jl collins daughter

So Id fund a Roth followed by taxable accounts. . The negligence that led me to DIY investing, Part XXXVI: Estate Planning 101 -- The Simple Path to an Estate Plan, The Top 9 (Bad) Arguments Against Bitcoin, Investing with Vanguard for Europeans: 2020 update. Question: 1 And so, it became very popular. Hi Mr. Collins. Since it doesnt work as mentioned, Vtsax and the S&P 500 a currently parallel. We want to edit this a little and then try to get some traditional PR around it. I think the problem comes when people say 4% rule. Hi Jim, Stocks -- Part III: Most people lose money in the market. I have a chapter in the book called the unacceptable burden. So if you want to follow my advice on that, VTI is your fund. His latest book is How I Lost Money in Real Estate Before It Was Fashionable. Here's the one I like: 25x the annual amount you spend/4% of your assets. Thank you so much! $5105 cash Not a very satisfying answer I know, but I cant think of another way around this issue. I had about a years worth of wages saved up,and I figured that I could supplement that playing pool.Some nights I was winning $200.00-$300.00,tax free. What you feel comfortable with given your lifestyle choices (you used the word indulgences; close enough). Are there any columnists, authors, thinkers who you especially appreciate? A bunch of authors have given me permission: Mr. Money Mustache, Paula Pant, The Mad Fientist, J. Carmen. If the minimum investment is $10k, would they hold the money in another fund and convert to VTSAX when it hits $10k. Since you are retired, you can roll your 401K into an IRA at Vanguard. Now I have 2 kids in college and several nieces and nephews and am trying to pass down some of this philosophy. If so, it would be interesting to have you respond to apoorplayers suggestion that FIRE is the preserve of the white middle class here: https://jlcollinsnh.com/2016/08/16/what-the-naysayers-are-missing/#comment-4215699. Then we started binging on any blogs FIRE related. Listening to your book on audio I dont know what the links are to some of the places where you reference long time data. Please let me know if youre up for itall I need is a yeshere or by email would work. I was eight. Note that today is 2021 and things have changed since the publishing of your book. In your 80s and 90s, not so useful. Hope you are your family are having a safe and healthy year so far! Hello Mr. Collins: I put your book on my wishlist, but didnt read it at first because your book isnt available at my library. You can then invest this money in VGSLX https://personal.vanguard.com/us/funds/snapshot?FundId=5123&FundIntExt=INT&funds_disable_redirect=true which is a REIT (real estate investment trust) fund. Collins: Well, so the first part of that I was in the magazine publishing business, business-to-business magazines, which of course have little or nothing to do with investing. Thank you. simple if it wasnt for the fact that we are now in Australia. One is PPLI (Private Placement Life Insurance). Ive passed your contact info on to my agent. Please let me know it this is a similar index! I almost didnt make it and am very happy I did. Whoa Whoa Whoa. . And I've written my book to be as simple as possible, The Simple Path to Wealth. keep it up. And so, I don't think anybody would, and certainly nobody should, say I'm going to withdraw 4% or 3%, for that matter, and I'm going to just do that automatically and I'm never going to think about this again, because there is a risk inherent in it. an online bank account where you buy and store gold, basically putting your savings on a gold standard. I bought a house in Manhattan Beach, CA in 1979 for $97,000. https://sensimsteps.blogspot.se/2017/01/the-simple-path-to-wealth-boktips.html I first started investing in 1975, actually, and I had no idea what I was doing. If yes, could you send us the PDF for further review? Feel free to send more info. We are under 28% tax bracket. Have a wonderful nice and safe Trip!!!! If you can buy them commission free and if you can resist the urge to trade, they work just fine. My second book, How I Lost Money in Real Estate Before it was Fashionable, released in November 2021. Thoughts? Please, give me a respond if you are interested in it. Christine Benz does not own (actual or beneficial) shares in any of the securities mentioned above. I will be giving your book to my daughter when she turns 18. I and my husband are working, 35 and 40 respectively. . Collins: Jeff, there wasn't a road on Damascus kind of moment. I am an almost fifty year old professional woman who while working part-time has managed individually to save well for retirement, to establish 529s for my two children, and to purchase a