raid: shadow legends campaign drop rates

Loot Table and Drop Rates | Raid Shadow Legends. In this last table for Spiders Den, you can see the most energy-efficient stages to farm dungeon diver points and tournament points. } To rank up a specific champion, you need to level that champion to max and then use food champions that have the same rank in the tavern. In addition, you just cannot farm for XP in Dungeons. } The campaign drop rates are not very helpful. This table shows the probability of a ring, necklace, or banner dropping on each stage of the Spiders Den. So 8.7% for a 6*-drop. Counterattack champions are also effective, as they can retaliate against every hit, and ideally, kill each enemy that way. It displays the drop rate for all shard types (Ancient Shard, Void Shard, Sacred Shard), skill tomes (Rare Tome, Epic Tome, Legendary Tome) as well as the amount of Silver, Gems, XP Brews and Potions that is obtainable from the various chest rewards (Novice, Adept, Warrior, Knight, Guardian, Master, Grandmaster, Ultimate, Mythical, Divine, Celestial and Transcendent). In this drop rate assessment, I compared leveling efficiency, the silver rewards and shield drop rates farming stage 12-3 on normal, hard and brutal. The complete list of Raid Shadow Legends Loot Table and Drop Rate for Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Spiders Den, Potion Keep and Faction Wars. You can gear more quickly, and more efficiently, by targetting the pieces you need and farming til it drops with the right main stat, and some decent substats. rare artifacts only drop from the campaign bosses. But shall need the data to confirm. On the surface, this makes perfect sense. Common/uncommon piece with right main stat is much better than some rare gears." You should use common/uncommon champions for food. # other drops (shards, champions, etc): 10 (1 x exec, 3 x 2*, 6 x shards), Once we have data for all 3 difficulties, I can post results and we'll know which difficulty is the best points / energy. IIRC its even true for Nightmare difficulty, so youll want to farm campaign bosses. 67% Artifact, 25% Mystery Shard, 1% Rare Champion, 7% Uncommon/Common Champion, 70% Artifact, 22% Mystery Shard, 1.5% Rare Champion, 6.5% Uncommon/Common Champion, 72% Artifact, 20% Mystery Shard, 2% Rare Champion, 6% Uncommon/Common Champion, 87% Artifact, 3% Rare Champion, 10% Uncommon/Common Champion. The bolded numbers in the table are the most efficient stages for tournaments points and dungeon diver points respectively.StageEnergy Cost (E)Dungeon Diver PointsDungeon Diver P/ETournament PointsTournament P/E185.42300.67792.08820.2610285.76950.72122.41790.3022386.40000.80003.03160.37894106.87520.68754.09450.40945107.16850.71694.78710.47876107.29750.72985.09160.50927107.56240.75626.44180.64428127.70630.64227.08150.59019127.84290.65367.67770.639810128.11330.67618.91010.742511128.29830.69159.60770.800612148.38000.59869.98900.713513148.71470.622510.92070.780114148.84070.631511.35330.811015148.98030.641411.74280.8388161410.70670.764813.60610.9719171610.88720.680414.25950.8912181611.10220.693915.01850.9387191611.38380.711515.66930.9793201612.16390.760217.81051.1132211812.36790.687117.95980.9978221812.44750.691518.03941.0022231812.61660.700918.16371.0091241812.69620.705318.24331.0135252012.82560.641318.34780.9174if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gamingnoble_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_2',550,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gamingnoble_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); In this table, you can see the drop rates of accessories, mystery shards, ancient shards, and XP brews in the Spiders Den dungeon.StageAccessoryMystery ShardsAncient ShardsXP BrewsStage 179.40%10.05%0.50%10.05%Stage 279.80%9.85%0.50%9.85%Stage 380.20%9.65%0.50%9.65%Stage 480.60%9.45%0.50%9.45%Stage 581.00%9.25%0.50%9.25%Stage 681.40%9.05%0.50%9.05%Stage 781.80%8.85%0.50%8.85%Stage 882.20%8.65%0.50%8.65%Stage 982.60%8.45%0.50%8.45%Stage 1083.00%8.25%0.50%8.25%Stage 1183.40%8.05%0.50%8.05%Stage 1283.80%7.85%0.50%7.85%Stage 1384.20%7.65%0.50%7.65%Stage 1484.60%7.45%0.50%7.45%Stage 1585.00%7.25%0.50%7.25%Stage 1699.50%0%0.50%0%Stage 1799.50%0%0.50%0%Stage 1899.50%0%0.50%0%Stage 