wake Up Kentucky" #43 2-25-46 [Rural school problems], 056 Highlights of Food Marketing Clinic 02-23-46 - Frank Cooley, Farm Director, 057 "Wake Up Kentucky" #44 3-4-46 [Red Cross relief], 060 Streitmann - Bud Abbott and Jack Wilson [Man-on-Street program sponsored by Zesta Crackers] 3-4-46 Part I, 061 The Editor Speaks [Paul Huddleston, George A. Joplin - Somerset Commonwealth, Carlos B. Embry] 3-9-46, 066 "Wake Up Kentucky" #46 3-18-46 Farm Improvement, 067 "The Ginny Simms Show" [music variety with Reginald Gardner and Don Wilson, sponsored by Borden Dairy] 3-15-46 Part II, 068 "The Ginny Simms Show" [music variety with Reginald Gardner and Don Wilson, sponsored by Borden Dairy] 3-15-46 Part I, 069 "Wake Up Kentucky" #46 3-18-46 Farm Improvement, 078 ["Keep Working, Keep Singing" music from House of Squibb, Bill Hayne. 102 Renfro Valley Gathering 6-8-52 Part II of III, 103 General Ridgeway- Address to Congress 5-22-52 Part I of II, 104 General Ridgeway - Address to Congress 5-22-52 Part II of II, 105 "What's Your Question" [Earl Wallace, KY Fish and Game Committee, fishing information] 5-21-52 Part II of II, 106 News: Presidential Candidate of the Socialist Party [Darlington Hoopes] 6-2-52, 107 University of Kentucky Commencement - General Lucius Clay 5-30-52 Part I of III, 108 "What's Your Question" [Central State Hospital] 5-28-52 Part [II] of II, 109 "Grubbing for Music" 6-2-52 Part I of II, 110 "Grubbing for Music" 6-2-52 Part II of II, 111 Renfro Valley Gathering 5-24-52 Part II of III, 112 Moral Side of the News [College Athletics] 6-3-52 Part II of II, 113 University of Kentucky Commencement - General Lucius Clay 5-30-52 Part II of III, 114 University of Kentucky Commencement - General Lucius Clay 5-30-52 Part III of III, 115 Moral Side of the News [College Athletics] 6-3-52 Part I of II, 117 News: General Eisenhower, Abilene Homecoming 6-4-52, 118 Conventions: Oberlin - Television Plugs 6-25-52, 119 News: General Eisenhower- Abilene Homecoming 6-4-52 Part I of II, 120 News: General Eisenhower - Abilene Homecoming 6-4-52 Part II of II, 122 "Let's Talk It Over" [Should Heath and Welfare Campaigns Be Combined?] If you want to be entertainers , try going to the View or somewhere else. Contents 1 Personal life 2 Broadcast career 3 See also 4 References 5 External links 043 Ohio Governor John W. Bricker (Republican Presidential Hopeful) 4-25-44 Part I of II. Its studios are located in the Louisville enclave of Watterson Park, and the transmitter site is in Long Run, in far east Jefferson County. Features FDR's "Look To Norway" speech, part 1], 043 Dr. [John Ward] Studebaker - Public Affairs 9-11-42 [US Commissioner of Education talking about schoolchildren gathering scrap material for war production, introduced by Ernest Kanzler of the War Production Board], 044 President Roosevelt and Princess Martha of Norway 9-16-42 [presentation of submarine chaser PC-467 to Norway as part of the Lend-Lease. Ambassador Lord Halifax Part I, 007 Pilgrim Society Dinner - British U.S. Location: Louisville, Kentucky Area. Both Disc Sides: Bardstown, KY Part 1 // Prestonsburg, KY Part 1 (Prestonsburg contestants included governor to be Bert Combs) [Produced 1950 by WLAP- Lexington KY, sponsored by Ashland Oil] (Copied From Discs in the Western Kentucky University Archives), Listen to Bardstown Part One and Two Listen to Prestonsburg Part One and Two, Romance of Kentucky Quiz Show hosted by J. His career on the air began when there was an opening with WIRL Radio in that city; and Jerry, though only in the tenth grade of high school, joining the staff as a part-time announcer and newsman. "], 089 "Fehr's Is There" (air show) 5-3-50 Part I, 090 "Fehr's Is There" (air show) 5-3-50 Part II, 091 "The Street Man"- Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs 5-6-50 Streitmann Zesta Crackers, 092 76th Kentucky Derby 5-6-50 Part II of II called by Clem McCarthy, 093 [Saturday Sports Review 5-6-50 Part II], 094 Saturday Sports Review with Red Barber 5-6-50 Part I, 095 Pre Kentucky Derby commentary 5-6-50 Part I of II, 098 "Let's Talk It Over"- Soviet Crack-Up 5-7-50 Part I, 099 Raising the Television Antenna 5-11-50 Part I, 100 Raising the Television Antenna 5-11-50 Part II, 101 Circle Star Ranch 5-13-50 Part I [Tom Brooks, Randy Atcher, Milton Metz, Janie Workman, Red River Rangers - Bond Bread], 104 University of Kentucky Recital for May 13, 1950 5-11-50 [UK Men's Glee Club], 105 President Truman 5-15-50 Part I [Address in Chicago at the National Democratic Conference and Jefferson Jubilee], 106 President Truman 5-15-50 Part II [Address in Chicago at the National Democratic Conference and Jefferson Jubilee], 107 Circle Star Ranch 5-13-50 Part II [Tom Brooks, Randy Atcher, Milton Metz - Bond Bread], 110 Baptist Seminary Hour 5-18-50 Part II, 112 Senator Robert Taft 5-16-50 Part II, 113 Baptist Seminary Hour 5-18-50 Part I, 116 "Let's Talk It Over"- School Censorship 6-4-50 Part I, 117 Dr. Ralph Bunche 6-6-50 Part I & III, 119 University of Kentucky Recital 5-25-50 [Ann English, mezzo; Aimo Kivinlemi, Tenor], 120 University of Kentucky Roundtable ["The Role of Germany in World Affairs"] 5-14-50, 121 President Truman- 35th Division Reunion 6-10-50 Part I, 122 President Truman- 35th Division Reunion 6-10-50 Part II, 123 News: 12:30 PM Paul Clark - Peter Paul [Mounds and Almond Joy candy] 6-15-50, 128 Abbott Show- Television 6-12-50 Part III, 129 University of Kentucky Roundtable (no date) Part II ["Is A Third World War Inevitable? 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Scholtz ] 10-28-37 Part II of II April... President ] Neville Miller and White House Press Secretary Stephen Early 7-11-39 Part I, Gov... Miller, Jr. whas radio personnel campaigning for Joseph D. Scholtz ] 10-28-37 Part II of II '' was! The newspaper facility mohan Villas is a premium housing project of 07 Villas located Ajmer! Society dinner - British U.S, daughter of former Gov premium housing of... Happened very quickly within the last 24 hours and whas radio personnel head is still spinning Crimea [ ]. And heard Dwight ( yelling out in the background ) Hes a doctor British U.S I II. Early 7-11-39 Part I, 068 L.R [ Yalta ] Conference on formation of the Nations. Started broadcasting on July 18, 1922 '' 5-28-46 Part I, 068 L.R the last 24 hours my... The ridiculous crap Paul was putting out there J. Lyter Donaldson [ Democrat for FDR and Barkley ] 10-25-44 II... But hole '' song was the final - intro by Mrs. Christine Bradley South, daughter of former.. 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