significant amount of mutual funds. Ive taken Mr Andrew Hallams advice and Ive invested in VXC, VCN and VUN. So, you will wind up with a less-good result at the end of the day. Im Julie and I lead marketing at Passiv. under your original comment here: https://jlcollinsnh.com/2011/06/03/my-short-attention-span/, youre gonna have to start reading this blog a lot closer, my friend. Also, Hi Mr. Collins. Plus, since they are bought and sold like stocks, they often have trading costs associated with them. And one of the obstacles, by the way, is I actually achieved financial independence picking stocks, and by extension picking mutual funds that were actively managed by stock-pickers. They may not want to listen . So onto google: Jim Collins blog However, if you read thru this: https://jlcollinsnh.com/stock-series/ Dear Mr. Collins, Could someone explain how this mutual fund works in regards to this topic? Throwing a bunch of money into an index fund and ignoring it for years is a risky and emotionally challenging thing to try. Mr Why925 from whyninetofive. Ptak: To stick with target-date funds for a minute, if we could, it sounds like maybe you feel like they overdo it a little bit--not to put words in your mouth--just in terms of the number or type of exposures that are delivered through the fund-of-funds structure. I have an FAQ and other materials if you would like to look more before responding. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. So, instead, I wrote a summary post covering costs, efficient frontier and why 100% stocks, and pointed the readers to your stock series for elaborate study. And kudos to him for being open to it. If you are interested in my ideas, they are all laid out here in the blog and in my book. We are currently both full time parents for our toddler twin boys planning new future adventures. The rest is history. The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins is designed as a one-stop roadmap to financial freedom. Ive been following all the advice and have been religiously dollar cost averaging into the S&P index, or the closest I could come to that, across multiple companies and 401(k)s over the last 20 years. I dont want money ou attention, just spread the info in my country. https://jlcollinsnh.com/2012/05/09/stocks-part-v-keeping-it-simple-considerations-and-tools/#comment-4220505. Ptak: If I can quick follow up on that. But I think that if you are young and your goal is to achieve financial independence, one of the key things you want to do is keep your housing expenses as low as possible. Optimal Finance Daily is the podcast where youd be narrated the most frequently. As with all negotiations you want to be friendly. However, I just dont have to the time to become as involved in your site as you suggest. Best of luck as always, and hope you find your illusive inner-self. Glad to hear it resonated with some of your friends and hopefully they will pass it, and the message, along to theirs. Enter JL Collins' Stock Series. Amazon sets the prices and, as far as I know, there is no way to buy it in bulk at a discount. That makes sense for people with long time horizons. THANK YOU! Im going to guess that youll say move it to VTSAX and simplify things in lieu of the small fee savings ($254/$1M). We are interested of publishing your book The Simple Path to Wealth in Bulgarian language. The one bright spot in all of this is that Ive collected 20 years of the full amount of employer matching funds. Mr.Collins, Finllect is an app that makes financial literacy accessible to the Gen Z with bite-sized financial content and product recommendations. our entire lives. I cannot disregard how much I learned working that job and applied a lot of the knowledge I had gained in school to real world stuff! Benz: You do counsel people to de-risk their portfolios as they get closer to retirement or whatever kind of goal that they're working toward. JL Collins retired at a more "normal" age than Mr. Money Mustache and started his blog as a way to pass on his financial/life knowledge on to his daughter. There's a certain percentage, and I think it's like 20% or 25% that will outperform it on any given year. Its possible? Case Study #3: Let's get Tom to Latin America! Under 1% falls within the margin of error and you could equally say you can maybe lose extra 1% long term. What is certain, your expenses will be a bit higher as will your volatility. Ive traveled to and around those places by plane, train, bus, boat, subway, taxi, hired car, motorcycle, bicycle, rickshaw, hitch-hiking, foot, horse, donkey and elephant. Weve started a feature where we host people whove had a significant effect in pushing the FI/ER movement forward for a Q&A session with our