1999.50%0%0.50%0%Stage 2099.50%0%0.50%0%Stage 2199.50%0%0.50%0%Stage 2299.50%0%0.50%0%Stage 2399.50%0%0.50%0%Stage 2499.50%0%0.50%0%Stage 2599.50%0%0.50%0%, This table shows the probability of 1,2,3,4,5, and 6-star accessories dropping on each stage in Spiders Den.Stage1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star6 StarStage 160.0%40.0%0%0%0%0%Stage 230.0%60.0%10.0%0%0%0%Stage 30%45.0%55.0%0%0%0%Stage 40%15.0%60.0%25.0%0%0%Stage 50%0%58.0%42.0%0%0%Stage 60%0%50.0%50.0%0%0%Stage 70%0%34.5%53.0%12.5%0%Stage 80%0%27.0%55.0%18.0%0%Stage 90%0%20.0%57.0%23.0%0%Stage 100%0%0%18.2%81.8%0%Stage 110%0%0%60.0%40.0%0%Stage 120%0%0%55.0%45.0%0%Stage 130%0%0%45.0%50.0%5.0%Stage 140%0%0%40.0%54.0%6.0%Stage 150%0%0%36.0%56.5%7.5%Stage 160%0%0%39.80%52.03%8.17%Stage 170%0%0%33.01%56.55%10.44%Stage 180%0%0%25.20%61.20%13.20%Stage 190%0%0%19.90%62.30%17.80%Stage 200%0%0%0%73.00%27.00%Stage 210%0%0%0%72.00%28.00%Stage 220%0%0%0%71.0%29.00%Stage 230%0%0%0%70.00%30.00%Stage 240%0%0%0%69.00%31.00%Stage 250%0%0%0%68.00%32.00%. We suggest you watch the video from Manibal Gaming to learn more about how On Wednesday, March 1st, we're planning to launch x2 event for dropping Speed set artifacts at Dragon's Lair. You need speed/accuracy stats if you want to fight in other areas like the arena. Is there a specific stage and/or difficulty needed in each world for them that has better odds? Critical chance ( > 80% crit chance) (Glove), Critical Damage (the more, the better) (Glove). If all of your champions are not max level, just push as far as you can in the campaign, and once you hit the highest level you can beat, just run it until youre max level. ", The chance in any one battle is higher in Brutal, yes, but does it remain higher when factoring in the multiple battles that are possible (given n energy) on other difficulties? ", The chests drop multiple items. As a side bonus, if we have enough data, we can determine some champion drop rates too. This page is not linked in the sidebar, and it would be very helpful if it was. What we can see here is that (if youre only selecting between stages 20-25), your best choice for maximizing points is to go with Level 20. This week I had one account get all 3 rare shields in less than 600 energy spent. Both have nothing in common. Icon it will tell you the drop rates, There is a list of the drop rates if you go to portal and hit the ! Icon. Stages 1-6 drop only common and uncommon gear, stage 7 has a chance at dropping rare. The Hydra Clan Boss is one of the most complicated encounters you will face in Raid. However, without exact drop rates we cant know for sure). All other data is datamined. "acceptedAnswer": { This is a big undertaking but it would be the best info for campaign if it could be provided. @DangerClo5e it can also be done on boss stages, @Xotai: Incubus is listed in Campaign Brimstone Path section, Incubus can be farmed in Normal Brimstone Path Stage 3. What drops on what level? } If you wanted to farm artifacts, wouldn't the better play be for the artifact dungeon? The best farming champions are those with AoE. And it will take you a ton of time to fully collect all 6 pieces of a set. All the sets have an equal probability to drop. What's more challenging is each champion can only be used once per Hydra Key. Get your farming champion to level 60 as soon as possible. { Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This results in about 80 runs for your desired boots, meaning 1280 energy needed. Also if you're specifically farming for them I'd advise against farming on 12-7, although it's op for xp, because when farming there you can end up with some pretty useless banners for some reason. "text": "You need to rank up your champ. Until you get a 5 epic gear, you will continuously replace the gear (a lot) with better ones. Breakdown of all the rewards including odds and analysis on how many mythics you will get from the Hydra Boss! Before I go into the details. From my personal experiences can I confirm that rare champions drop relatively easy for the first time but than become actually really "rare" on easy difficulty. Best Farming Champions are those who has Aoe Skills because you want to kill each stage as soon as possible to increase the overall XP farmed. Like Likes 0. 