Students may choose to incorporate glass frits and liquid glass to enhance their designs. Students are working towards Intermediate-Low proficiency as defined by the American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages. The course begins with an examination of America before Columbus. This will be a writing intensive class with extensive use of workshop and peer review. (Junior) This course guides students to better understand how Jesus is personally and visibly present in the actions of the sacraments. Students may elect to take this course pass/fail, or for a calculated grade point average. Examples of previous student ideas include Couture Concierge, FashionablyLate accessories rentals, Fit4You clothing match app, Get-A-Clue styling app, Global Thrift, SkiChic apparel rental, Step Up Shoe Resale, and Terra Athleisure. Selected Works: Five works that best demonstrate an understanding of and engagement with design. (Sophomore-Senior) Plague. Students are highly encouraged to work on the costume crew for the Ursuline productions. Students will develop problem-solving skills as they build graphical and mathematical models from their laboratory results. (Sophomore-Senior) The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the basics of astronomy, with particular emphasis on the role of astronomy in their everyday lives. Its possible, we tell stories because we delight in the mess they describe. Class is held at Jesuit College Prep from 7:00-8:30 a.m. daily in the fall semester. Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Indian, Samoan, and Vietnamese, etc.) As a survey course, specific sections of the Old and New Testament will be presented in order to create an overview of the importance of Scripture study and its relationship to our faith life. (Junior-Senior) This interdisciplinary mathematics course studies data through the lenses of psychology, computer science, and mathematics. Students will explore the complex history, economics, philosophy, and geography of food beginning in a historical and global perspective, then diving into the food economy of the United States, the ethics of food, and ending with a local and personal look at food as culture. Students learn how to squeegee ink through screen stencils to create beautiful works of art in multiples. Students explore concepts directly through their own investigations, make and test conjectures about what they observe, and apply these conjectures to solve problems and create new conjectures. Students execute projects designed to display their improving communication skills and understanding of cultural topics covered in the course. Topics to be addressed include the dignity of the human person, poverty, rights and responsibilities of family, workers and community, solidarity and ecology. Students explore different means of representing information digitally and how our digital world has evolved. (Freshman-Senior) This course will provide an introduction to U.S. history centering on the experiences of women. In the area of integral calculus, the topics explored include antiderivatives, techniques of integration, the definite integral and applications. She begins eager to learn new things and to grow, in mind, body, and spirit. There is no prerequisite. As role models and mentors, they are focused on your needs and dedicated to your success. Students learn the proper process involved in stacking, or layering thin sheets of colored glass, to create their own artistic designs as they develop patterns or simple images. The class will culminate with a presentation where you will research a question of your choosing in a peer-reviewed science journal. Its a great fit for the student who has completed AP Calculus AB or BC, who is passionate about a challenge to think in new ways, and who wants to see math applied to the real world. (Senior) This course examines the relationships between structure and function of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, sensory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems of the human body. This course places particular emphasis on the study of national income and price determination and also develops students' familiarity with economic performance measures, economic growth and international economics. Students are also introduced to basic applications of Adobe Photoshop as a tool for further enhancing images. Educating students for 144 years, the Academy is the oldest continuously operating school in Dallas. The course is taken with the idea in mind that students will take the AP Exam to receive college credit equivalent to the general chemistry course usually taken during the first year of college. One Schoolhouse gives quarter grades. Technology is integrated throughout the course with instructions utilizing statisticalfeatures of the graphing calculator as well as statistical software. Students will gain hands-on experience with industry standard film equipment and software including Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. Through their developing spiritual insights and deeper self-knowledge, students will examine ways of following Gods will in their lives and what it means to live in service to others. 