subscribers, of which we have ~300,000. book on Audible and have listened to it over a dozen times now. As I was explaining the ins and outs of your incredibly simple system, I became more and more elated as I realized that we have the good fortune to be able to take control of our future in a way I never thought was possible without hitting the lottery. I do work for an Italian entrepreneur, he his a big fan, and would like to make an interview (with a fee of course) to show his audience something about wise investiment. Stocks Part XVII: What if you can't buy VTSAX? There was a time when this was not consistent but is now. New Mexico Lobo. Im trying to contact you about an editorial collaboration but I cant find your email. https://jlcollinsnh.com/2014/06/10/stocks-part-xxiii-selecting-your-asset-allocation/, Haha yeah, you almost had me fooled with the April Fools post! Not late at all, WE. And on my lunch hour one day, I walked down Michigan Avenue to a brokerage office that I'd seen the storefront and walked in, and I said, I'd like to talk to somebody about buying some stock. And they introduced me to the broker, and he sat down and asked me what, looking back on now, were actually pretty good questions. You are very fun to read and there is the bonus that most of it is informative as well. . No need to post this mate. https://finance.yahoo.com/chart/VTSAX#eyJtdWx0aUNvbG9yTGluZSI6ZmFsc2UsImJvbGxpbmdlclVwcGVyQ29sb3IiOiIjZTIwMDgxIiwiYm9sbGluZ2VyTG93ZXJDb2xvciI6IiM5NTUyZmYiLCJtZmlMaW5lQ29sb3IiOiIjNDVlM2ZmIiwibWFjZERpdmVyZ2VuY2VDb2xvciI6IiNmZjdiMTIiLCJtYWNkTWFjZENvbG9yIjoiIzc4N2Q4MiIsIm1hY2RTaWduYWxDb2xvciI6IiMwMDAwMDAiLCJyc2lMaW5lQ29sb3IiOiIjZmZiNzAwIiwic3RvY2hLTGluZUNvbG9yIjoiI2ZmYjcwMCIsInN0b2NoRExpbmVDb2xvciI6IiM0NWUzZmYiLCJyYW5nZSI6Inl0ZCJ9. For that last one I sometimes get credit. JL Collins on Financial Independence and The Simple Path to Wealth July 28, 2020 By writing a series of blog posts about personal finance and stock market investing intended for his daughter, JL Collins (somewhat by accident) reached an international audience of millions. I hope they can learn just by reading. That one came out in 2021. VTWSX is the world stock market index fund. I love how you break everything down and make it super easy for me to understand. The author created the book for his adolescent daughter, who has little interest in investing and therefore needs an easy, automatic path to achieving her financial goals. Were Mergen Digitals LLC, a Texas-based Digital Marketing Company. Any thoughts? 80%: VTSAX Im interested to see what your thoughts on this are. Thanks for passing my writings on to your sons. . for your very kind words. Mail clerk, ground man for a tree crew, landscaper, ad agency founder, account executive, ad space salesman,investment officer, entrepreneur, consultant, sales trainer, speaker, writer, radio talk show host, publisher and group publisher. Your email address will not be published. Thank you for bringing peace into my investing soul. As to whether people can learn--one of the things that I wrestle with in my own advice. So, you're never going to want to do any percentage withdrawal and just set it and forget about it--not only because you might run out of money, but even more importantly, and more likely, your money is going to grow far beyond that withdrawal rate. Things have changed with the SECURE Act (which was not in place at publishing), requiring the ROTH to be consumed/withdrawn in full by an heir (not all situations apply) over 10 years. My Retirement plans include traveling with my Girlfriend, Fishing, Hunting and Volunteering. My familys escaped from Ukraine and ended up in the United States to give our family a better life. If you are so inclined, a short version of it would make a wonderful 5-star review for me on Amazon. He got into blogging when he realized, considering his family historywhich showed the men usually died after three score years and some change he may not live long enough to teach his grandchildren what he wanted to teach them about life and money. I was promoted to full-time electrical engineer when I graduated and I worked for about 2 months before I said, NO WAY! Ive passed your contact info on to my agent. I'm not predicting either of those things to be clear, just as an example. Considering a venture capital fund as less than 1/10th of my after tax portfolio. Long time reader of your blog but never commented before. The only reason for women to work is if the household needs money? Speaking of the enjoyment of hardship, if you put your tale of woe to music it would make a great country/western song, .you know the ones your ex-beautiful blond girlfriend probably liked. I pushed too hard, too early. My guess is that they are less well regulated and that this might give rise to the ability of some insiders to trade on information not available to others. It might be as simple as asking: Wow. You just have to learn to accept them if you're going to be in the market and enjoy the long-term gains that it can provide. Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (June 18, 2016) My name is Tim and I am in charge of the outreach service for a major I would like to thank you for all the effort and knowledge you put into your book, specially the audio version! And there are a few things in life that are more intoxicating than choosing a company, buying the stock, and being proven right and watching it go up. I would also recommend https://www.millennial-revolution.com/investworkshop/. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Thanks for your time in reading this. I think if you change that and said 4% guideline, then you're good, because 4% is not a hard and fast rule. Hello! My wife and I, along with our 3 children started on a journey 7 years ago through a happenstance of fate to simplify and live more intentionally. I have to say this is the first time anyone has thanked me for making their girlfriend hot. I just randomly came across your You Tube recording with Google, A Simple Path.. So, for instance, you can type into the internet, and I've seen these articles on a regular basis, of how much house does $1 million buy in various parts of the United States? From my understanding, these index funds are socially-conscious versions of VTSAX and VTIAX, so they exclude the stocks of companies that produce: Adult entertainment, alcohol and tobacco products, weapons, fossil fuels energy, gambling activities, and nuclear power. You might read thru the Stock Series and try the Search function here on the blog to pick up some more. Im afraid insurance is out of my wheelhouse. I was 13. Just called Vanguard Australia and they dont have it here, so I was wondering if you could guide me on this. Glad to hear it, but I hope you still love me when the markets take their next major dive. I had to chuckle a bit at your case study. Hopefully, hell write about it. Secondly, I run a podcast based on educating people in personal finances. My question arises from the fact that historically the markets tend to correct quite a bit during interest rate hikes..or does it simply not matter considering a long-term view? have a US address and my husband still has a retirement account with them through a previous employer. Hi JL. JL's latest book is How I Lost Money in Real Estate Before it Was Fashionable. Its not the assets themselves that is the issue, its how they are held. How nice it is to have come across someone that has the same feelings regarding the one fund (VTSAX), no additional international, and bond strategy (NONE for me). MSG Reggie Kalous We are a literary agency in Japan and have got a Japanese publisher interested in your book, THE SIMPLE PATH TO WEALTH(1st edition). REDUCED PENSION . Im afraid I am at a loss for military specific FI advice. I know, sounds too good to be true, which makes me wonder what the catch is? But now I feel like such a fool. If you still decide to go the ethical investing route, you might ask for suggestions in the comments on this post: https://jlcollinsnh.com/2014/01/27/stocks-part-xxi-investing-with-vanguard-for-europeans/. On your Jan. 30, 2014 post, there is a place in Spain with bullfighting ring. He just opened his first Roth IRA. Not your age. Jim though Im really just starting on the path to FI, your work has been supremely empowering and gives me hope there IS a path thank you! You first have to make some basic lifestyle decisions. I managed to choke out a wry laugh when he said Americans arent good at doing what theyre told. You might also post both here: https://jlcollinsnh.com/2017/04/14/sell-sell-sell-sell/. How do I send it? So, I am sort of broken myself of the addiction. Wish I would have read your book years ago. His advice to her not only evolved into that book, but he also keeps a blog and runs workshops and seminars. COLLINS. Jim, I cant thank you enough, would love to buy you a coffee, beer, or dinner someday if our paths cross! Life just gets better if you know where youre going and appreciate the journey. That is for you to decide, once you have learned enough to make an informed decision. I just kept it with them and rolled it to a rollover IRA. Stocks -- Part XVI: Index Funds are really just for lazy people, right? But this is clearly not what happened for you and others recently. Collins: Well, first of all, I agree with you, it is simpler. Ptak: I wanted to shift and ask you about retirement income. This is the link I was look at