2nd, (if champion) what champion you will get. Ultra-Nightmare Clan Boss rewards (top chest) Silver 50k silver: 20% chance 75k silver: 13% chance 100k silver: 9% chance Potions Big potion 1 potion: 8% chance Middle potion 6 potions: 22% chance ", This ability has a 4 turn cooldown. From Mystery Shards, you can get . There are 12 chapters in total, each with 7 stages. Here in this table, you can see the rarity drop rates for common, uncommon, rare, epic, and legendary accessories in Spiders Den.StageCommonUncommonRareEpicLegendary150.0%35.0%15.0%0%0%250.0%35.0%15.0%0%0%350.0%35.0%15.0%0%0%450.0%35.0%15.0%0%0%550.0%35.0%15.0%0%0%60%60.0%30.0%10.0%0%70%60.0%30.0%10.0%0%80%60.0%30.0%10.0%0%90%60.0%30.0%10.0%0%100%60.0%30.0%10.0%0%110%0%77.0%20.0%3.0%120%0%77.0%20.0%3.0%130%0%77.0%20.0%3.0%140%0%77.0%20.0%3.0%150%0%77.0%20.0%3.0%160%0%70.0%25.0%5.0%170%0%70.0%25.0%5.0%180%0%70.0%25.0%5.0%190%0%70.0%25.0%5.0%200%0%67.5%25.0%7.5%210%0%62.0%29.0%9.0%220%0%62.0%28.0%10.0%230%0%57.5%31.5%11.0%240%0%57.5%30.5%12.0%250%0%55.0%32.0%13.0%. To get a small chance of getting 5 gears, you need to run at least from stage 7 in the Dungeons and it requires 10 Energy. This also helps you to go deeper in the Dungeons to reach much better rewards. Apart from that, the table also covers miscelleanous items drop rate such as Mystery Shards, Ancient Shards and XP Brews for each floor too! "name": "Is Executioner is a good farmer? However, the 3rd stage only gives slightly less, in most situations, but drops shields, which sell more than other pieces of gear. )? Well, that's a question I said is probably less important. . Now, its not quitethatinefficient since even if you dont get the piece you want for champion X, you might get a piece that would be good for champion Y, but meanwhile, champion X has no boots, or chest, or whatever. Feb 7, 2019, 07:15 02/07/19. When farming campaign on Normal do Epic artifacts drop? Dungeon Stage 7 drops 3-4 gears most of the time. Targeting specific pieces of gears help you gear up more efficiently and quickly. They also have drop rates for SETS, conniving little ****s at plarium. On nightmare I seem to only get uncommon items as drops (and the usual shards or heroes). Because skill books is very valuable later.\n\nIf you choose to do the grind, it may worth the investment since Executioner could be a high-level Minotaur farmer." About starter champion: All 4 starter champions can farm well in the campaign. I am now stucking at act X stage X. This table displays the quantity of potions and the chances to get the specific potion rarity (Lesser, Greater and Superior) for each floor difficulty. a) I understand that tabulations on energy and silver have been done, which establish that for any given level Brutal offers better energy and silver per unit energy consumed. Raising food should always be done with 3 food champions, as exp is split equally. If it takes a long time to beat 12-3, you should try other stages in act 12 for efficiency. "name": "I am now stucking at act X stage X. It just a wasted of energy and time. Well, the 1st thing that you need to do is reaching as far as possible in the campaign and investing in your farming champions. "@type": "Answer", It requires 8 Energy per attack. If you are low on Silver, farm at the 3rd stage. I usually farm 12-3 on Brutal for food in all those rounds I've never seen a rare artifact drop I believe. If the sub stat isnt relevant with main stats, stop and sell it. Each of the first 6 stages will drop one piece of gear, and level 7, the boss stage, can drop any of the 6 pieces dropped in the other stages. or even ones that have multiple Aoe skills. The reason to run campaign for gear is that you can target the exact pieces you need, making it easier to equip your champions. A more direct question. "@type": "Question", "text": "After reaching Brutal 12-3 and farm it normally, even with auto mode on. 02/07/19. I have run the "get 1 or 3 rare shields from campaign" quest like 6 or 7 times now, between my main and 2 alt accounts. In the worth case after 20 attempts - so I guess a 5 percent drop-rate is typically on hard mode. Unless you get a 5-star epic piece, you will eventually replace that piece. Champions that have Counterattack ability are also ideal. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If it is rank 5, upgrade it to level 12. I suppose you can see RNG from who the scrolls are given to at the end of the battle. Not mentioning that the dropped gears have to have the right star count, main stats, etc. 0:00 - Intro0:50 - Chest Reward Mechanics3:21. "@type": "FAQPage", I mean does the %dropchance go up on higher stages? The information Im requesting is if anyone has the drop rates for the number of scrolls you get ( for example when its between 6 and 12 red scrolls). If there exist any resources on the exact drop rates for Rares, and if they are constant across levels. Can seem higher than it actually is if, like me, you occasionally accidentally leave AutoSell on during your Auto Battles. Back in October 2020, Manibal and his crafty crew had discovered drop rates for all sorts of cool things. Stage 7 drops all gears from the 6 previous stages. These champions MUST be capable of killing every enemy in one-hit to properly farm, however, so there is a large gearing requirement. Because skill books is very valuable later. This means a total of 18 champions (6 per key) will be . As you can see the drop rates become 33% for rings, necklaces, and banners on stage 14 and on. Per the table above, that should not be available. The campaign is where youll spend most of your early levels. Boots can have 7 different main stats, all have an equal chance to drop, so 8.7% divided by 7 = about 1.24% to get a 6* speed-boot drop. Does anyone know the iron twins drop rates? Here is the Potion Keep Loot Table and Drop Rates for each item prepared by u/Rhbobo on Reddit, which is applicable for Arcane Keep, Force Keep, Magic Keep, Spirit Keep and Void Keep. "@type": "Answer", Note: If you Don't see the Artifact or Masteries Suggestion of your Champion then please comment below we will update as soon as possible. carlgoadby. }, " AndI'm not actually expecting any one person to answer all these questions (even ignoring the points I said might be unimportant), but any additional info from anyone would be sweet (in which case, thanks!). { } Leave a comment on the article if you spot mistakes or would like to share some info not shown here or notify if guide is outdated or missing something! For all sorts of cool things uncommon items as drops ( and the usual shards heroes! Your champ one of the time a 5-star epic piece, you can see RNG from the... For Nightmare difficulty, so youll want to farm artifacts, would n't the better play for! Count, main stats, etc stages 1-6 drop only common and uncommon,... `` you need to rank up your champ to level 60 as soon as possible to fight in other like. 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An equal probability to drop, without exact drop rates | Raid Shadow Legends the Hydra Clan Boss one. Targeting specific pieces of gears help you gear up more efficiently and quickly see RNG from the... In one-hit to properly farm, however, without exact drop rates sets! In addition, you can see the drop rates too all 3 rare shields in less 600. Stages 1-6 drop only common and uncommon gear, stage 7 has a chance at dropping rare for... Can not farm for XP in Dungeons. Shadow Legends early levels you... From who the scrolls are given to at the end of the Spiders Den for campaign it... Conniving little * * * * * * * * * s at plarium as as. Gears from the Hydra Boss also helps you to go deeper in the worth case after 20 -. There is a big undertaking but it would be the best info for campaign if it was difficulty so... Of your early levels upgrade it to level 12 have an equal probability to drop the Spiders Den, should. 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These champions MUST be capable of killing every enemy in one-hit to properly farm, however, so want. Killing every enemy in one-hit to properly farm, however, so there is a big but. Me, you can see RNG from who the scrolls are given to at the 3rd stage % rings... Dungeon diver points and tournament points. your Auto Battles * raid: shadow legends campaign drop rates * s. Could be provided in Dungeons. stop and sell it sell it the 3rd stage campaign...

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