3:00 PM. Develop your own unique gifts and talents, as you engage in opportunities to learn, grow, and explore the world. What inspires them? Ursuline Academy of Dallas Claimed. It focuses on communication strategies based on the AP World Languages thematic areas: families and communities, science and technology, beauty and aesthetics, contemporary life, global challenges, and personal and public identities. Grantee location. Students cultivate the skills used by historians when they analyze historical sources, make connections and comparisons, and craft historical arguments. Students are selected through an audition process held in May of the previous year. The class is conducted in Spanish and students are expected to communicate using the target language. Solutions will include both geometric and algebraic representations. This is a zero-hour class that meets from 7:15 - 8:00a.m. Concerts are scheduled throughout the year and opportunities also exist for solo and ensemble performances and honor orchestra auditions. Developing the ability to reason qualitatively and quantitatively is a principal focus. Students will also engage extensively in the writing process, producing analytical essays, personal reflections, and annotated bibliographies. Athletics help develop your mind, body, and spirit teaching you good sportsmanship, teamwork, and leadership. Those skills are developed using modeling, graphing, diagramming, unit analysis, symbolic algebra, and data analysis. Revolution. Students will work collaboratively to explore real world issues of the industry's business development, marketing, and customer preferences, then apply them to their own entrepreneurial business idea, by designing a logo and ad, developing a marketing plan, and surveying potential customers. Through critical analysis, research and writing; collaborative activities; creative synthesis applications; and traditional and alternative assessments, students demonstrate understanding of cultural implications and historical context, and develop a chronological and thematic appreciation of American history. By the end of the course, students will seek to gain an appreciation for the way(s) the authors make uniquely individual experiences universal, ultimately helping the reader(s) better understand their own experiences. Students are encouragedto participate ina UA production outside of class. Market structure, natural resource markets and the role of government are included. Major research projects and case studies will be included. (Junior-Senior) This is a college-level course which combines extensive instruction and practice of writing with the study of American fiction and non-fiction. Ursuline pays for all charges. Class attendance and promptitude are crucial for the class and part of the students grade. This course further develops interpretive, interpersonal and presentational communication in the French language within the context of exploring contemporary issues in francophone cultures. These cameras typically cost $350-$500. By the end of this course, students will have an orientation for observing the night sky and a framework for understanding that which is beyond what we can see from our own speck of the universe. This course examines how the prison industrial complex evolved, and how the legacy of slavery, modern immigration policy, and overt and masked racism impact arrests, indictments, and sentencing. The magazine format and graphic design require good photograph editing and cropping skills to create designs that are visually appealing and effective. Students discuss the current state of technology and its role in our everyday lives, discerning the positive and negative influences of innovations concerning computer and network technologies to society, culture and economics. (Sophomore-Senior) This course will introduce students to the history of philosophy, as well as work toward applying philosophic practices toward complex issues. Addresses change; sisterhood doesn't. 84 people like this 85 people follow this Always open Social Club Our Facebook Class Page is linked to our Instagram account. Students glaze and fire their work and continue their study of the historical development of ceramics. Prepared for College and Beyond Empowering Young Women to Impact the World Choice-driven Learning Preparing Today to Impact Tomorrow Rooted in Faith. Many of the unit assessments are collaborative projects with individualized pathways requiring that students work together to create linguistic, artistic and creative materials that demonstrate their understanding of the unit content. The class will cover construction techniques, various locomotion systems, basic electronics, programming, and sensor-based control systems. We have a new partner in higher education to assist with fulfilling our primary mission. Ursuline Athletics @UrsulineSports Ursuline Academy of Dallas boasts a storied athletic program with 14 sports. Students discover how the sacraments fulfill our human need for physical manifestations of the spiritual. The course culminates with a collaborative project on how our system can be reformed to reduce crime and improve justice. From the colonial era to the present, students will examine turning points in American history and the key role women have played, and continue to play, in shaping the nation. Whats the best breakfast to eat before an athletic event? Students will be applying make-up to themselves for the majority of the classes. The Alumnae Association of Ursuline Academy was formed in 1911, and Mary Russell, class of 1895, was its first president. Students explore topics of their choosing that focus on specific Latino/a/x communities (e.g., Mexican, Dominican, Puerto Rican, etc. Students will also be prepared to take the AP Human Geography test. Participation in the annual National French Contest is required. (Junior-Senior) The world always seems brighter when youve just made something that wasnt there before. --Neil Gaiman. (Sophomore-Senior) Based on UT-Austin's Introduction to Business course, this class will introduce students to the topics covered in college-level business classes. (Junior-Senior) AP Microeconomics gives students an understanding of how economic decisions are made by individuals, firms, and organizational structures. This course will include readings from a range of primary and secondary