https://investor.vanguard.com/mutual-funds/profile/VTSAX. I was just wondering what your take on it is? Then Money, Mast the Game. So, you have 75% chance of doing less well with your dollar-cost averaging against the 25% chance of maybe it working out for you. How about the BlackRock Dow Jones fund? But, as Andy Rooney once said, Never expect too much from your company. My wife gave notice at her job last week and Im building up the courage to do the same. My take can be found in the third part of this post from last year: We are a Taiwan publisher, and would like to inquire on the status of the book: The Simple Path to Wealth: Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life Paperback June 18, 2016 by J L Collins He just kinda dropped away and I assume is too busy lacking ambition to write any more on Lacking Ambition. I think in the end it was a cheaper route to go but I definitely did not need to tack on the extra $10K in loans, I could've worked, I shoulda woulda coulda. https://jlcollinsnh.com/2014/01/27/stocks-part-xxi-investing-with-vanguard-for-europeans/ Thanks. Let me know of what time works best for you here. Anyhow, do you think its OK to borrow for school tuition as its an investment and I dont want to cash in my investments. the companys affiliate sites. First I read Richest man in Babylon. To be 100% transparent, at the moment I dont have significant wealth, and Im in my mid 30s. I hope I have been able to do justice to your work, in some small measure. I plan on investing a major chunk of my savings in the coming days. Collins: I think when people say that what they overlook is the idea that it's not just the thing you're buying, but it's where you're buying it. Reply. Having money to travel in your 60s and 70s is useful. I just read your book The Simple Path to Wealth and wanted to write a review on by website. However I couldnt find an email for you. OR vise versa, was it the dot com bust of 2000 and the housing bubble of 2008 that together made the stock market so flat for 13 years? That helps a lot. Im aware NH derives the vast majority of its revenue from property taxes, and theyre some of the highest in the nation at 2.2%. Thank you for putting your Stock Series online and in blog form. Your insights are invaluable and Ive proudly shared the link with colleagues. And that's when I suggest that you add bonds to your portfolio. Greetings from Prague & a computer question, Swimming with Tigers, a 2nd chance on the Chautauqua, a financial article gets it wrong and I'm off to Prague, Homeless, and a bit on the strategy of dollar cost averaging, Wild Turkeys, Motorcycles, Dining Room Sets & Greed, Roots v. Wings: considering home ownership, Meet Mr. Money Mustache, JD Roth, Cheryl Reed & me for a Chautauqua in Ecuador, High School Poetry, Carnival, cool ads and random pictures that caught my eye. Thanks for it all! 13:47-17:46 Great things take timethree years to be exact. Chautauqua 2014 preview, closing up for travel and other random cool things that caught my eye of late. This time, it's a pandemic. And my response was, every market crash and market crashes, in my view, are something that are a normal part of the process. This articles title, This Bull Market Could Be Here To Stay and the followup under the picture, Famed stock investor Jeremy Grantham suggests this time its different, just cracked me up! Very often there is no one right answer, there are only different answers for different situations and the most important aspect is making an educated decision for yourself. So, it was just critically important to me that somehow I convey this information to her. 1. I was eight. Thank you I am far from AA, dont know how you got that impression?! Wed love to work together. (https://calendly.com/na-tawakkol/15min) My name is Bob and I am a financial expert in lending. Please reach out if you would be interested. I recently started reading your website. On most of the money that we put into American Funds, we paid the princely sales charges. A google search later and I came across your site. August 2021. This is a common issue, Lyssa. We are interested in publishing them in complex Chinese-language in Taiwan, is this book available? I read your book on Amazon Prime for free. Tend to disagree about not owning your own home as in Australia we generally have a different mindset but in the end it is just bananas which way you go as the paths are in the same direction. Collins: Christine, first of all--and you've alluded to this already--but let's be clear that when I was talking about my daughter and that she's putting money in on a regular basis, and that . This blog, as with everything I do, is dedicated to them. As I point out in this post: https://jlcollinsnh.com/2016/08/16/what-the-naysayers-are-missing/ many react with hostility instead of interest. Weekly newspaper from Crosbyton, Texas that includes local, state and national news along with advertising. I have great respect for your work. And when you say -definitely inspired by you and your blog- is this character supposed to be me? craig. But if you want that, Id just go with VTWSX/VT. The expectancy of these guys and gals is short, the course of their work beats them up so they really only have 30 years before its over. I am as well Through reading your series, bouncing to all the external links, and re organizing my portfolio Ive come to understand why Im working and what Im working for. Marketing Is this valid reasoning or am I making an error there? However, we can tell you the site does not accept sponsored posts. Worse, they have become even more difficult to read over the past few years. Hello. Im Mike and Ive been on a bit of a mission to educate myself financially over the last 9 months or so. What kind of stocks are you attracted to and how have you done with them? These guys are direct and precise like the book. I am turning 58 years old next week and my wife Lucy is 51 years old. Unfortunately, we didnt have the benefit of your guidance before starting to save. Your work empowered me to take charge of my own financial life. Ptak: And @Syouth1, which is, S-Y-O-U-T-H and the number 1. Ptak: A lot of your readers look to you to share wisdom on how they should approach their financial lives. Im now convinced, thanks to your book and Mr. Merrimans podcasts, that passive investing (through index funds) is the way forward. Ive been reading your site pretty intently but I have a few questions that do not seem to be addressed anywhere and I was hoping I can ask you by email. You should expand the book and contract it. Should I look to bundle my money together in less funds? That's one of the reasons we work hard and save and invest money. https://www.madfientist.com/sane-fientist-interview/. Any interest? Both small cap and value stocks have periodic runs where they are in favor, but then so too do large cap and growth companies. And I'm not going to build a portfolio of these things, because that's counter to my investment approach. I just read your book and am catching up on your Stock Series. I have tried to find answers through posting on message boards and reading others threads, Jeff Ptak is an employee of Morningstar Research Services LLC. I was wondering if you could help me understand this. The condensed version would contain 80% of your insights, but the reader will not realize it. Regards, Benz: One area where you run counter to the conventional wisdom is that you're not a big fan of dollar-cost averaging. JL Collins joins Carl and Doug to talk about a terrible investment experience with Real Estate. a life salary. Where do you find your narrators? Thoughts on which to choose? Kind of disturbing for those of us who invest at Vanguard. I finally found you because Chris foound Fritz- The Unholy Alliance is reunited! GBP or ZAR in 2008. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Trying to decide if I should leave that alone or move it to VTSAX. Id like to take a further discussion with them. But the kind of dollar-cost averaging you're asking about, and you did make this clear, is what if you wind up with a lump sum of money for whatever reason. https://jlcollinsnh.com/2013/05/29/why-your-house-is-a-terrible-investment/. How did you originally find your way here? This would save on capital gains but would continue to frustrate me. One of my few regrets is that Ive never had the occasion for an international posting. Its like being your own robo-advisor! If I understand you correctly, you want to know if you can take money from your 401K and invest it in RE. Has thanked me for making their Girlfriend hot consistent but is now I think the problem when! Know how you got that impression? FAQ and other random cool things caught! Vcn and VUN very fun to read over the past few years and others.! Military specific FI advice publishing them in complex Chinese-language in Taiwan, is dedicated to.... Search function here on the blog and in my mid 30s over a dozen times now my when! Now I have been able to do the same but the reader not. Book the Simple Path to Wealth done with them 2014 preview, closing up for and. Is 2021 and things have changed since the publishing of your book the Simple Path to Wealth by Collins! Somehow I convey this information to her he also keeps a blog and in my country for. With hostility instead of interest this book available on Amazon Prime for free just dont significant! 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