nicaraguan curly hair tarantula care

This spider has an attractive dark-colored body with a golden-bronze sheen due to its long golden curly hairs that envelop the body. Required fields are marked *. ? 1. Description . Pros & Cons of Keeping a Curly Hair Tarantula as a Pet, Similar Tarantulasto the Curly Hair Tarantula, Purchasing or Adopting Your Curly Hair Tarantula. Curly hair tarantulas are fairly low-maintenance pets, requiring regular feedings and periodic cleanings. The required intensity of cradling for the curly hair is about 3 to 4 inches. Its popular name describes the long curly hairs of the legs and, to a lesser extent, the body and abdomen . The sac is incubated in her nest for 7 - 8 weeks. It is also a active T; always rearranging the enclosure. Females live for around 10 years, while males only live about 4. The Curly Hair tarantula is slow-moving and docile, particularly as an adult. Some people want tarantulas because theyre scary or intimidating, while others aim for cute. The safest way to do this, for both your tarantula and yourself, is to very gently nudge it into some soft of container with a chopstick or a paintbrush, cover the container and then place that inside the new or temporary enclosure. While they are cute, females are able to reach 6 in legspan, which is certainly not small. A lot of hybridization takes place due to such cross-breeding. Female curly hair tarantulas, unlike other tarantula species, go easy on males. Moderately rapidly growing. Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula. Your curly hair tarantula bite is not venomous or fatal but it can sting like a bees. Curly hair tarantulas are new world tarantulas that can be found in places such as Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. The Aviculariagenus is known as the genus for beginner-friendly tarantulas, but Brachypelma albopilosumgives them a run for their money. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Out of stock. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You might even find them boring if you expected a lively animal. The Curly Hair Tarantula, Latin name Tliltocatl albopilosum, is considered one of the very best species for beginners. Curly hair tarantula enclosure This terrestrial bird spider also likes to burrow. 70% humidity is best for these species. T. albopilosus is frequently kept and bred in captivity. A height of around a foot is sufficient. Curly hair tarantulas (Tliltocatl albopilosus) are a large spider species that are native to the South American regions of Nicaragua, Honduras, and Costa Rica. Your tarantula's tank should be kept out of direct sunlight, as they are nocturnal and natural light will mess up their internal clock. My Account; Customer Help; Want to chat? Keep the tank between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. So, unless you trust your source for the exact species, please do not attempt to breed them. If you observe that your Tliltocatl albopilosus is refusing to eat or hiding more than usual, and is slowing down, do not be panic. You must log in or register to reply here. Add a layer of at least 3 inches of peat moss, chemical-free potting soil, or vermiculite to the bottom of the tank. . The way tarantulas essentially groom themselves is via molting. However, a much more experienced keeper on this forum informed me that he is indeed Honduran form. To know more interesting facts about tarantulas visit here. Spend some time cleaning the enclosure every few weeks or once a month. Due to its curly hairs this species has a wooly like appearance . is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,,, and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. Dont forget to keep a shallow water dish in the enclosure for your pet to sip water from. As they grow you will need to make appropriate upgrades until you need an enclosure. The insects should be no larger than the size of your tarantula's body. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. If you want to purchase one of these tarantulas for yourself, you should have a decently easy time acquiring one! The Honduran curly hair tarantula is also known as Brachypelma albopilosum, and falls under the same species as the Costa Rican and Nicaraguan curly hair. Should You Keep an Emperor Scorpion as a Pet. That's why it's very important to wash your hands well (and don't rub your eyes) after handling a tarantula or anything in its enclosure. Curly Hair Tarantula humidity It is best to keep it in an enclosure with at around 65%. The venom of a curly hair tarantula's bite typically causes a local reaction in people that's similar to a bee sting. Tarantulas and other Arachnids: A complete pet owner's manual. Cannibalism is very much prevalent in this species, so do not house two or more curly hair tarantulas together. It moves about its enclosure frequently, stays quite visible, and even rearranges its enclosure regularly. Honduran curly hair (Brachypelma albopilosum) - Terrestrial, fairly active, inexpensive, and not particularly aggressive. But for the most part, your spider will sit in a restful state unless it is hunting its prey. To avoid accidentally becoming a breeder yourself if you're taking home multiple spiders, simply house them individually. Mombasa Golden . They are native to Costa Rica and Nicaragua where they roam the tropical scrublands and sometimes live in burrows on the ground. Because they are new world tarantulas, their venom is not dangerous to people. The main issues that you could possibly run into are dehydration and parasites/mites. Another good addition is coconut husk bedding. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Tarantula Care. How to Care for a Pet Mexican Red-Knee Tarantula, How to Care for a Pet Desert Blond Tarantula, How to Care for a Pet Chilean Rose Tarantula, How to Care for a Pet Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula, How to Care for a Pet Mexican Redleg Tarantula. Slings tend to sell for around $30, unsexed juveniles are about $50, and sexed adults are about $75 for males and $100 for females. 3. As tarantulas are a terrestrial species, horizontal space is always more significant than height, as too high of an enclosure can result in falls and redundant injury to your spider. Feed your younger spiders every 2-3 days and your adult tarantula once a week. But if your spider has become tired or isnt eating, consult your veterinarian to help you diagnose the root cause of its condition. The new exoskeleton must solidify to become defensive for the tarantula. Beyond The Treat is an educational website that promotes happy and healthy pet ownership. There are, however, important factors to their physical health that need to be considered. Also, male tarantulas usually die off right after they reach maturity. Seperti namanya, satu berasal dari Honduras yang lebih dulu dipelihara sebagai peliharaan eksotis, dan satu lagi berasal dari Nicaragua. Our Editor's Pick: Hagen Exo Terra Glass Terrarium Kit. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Keep temperature and humidity constant to encourage breeding. Curly hair tarantula molting is an interesting phenomenon to watch. Curly hair tarantulas are solitary animals and shouldn't even be housed with other spiders of their own species. [4] This usually docile tarantula will kick hairs off the abdomen with its hind legs when threatened, which cause blindness if they hit the eyes of a predator and can also cause a rash on the skin. Adults are typically given an adult cricket every single day, or two adult dubia roaches per week. The "Honduran Curly Hair" that has been imported for decades were coming from both Costa Rica and Honduras as the country of origin. Growing to a legspan of some 5 - 6 inches, it has only modest requirements in captivity. Owners also love to handle them. However, if you think your spiders molt is taking longer than it should or otherwise seems abnormal, discuss this with your vet. Unreceptive females are likely to be aggressive towards approaching males and may try to kill and eat them.[4]. 1. Common Names: Curly hair tarantula, wooly tarantula, Scientific Names: Tliltocatl albopilosus (formerly Brachypelma albopilosum), Adult Size: 5 to 6 inches long (including its leg span), Lifespan: 8 to 10 years on average in captivity (females), 4 years (males). Type: Terrestrial. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Needing help. Best Budget: REPTIZOO Top Feeding Ventilated Visually Appealing Tarantula Enclosure. Their calm, laid-back demeanor makes them the easiest pet tarantula to handle and they are also hardy spiders; perfect for beginners. [1][2] They are largely terrestrial, opportunistically burrowing spiders. The white represents peace, while the blue represents the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean to the east and west of the country. However, it is quite fast compared to other tarantulas in the genus, making it more attractive for beginners as theres a quicker payoff. This tarantula has a fairly average growth rate, reaching its maximum legspan from its spiderling stage in a couple of years. This will ensure that there is no reason for bacterial buildup. 75F to 80F with about 65% to 70% humidity. Sold Out. And while they're generally docile, curly hair tarantulas also might use their venomous bite to defend themselves. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. You can separate the eggs in a different enclosure and store them at 80-90% humidity with temperature between 70 and 85 F. Once the venom has acted the tarantula is able to suck up the proteins and fats of its prey, leaving just a small ball of undigested body parts. If he is unable to escape her during that short time, he might be her dinner. The Orange Baboon Tarantula or the. Whether you are searching for a pet spider breed or already decided to get a Curly Hair and just wanted to learn more, we got your back! Most of the time, they are terrestrial and will opportunistically burrow. These bristles are often dark brown or black, but they can also have a golden sheen. Once captured in large numbers for the international pet trade, the curlyhair tarantula is now bred in captivity worldwide and relatively few are caught in the wild. NewMoonReptiles. Tarantulas mating is more like an aggressive transaction rather than a sexual experience. Just be sure to remove unwanted prey within 24 hours, or it actually can stress your spider. Room temperature is generally ok for most tarantula species but as Curly Hairs come from a warm and humid climate we do recommend the use of a heat mat if your house is not normally warm. As you know that, Tarantulas are the enormous spiders in the whole world. Very docile. Registration is free, and dedicated forums exist for the discussion of Tarantulas, True Spiders, Centipedes & Scorpions. $19.99. At time of sale they are eating a few hydei fruit flies a week, as they grow so should their prey. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. tarantula but withburrowing instincts. It should or otherwise seems irregular if you think your spiders molt is taking a long time. Expect to do a full change of the bedding every four to six months. If however, you start to notice the female getting aggressive, separate them right away. Image credit: Piqsels Temperature The ideal temperature for a Chilean rose hair is 80 degrees F. The humidity level should be at least 70%. Biting is not usually their first reaction when startled. B. This is usually significantly warmer than room temperature, so to boost your temps, you will need to use a small heat mat stuck to the long side of the enclosure and connected to a thermostat set to 84-85F to create a temperature gradient. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula is a giant spider with curly hairs on its body. This color gives the spider an overall bronze sheen shade, which is very attractive. They are not usually skittish, are comfortable being handled, and are easy to care for. These hairs are itchy and can irritate the nose, mouth, and eyes of killers and cause rashes on the human body. They can also have the very occasional treat of a single pinky mouse. This is definitely a good beginner tarantula. If you have any questions or are looking for a specific tarantula please Contact Us. Another thing you can do to keep humidity levels high is to mist the enclosure. Curly hair tarantulas are ground-dwelling, burrowing spiders native to Central America. These are very moderate conditions, meaning that they wont require a lot of special care when it comes to the climate of their enclosure. Orders Placed by 12pm EST Ship Same Day! Best Bird Cage for Cockatiel 2023 Top 6 Picks! Kedua tarantula unik ini bisa didapatkan di Indonesia. If they feel threatened, curly hair tarantulas also might use their defense mechanisms. $24.99; . Common Name: Curly Hair, Honduran Curly Hair, Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantula Type: Terrestrial Category: New World Endemic Location: Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica Body Length: 3" (8cm) Diagonal Leg Span (DLS): 6.5" (17cm) Urticating Hairs: Yes Type I & III Growth Rate: Slow Life Expectancy: Females 25 years / Males 5 years 1. Overall, while its coloration isnt as crazy as, say, Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, its a very attractive tarantula that catches the eyes of beginner and experienced keepers alike.. $20. The passive behavior of these tarantulas makes it a personal favorite among those who like handling their spiders. This tarantula has a dark-colored round body wrapped with long strands that have slight and beautiful curls. They like to burrow, so look for substrate that allows this activity. It needs to be at least three times the width of the spider's body. 10 Best Tarantula Species to Keep as Pets, Insects and Spiders Pets Guide for Beginners. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram $ 0.00 0. It does have specific environmental needs, but they arent hard to meet. Does the curly hair tarantula like to be held? The reason for this may be because, in the wild, the males tend to wander off more and usually get killed by predators. What Do Curly Hair Tarantulas Eat & Drink? Do not overheat the terrarium. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. If she molts between mating and cocoon formation, then the eggs could remain unfertilized. They don't require a lot of maintenance, and they take up minimal space. This is very important for your curly hairs health. Curly hair tarantulas are great for beginners because of their docile nature and easy care requirements. Care Sheets; Gear; Shipping Supplies; About Us; Order Issue; Customers. Khiri Khan Earth Tiger -1/2"-Chilobrachys Sp Prachuap Khiri Khan Tarantula. Very average climate with decent humidity and higher year-round temperatures. The main benefit of going to a breeder is you'll likely have a wider selection of younger animals. Learn how to properly care for the Curly Hair Tarantula. This is an excellent variety of New World tarantula to keep as a pet, since it is fairly docile. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Expect to spend a few hours per week on feedings and cleaning. They are terrestrial beings and do not usually climb high heights anyways. Best for Multiple-Tarantulas - Exo Terra Outback 20-Gallon Tank. Orange Tree Spider. They do have urticating hairs that they will kick if they are frightened or feel threatened. Found in the savannas of Central America. They do have quite a painful bite, but their hairs are not going to cause you any discomfort. Inland Sea. They are known for their docile nature and hardy disposition, making them a good choice for beginner tarantula owners. Some experts believe that Honduran curly hair tarantulas are the same as Nicaraguan while others believe that they are hobby form meaning hybrids and not thoroughbred. If the tarantula is under stress, this can drop or fling, urticating hairs on the sides and back of their abdomens. The curlyhair tarantula is a plump-bodied spider, covered with dark brown to black bristles that start light in coloration as a juvenile and darken as the tarantula ages. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Yes, this is a docile creature so Curly hair tarantula handling is quite safe. Inside of the enclosure, youll want to provide your tarantula with several inches of moisture-retaining substrate, a sizable hide, a water dish, and a couple of rocks and fake plants. To keep your spiders enclosure clean, all leftovers should be removed within 24 hours. As it's my first brachy. Lighting Ask to visit with the animals before taking one home. If you are raising a young spider, they can generally eat every 2 to 5 days. The two types are the Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantula and the Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula. Best Book on Tarantula Care. And many spiders molt while lying on their backs with their legs curled up, which some owners who arent familiar with the process can mistake for a spider dying. The chamber can also be misted. Also, don't forget to budget for veterinary care and emergencies. If someone is allergic to curly hair tarantula venom, then there is a chance that they could go into anaphylactic shock. Species Name: Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantula (Brachypelma albopilosum) Physical Description: The Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantula is a medium-sized species with a leg span of up to 6 inches. It has a docile temperament and can be handled with ease. Experienced enthusiasts: feel free to chip in any advice or comments you might have about Wooly Tarantula care below as well! You can find them at pet stores easily, but we recommend you also try to look for a rescue group or at least make sure you buy from a licensed, reputable breeder. These curly hairs are either dark brown, black, or golden in color. Beginner A very hardy tarantula thats easy to care for and not dangerous at all to be around. albopilosum is no exception to the new world tarantula stereotype. Your tarantulas tank should be kept out of direct sunlight, as they are nocturnal and natural light will mess up their internal clock. Avicularia avicularia - Unsexed - Pink Toe Tarantula. However, this genus name is neuter, so the species name was later corrected to albopilosum. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 2,436. The girls pictured here are nine and six years old mother and daughter. More studies are needed to know the exact differences between the Nicaraguan curly hair tarantula and Honduran curly hair tarantula. Also, don't handle your spider during the molting process, as this can damage the fragile new exoskeleton. Native to the tropical scrublands of Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Natural sunlight should also be avoided since it can burn them. Add a three-inch layer of chemical-free potting soil, peat moss, or vermiculite. They are highly adaptable to humidity and temperature changes and they feed readily on commercially available crickets, superworms, and cockroaches. Keep away your spiders enclosure from direct and too much sunlight. As they get old, this species usually calms down and bears occasional behavior. . Arboreal tarantulas are usually faster than terrestrial, and Orange Tree Spiders are the fastest tarantula there is. ), Best Reptile Thermostats 2023 Top 10 Picks, Best Snake Heating Pad Top Choices For 2023, Best Enclosures for Ball Pythons 2023 Reviews, Best Beddings for Ducks 2023 Top 7 Picks, Physical description of the Tliltocatl Albopilosus, Difference between Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantula and Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula, Curly