sources, as well as original research. Best programming practices are emphasized as students design, code, debug, and test algorithms to solve real-world applications. The mission of Ursuline is the total development of the individual student through spiritual formation, intellectual growth, service to others, and building of . This course utilizes interdisciplinary case studies drawn from all world regions and helps students to develop skills in approaching problems geographically, using maps and spatial technologies, thinking critically about texts and graphic images, and developing research skills. In Semester II, the course shifts into personalized, project-based work, where students engage in deep, sustained inquiry, authentic and iterative research, critical analysis, and rigorous reflection, revision, and assessment as they journey through a self-designed, long-term activism, design, or research project on a topic of their choosing. Students will learn and demonstrate basic music theory concepts, both written and aural, including melodic and rhythmic notation, chord progression and harmonization of melody. In this writing-intensive course, students will analyze and discuss primary sources, research the historical context of political decision making, and sharpen their skill in argumentation. Over the years, the all-girls experience empowered me to bring out my voice and my ideas, which made me to become extroverted and to . (Sophomore-Senior) This semester course provides students with an introduction to critical thinking and problem solving through programming in Python, a high-level, general-purpose language widely used in universities and industry. The course prepares students for the AP Language and Composition College Board exam. Students are expected to move at a fast pace and work with authentic materials to make cultural connections as they work more on integrated performance assessments. Terrible. This course will be offered in Session I (8/22 through 10/14), Session II (10/17 through 12/16) and Session IV (3/20 through 5/19). Emphasis is placed on concepts, connections, and historical thinking skills outlined by the College Board. 4900 Walnut Hill Ln, Dallas, Texas, 75229, United States. Diving - Varsity - Meet. Theory and practice will be combined to introduce the students to the principles and techniques of performing ballet, lyrical, musical theater, hip hop, jazz styles, and basic stage movement. Students are working towards Intermediate-High proficiency as defined by the American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages. This course is a level one introductory course for students with no previous background; for all other students with Spanish background, a placement test is required. (Junior-Senior) This class equips students with a strong foundation of lifelong social, mental, and practical competencies. This introductory course is designed to develop students basic Modern Standard Mandarin Chinese proficiency in the four modalities of language learning: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Linear algebra is a required and very useful subject in college for many science and engineering majors, and it can be studied either before or after multivariable calculus. Sustained Investigation: 15 digital images that include works of art and design and process documentation. This course is intended to prepare students for the AP Physics II exam in May. We will study the skeletal system, muscular system, tendons and ligaments, and metabolism and nutrition. The online course credit and grade will be reflected on the Ursuline transcript and included in the Ursuline GPA. Students are working towards a Novice-Mid proficiency level or higher as defined by the American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages. At the end of this course, students will be able to outline the main problems of colonial Latin American History and compare the historical experiences of the main regions (Mexico, Peru, and Brazil) across time. Using authentic sources from Arabic language television, newspapers, movies, and websites, students learn advanced vocabulary and grammatical structures needed to achieve a higher level of proficiency in the listening, speaking, reading, and writing language skills. Following the call of the Ursuline Sisters, youll engage ethically, critically and empathetically with the world at large. As Special Investigators for the Ursuline Academy Criminal Investigation Bureau, they will be assigned cases that they will process and analyze from the initial scene through the presentation of evidence in court. Through demonstrations, lectures, and hands-on assignments, students learn tools, techniques, and vocabulary associated with printmaking as they exercise creativity and broaden their portfolio. Our educational philosophy reflects todays society global, real-time, interactive, and transparent. Students choosing the AP class are expected to delve deeper into the topics, take AP style assessments, and prepare for the AP exam in the spring. Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management, Request more information about Ursuline Academy, Attend a visit day, come to Open House,or take a campus tour, Begin or complete an application to attend Ursuline Academy, Read a message from Director of Admissions and Enrollment ManagementAshley Rae Mathis. (Freshman-Senior) In this class, students continue to develop their photography skills while expanding their understanding of editing photos with Adobe Photoshop for self-expression. Microeconomics is an elective offered to juniors and seniors. (Freshman) This course is designed to introduce students to scientific inquiry through the study of mechanics. 12 reviews Private school 854 Students Grades 9-12. Topics covered will include school days, sports, daily schedule, describing people, around the town, food, jobs, and animals. The course is also designed to prepare the student to take the AP Psychology Exam administered by the College Board each May. (Junior-Senior) Students will investigate elementary calculus including differentiation and integration with algebraic, graphical, and verbal representations. Students may also anticipate a variety of short presentations, selected standard-based exams throughout the course. This course addresses all four communication skills: reading, speaking, listening, and writing. Exercises are intended to promote specific fluency in employment practices and formalities of daily life abroad. By the end of the year, students will have gained extensive experience in various competency areas of the language: reading and interpreting, oral expression and aural comprehension. (Junior- Senior) In this class, students explore the art and craft of making books with handmade paper. As students learn to differentiate between actual techniques and some of those portrayed on popular television shows, they evaluate current procedures used by real crime labs to understand some of the limitations of the law, police and forensic science. Students are encouraged to make interdisciplinary connections and explore linguistic and cultural comparisons. (Freshman) This course is designed to help students learn the fundamentals of effective writing, emphasizing reading and discussion to develop not only content for writing but also personal voice. (Senior) How does exercise change the body? (Freshman-Sophomore) This course is designed to guide students throughout the many dimensions of Wellness (spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, occupational, and social) and provide an atmosphere to discuss and learn about how to live a healthy and stress-free life. The class includes guest speakers and the wisdom and expertise from a variety of Ursuline teachers. Students planning to submit their portfolio tasks and sit for the AP exam will maintain access to online support and exam prep materials until the exam in May. This is a multi-level class and requires no outside cycling experience. Students are also introduced to the potters wheel and learn techniques for throwing an assortment of functional and sculptural forms. (Junior-Senior) Computer scientists are creatives, problem-solvers, puzzlers and tech junkies. | Ursuline Academy of Dallas is an independent Catholic college preparatory school for young women sponsored by the Ursuline Sisters. Students are introduced to the major artists and authors of the Hispanic world. Students will provide an extension to each unit culminating in a portfolio of individual work that extends concepts with additional analysis, more complex applications, and/or creation of real-life problem solutions. It focuses on low-impact, high-intensity movements designed to strengthen your body in ways that few other workouts can. Band students must take both courses 2710 and 2711. Lessons on cultures, religions, languages, literature, economics, politics, geography, the environment, and humanitarianism reach far beyond the classroom. Much of the class is conducted in French and students are strongly encouraged to communicate in French. This class may be taken for a Pass/Fail option. The heart of the course centers around the themes of the American Revolution; the rise of democracy, the Republic, and the Constitution; the Civil War and Reconstruction; and how territorial expansion and industrialization laid the foundation for the movements and conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries. Students wishing to pursue an artificial intelligence project may enroll in the course for the full year. (Sophomore-Junior) This fast-paced, advanced honors course is designed for the student who embraces mathematical challenges and enjoys working hard problems. They will be exposed to how lights, sound, set, math, science, history, and visual arts collaborate to create a theatrical event. During the spring semester, students will journey throughout the New Testament, experiencing the living Word of God in the person of Jesus Christ. (Sophomore-Senior) This course will provide an introduction to U.S. history centering on the experiences of women. They study our environment and work collaboratively to understand our role in it. Youll also get a chance to put your stamp on that tradition. No other equipment is required. Grades are determined on a Pass/Fail basis and will be included on the transcript. (Sophomore-Senior) In this course, students will learn about the work historians, archivists, and librarians do to use artefacts from the past to tell stories through project-based learning. In addition, the study of U.S. history provides the student with a better understanding of Americans role in an interconnected world. Using authentic sources from Chinese television, newspapers, movies, and websites, students learn advanced vocabulary and grammatical structures needed to achieve a higher level of proficiency in the listening, speaking, reading, and writing language skills. In addition, the students will develop a working knowledge of dance vocabulary necessary for performance both as an individual and as a member of a dance company. The class is mainly conducted in Mandarin Chinese and students are expected to communicate in the target language. Course further develops interpretive, interpersonal and presentational communication in the annual National French Contest is required Tomorrow in! Within the context of exploring contemporary issues in francophone cultures utilizing statisticalfeatures of the spiritual continuously operating school in.. 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