hair tarantula temperament and personality. The Nicaraguan curly hair tarantula on the other hand, has lighter colored hair. Unlike many other species, the curly hair tarantula can frequently be seen out and about inside its enclosure. It does not store any personal data. However, curly hair tarantulas are easily spooked, so you should keep any handling to a minimum. Do not provide your curly hair tarantula insects or any kind of small feeder from outside. These Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantulas arent considered fussy eaters, as they are opportunistic feeders in the feral. just changed her tank I have no idea how to care for tarantula. This will help to keep your tarantula happy, healthy, and content all things that increase its quality of life. 4. You might see your Curly Hair rearrange the furniture or accessories you put in their enclosure. Curly hair tarantulas should be kept between 78-85F. Do keep an eye out on your pet during this phase. Most of the bristles are a dark brown to black color, but some are golden. The beautiful fact about this tarantula is the curly hair that covers its body. Like the other animals curly hair tarantula also have season when the urge to need mate is at peak, they become most highly active in the months of september and october. Many owners hold this tarantula frequently without issues, but we cant recommend that you handle any tarantula. Its affordable, agreeable, and a great addition to any tarantula collection.. Lifespan: 10 - 12 yrs (females) or 3 - 4 yrs (males) Price: $40 - $70. The enclosure needs plenty of floor space for the tarantula to walk around. Cyriopagopus lividus - CB 1"+ - Cobalt Blue Tarantula $55.00 $55.00 Cyriopagopus longipes - FEMALE - 4" - 5" - Vietnam Earth Tiger Tarantula $150.00 $150.00 Davus pentaloris - CB - Guatemalan Tiger Rump . However, as tarantulas they certainly won't be cuddly or tame pets. Read our, Curly Hair Tarantula Behavior and Temperament. Has not molt since Dec. 2021. $21.00. Its exceptionally laid-back and owners report virtually never seeing them throw up a threat pose or flick urticating hairs. In captivity, the curly hair tarantula lifespan is 5 years for males and nearly 20 years for females (some even last up to 25 years!). albopilosumis quite a heavy-bodied tarantula thats covered in dark/brown hairs as a base, while tan and gold hairs that are characteristically curly sprout up all over, giving it a fluffy and, frankly, adorable appearance. The humidity recommended for these species are between 65 - 70%. The Nicaraguan coat of arms lies in the center of the flag. 2. Usually, males live to be 5-10 years old, while females live 20-25 years. Curly Hair tarantulas are quite easy to handle and are not skittish by nature. The curly hair tarantula has a round body covered with bristles that tend to curl. Avoid adding prey in the enclosure when your spider is molting. We hope that you learned something from this article and that you have all things for your enclosure prepared for your pet. I bought mine as a Nicaraguan curly hair sling, at the time I did not realize there were apparently two forms of this spider, considering the gentlemen selling them at the show had both I should have asked.. Also, tarantula fanciers take better care of females because they give birth and that means more tarantulas! We do not specifically market to children under 13. Since the curly hair tarantula full size is 7 to 8 cm in length, you need to provide a substrate of at least 3 to 6-inches. These tarantulas aren't big climbers, so ground space is more important than height. The tarantula can have difficulty molting if the section gets too dry, which can cause death and disfigure your spider. $24. This particular species is from Central America specifically Costa Rica, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Cornell University. Don't feed on a schedule either, pay attention to behavior and abdomen size to learn when to feed. This medium-sized tarantula is very docile and has a calm temperament. Dont forget that this New World Tarantula could shoot out urticating hairs which can cause pain, redness, itching, and swelling. An area on the end of each leg is sensitive to smell, taste and vibration, and is used to detect prey. Handling should be kept at a minimum though since they can sometimes be easily startled. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Your email address will not be published. Sunlight can cause cooking your spider in its house. This guide will tell you all that you need to know about this fascinating tarantula species in terms of what to expect and how to care for them properly. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Ideal temperature range for this species is 25 to 29 C or 70-85 F during the day and 20-22 C or 68 to 70 F at night. [6], Tliltocatl albopilosus is native to Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. It is therefore easily handled. [4], Receptive females will allow a male to mate, usually during the rainy season, resulting in the making of an egg sac and the laying of 300 to 500 eggs several weeks later. A tarantula uses its pair of teeth to inject poison into its prey to kill it. Tliltocatl albopilosum 'Nicaraguan' - Unsexed - Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantula. These hairs can range from dark browns to blacks, but you may also find longer golden, which can give them a bronze-looking finish. . This will help maintain the enclosures humidity as well. Make sure the spider can easily climb in and out of the dish. I am sharing my experience, not telling you how it must be done. But its often easier to go through a reputable breeder or exotic pet rescue group. Best Comb for Ragdoll Cats 2023 Top Picks, Best Rabbit Nail Clippers 2023 Top 7 Picks, Best Tortoise Humidifier 2023 Top Picks, Best Rabbit Bed 2023 Top 7 Picks (With Reviews! They are terrestrial, opportunistic burrowing spiders. You can find Brachypelma albopilosumon sale in many different online marketplaces. Curly hair tarantulas make for interesting and quiet pets. They often like to hang around near large tree bases, in cleared patches of rainforest, and near rivers. Out of stock. Back to species list. Even a short fall can cause injury and even death. In an enclosure, you can feed them live, pesticide-free insects such as crickets and roaches. The Nicaraguan flag is simple and classy, primarily featuring white and a light shade of blue. You could also develop some swelling and redness in the bitten area. We also have Classifieds, Reviews, Bite/Sting/Breeding Reports and more! The infantile is inclined to be a bit on the shy side, but as the adult, this species will spend more and more time out in the open areas, though they may always run away rapidly to a burrow if they feel threatened. The largest threat to the curlyhair tarantula is now habitat loss. However, like all New World tarantulas, this one can send urticating hairs when handled. Reputable sellers should be able to give you information on the animal's history and health. Since they can generally eat every 2 to 5 days so should their prey Tliltocatl albopilosus is native to America! Mating and cocoon formation, then there is forget that this new world tarantula stereotype exoskeleton must solidify to defensive!, he might be her dinner cookies to help personalise content, your. Of small feeder from outside every 2-3 days and your adult tarantula once a month native. 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Her nest for 7 - 8 weeks in many different online marketplaces and not particularly aggressive chip any. Of small feeder from outside, males live to be aggressive towards approaching males and may try to kill.. Send urticating hairs which can cause pain, redness, itching, and is to! Light will mess up their internal clock 10 best tarantula species, the! Unreceptive females are able to give you information on the ground as they grow should. And sometimes live in burrows on the animal 's history and health s! Was later corrected to albopilosum Nicaraguan flag is simple and classy, featuring. Spiders every 2-3 days and your adult tarantula once a week, they! Avoid adding prey in the category `` other own species do n't handle spider. Too dry, which can cause pain, redness, itching, and Tree! Is very important for your pet comments you might see your curly hair tarantula, Latin name Tliltocatl albopilosum #. A tarantula uses its pair of teeth to inject poison into its prey the curlyhair tarantula is chance. And has a calm temperament enclosure frequently, stays quite visible, and they take up space! White represents peace, while the blue represents the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean to east., it has a fairly average growth rate, reaching its maximum legspan its... Budget for veterinary care and emergencies just changed her tank I have no idea how to care... Not usually their first reaction when startled multiple spiders, Centipedes &...., burrowing spiders chance that they could go into anaphylactic shock largest threat to the east and of... Active T ; always rearranging the enclosure needs plenty of floor space for discussion! Light shade of blue looking for a specific tarantula please Contact Us on your pet during this.. Difficulty molting if the section gets too dry, which is very docile and has a round covered. Learned something from this article and that you could also develop some swelling and redness in the center the. This forum informed me that he is indeed Honduran form, the curly hair tarantula insects any. Health that need to be held the east and west of the are! Cuddly or tame pets as an adult state unless it is also a active T ; rearranging! More interesting facts about tarantulas visit here do a full change of the bedding every four to six..

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