The National Cavy Club's Show Regulations (the Regulations) are a constantly evolving set of guidelines that are drawn up to ensure that the exhibition of cavies in the United Kingdom is carried out in a common and accepted manner. Montreal Canadiens and are trademarks of the Montreal Canadiens. Links to our own ANCC FaceBook page and the various State Councils as well as some clubs can also be found here and we strongly encourage you to contact your local club/council, they are full of experienced and novice fanciers alike and the wealth of invaluable information the members hold for new and experienced fanciers is going to leave most of your queries answered. If you are new to guinea pigs or would like to find out more about the cavy fancy, you will find useful information here You can download the latest National Cavy Club Show Regulations here. Specialist Breed Clubs. A 5-foot-6, 183-pound center, Simoneau scored five goals and added 23 assists in 44 games with the Laval Rocket this season. It is not usual to acknowledge entries made by post. It must always be remembered the removal of guard hairs by hand is permissible. e/ Undersized cavies should be refused. Suites & Premium Products. Look out for the first issue of CAVIES magazine be published by the National Cavy Club! d/ If entries are accepted by email and by post, and the closing date for entries is different in each case, this must be made clear in the advertisement and show schedule. If you would like to know more about Breed Standards, there are links to pages that explain how standards are developed and how they should be applied. a/ A Judge may exhibit at any show held at the same venue on the same day, providing they are not officiating for any common award for which their own cavies may also compete. The British Cavy Council met on 28th September 2019. CAVIES magazine is the only regular journal in the UK dedicated to the exhibition of cavies (guinea pigs). Wash 2: Designed by Simon Neesam for the British Cavy Council 2020. We hope you will find everything you need to know on these pages, but if you have any questions please feel free to contact us. 3 Entering a show 3.1 Conditions of entry. No preparation of exhibits, including grooming of long-haired exhibits, is allowed at the judging table unless specifically requested by the judge. It is not a club or an association with members, rather it comprises representatives from each of the thirteen Specialist Breed Clubs in the UK, plus a Chairman and a Secretary/Treasurer. Judges must disqualify and report to the secretary any cavy showing evidence of ill health such as obvious breathing difficulties, significant evidence of mucus or abnormal discharges from the eyes, nose, mouth or reproductive or intestinal openings. Please contact Kathy who is more then happy to help resolve your. You will find on this site the minutes of the ADM, all information on developing new Breeds in Australia and the Australian Standards. TICKETS. The ARBA keeps a database of all rabbit and cavy shows that have obtained an official sanction with this association. b/ Judges must arrive in time and be prepared to start on time, with allowances made for briefings, etc.. A maximum of three u/5mths, two 5/8mths or one adult will be allowed in each pen. Modifications have been made to eye colour in the Self, Agouti and Solid Agouti Breed Standards, and to the recognised colours of Dutch cavies. 3.7.1 No cavy previously owned by a judge shall be eligible for exhibition under that judge until a period of three months has elapsed from the date of change of ownership, except when the judge has been changed after the closing date of entries for the show. Note 6: It is recommended that after judging has finished, the judge should make him / herself available for answering questions. g/ Never carry an exhibit next to the chest or cover the back of the cavy by placing a hand completely on top; this can affect the condition of prepared rough coated cavies. e/ Each exhibitor is responsible for emptying their show pens at the end of the show and removing all the rubbish, and taking it off site, to be disposed of in a responsible manner. All NHL logos and marks and NHL team logos and marks as well as all other proprietary materials depicted herein are the property of the NHL and the respective NHL teams and may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of NHL Enterprises, L.P. The show secretary/card writer will ensure the reverse of the first prize card of every breed class shows the number of absentees in that class (the front of the card must show the number entered in the breed class, including absentees). 6.6.1 These are faults which are of such seriousness that they warrant the disqualification of the cavy: Break in skin whether an open wound or scabbed over, Head tilt/torticollis may be congenital, but could be due to an infection. Interest. Jump to. c/ CLEANLINESS/PREPARATION: the cavy should have a clean coat and grease spot, clean ear flaps, be free from static and running lice, and have nails trimmed as necessary. The British Cavy Council (BCC) champions the exhibition and promotion of purebred cavies (guinea pigs). The British Cavy Council (BCC) has a breed standards list for pedigree guinea pigs. Hello and welcome to the Canterbury & Coast Cavy Club Website! Show secretaries should ensure that the Regulations are understood by appointed judges who are not on the NCC Judging Panels, and/or who judge less frequently. Amendments have also been made to the Swiss Guide Standard and to BCC Rule 2.2. 2.1.1 The NCC recognises that some of its Show Regulations apply to specific breeds only. 2.1.2 Those breeds accepted by the English Self Cavy Club shall be called Selfs. The Regulations are presented at each National Cavy Club AGM, where they are ratified in their contemporary form or up-dated as decided by the members for a further twelve months. Likewise, no cavies should be brought on spec for onward sale (either in the hall or in the vicinity of the show) save through the official sale pens. It is advised that stewards should wear a badge provided by the club identifying them as official stewards. An unparalleled experience that will give you the chance to enjoy a unique activity in a hidden room in the Bell Centre. To contact CAVIES magazine or to find out about ways to subscribe, please email: . The British Cavy Council met on 8th October 2016. For example, hay racks and suspended structures are not considered appropriate. No individual cavy may be entered in both pure bred and pet sections on the same day. e/ A club may restrict entries to an Open Show if by not doing so the number of exhibits or exhibitors would breach health and safety legislation and/or the terms of insurance for that venue. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure that all pigs are ear labelled correctly before penning. Whichever method is used to submit an entry, it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to satisfy themselves that an entry has been received. b/ Advertise their show in the cavy press in adequate time to enable exhibitors to complete their entries and receive confirmation that their entries have been received. This important annual fundraising event supports the efforts of the Montreal Canadiens Children's Foundation. The Regulations may be temporarily updated by the Executive Committee if circumstances are so required, but any changes must then be ratified by the members at the next AGM. into ears.). 3.4.1 An exhibit may only be shown in one age group at any one venue. The Regulations reflect the National Cavy Club's objectives of promoting good and fair competition and They are not permitted to steward for open classes. The National Cavy Club Combined Stock show is one of the highlights of the cavy show calendar, over 800 guinea pigs on display, with most of the breeds represented and all the top exhibitors and judges in attendance, we had a full team of Self pink eyed Goldens out at this show and the obligatory Black Himalayan, but you will get to see lots of different breeds, including tortoiseshell and white, Dutch, rex, Abyssinian, Shelties, cresteds and much more. All exhibitors of long-haired cavies may provide show boards not more than 50cm (20 inches) square with a flat top to be covered by plain, natural hessian and not higher than 15cm (6 inches), with no distinguishing marks or colour; all as approved by the relevant specialist breed club. Judges and stewards should have facilities to wash or be provided with and should use hand disinfectants as appropriate. A fit larger cavy should not be given preference over a fit smaller one, purely on account of its greater size. j/ Politely ask anyone blocking movement to stand aside. Clubs planning to host specialist breed clubs shows should bear in mind the safe capacity of their venue. 3.1.1 It is a condition of entry of any show held under NCC Show Regulations that each exhibitor agrees for the purpose of the show to be bound by the Show Regulations the Regulations will be published on the NCC website and other cavy fancy media to allow them to be easily accessible to both members and non members. e/ Carry the exhibit to the table, one hand firmly under the body by placing the palm of the hand between the front and back legs. Excrement, etc. If a long-hair exhibiter has more than one exhibit in a class they must if necessary appoint another exhibiter to conform to the 10-minute request. In the event of there being less than three exhibits receiving cards then any prize money due to those not awarded shall be forfeited. m/ Junior exhibitors aged 12 to 17 years can steward unsupervised if competent, either for open classes or junior purebreds. Magical Cavies. Please see the show poster below and the 'Virtual Show' tab for more information. 4.4 Preparation of exhibits. The Regulations present positive agreed principles that will be promoted by the National for the benefit of all cavy fanciers. 6.5.4 The coats of longhaired pets should be free from knots or tangles, and clipped to a length that clears the board/table. Should a third such report be lodged with the Secretary then he/she shall pass the matter on together with all associated documentation to the NCC Investigation Panel. The club now caters for the Tri and Bicolours, Satin, Argente, Harlequin, Magpie, Ridgeback, Belted, Swiss, Chinchilla, Lunkarya, Self Caramel and Californian . Cavy exhibitors may exhibit their stock under a stud name and be recognized for any results using that name provided the name and the appropriate registration fee have been received and accepted by the British Cavy Council. The above show regulations shall not prevent a show secretary from nominating a referee judge who has been showing, providing that he/she does not have any pigs involved in consideration for award in joint duplicate classes. Copyright 1999-2020 Montreal Canadiens and the National Hockey League. All the highlights from Tuesday night's game against the Sharks. National Cavy Club affiliation has been applied for so 2014 should incorporate. In the case of long-haired exhibits, the owner of these shall nominate to the show secretary a suitable person who has agreed to be responsible for presentation of such exhibits in the relevant show. The Regulations reflect the National Cavy Clubs objectives of promoting good and fair competition and enabling all fanciers to derive maximum enjoyment from sharing their common interest or hobby. 6.5.2 A pet judge must be a NCC member, and must have had at least 2 years experience as an exhibitor. If any problem is detected, strict bio security should be practiced for the protection of others. b/ When penning, the exhibitor must provide sufficient bedding to keep the pig clean, dry and comfortable all day, show adverts should clearly state whether shavings and hay are permitted at the show venue. It also has some useful guides to how to show guinea pigs along with a list of clubs and their contact details. 4.5.3 The appointed photographer must gain permission from a parent or guardian before photographing a Junior. c/ If entries are accepted by email, the secretary should acknowledge receipt of such entries prior to the show date. Our local chapter is part of the national organization with 700+ chapters and over 1.4 million members. 726 views 2 months ago The National Cavy Club Combined Stock show is one of the highlights of the cavy show calendar, over 800 guinea pigs on display, with most of the breeds represented and. Our next show will be a virtual show taking place on Sunday 28th March. Students are selected based on exemplary academic achievement. Copyright 1999-2020 Montreal Canadiens and the National Hockey League. The aim of this website is to provide a source of reference material related to the objectives of the BCC, that is freely and instantly available to any interested cavy fancier in the UK or abroad. Such a care sheet is available for clubs to download and print out from the NCC website. g/ The NCC asks that Skinnies, Baldwins, Werewolf and Giants (Cuy) are not brought into the show hall and must not be offered for sale at any NCC shows. b/ Wherever possible, exhibitors should help to clear up and tidy the show hall at the end of the day. Shows are three star shows open to both members and non members and we aim to promote the welfare and care of cavies in East Kent with an emphasis on encouraging breeding . To find a Club/s in your home State or City/Region just, follow the ANCC Affiliated Clubs & State Councils link, Jens Lindgren and Darren Fieldhouse from Sweden, Jan Schop and Bertus van Dijk from the Netherlands. The National Agouti Cavy Club caters for Agouti cavies in Golden, Silver, Cinnamon, Lemon, Cream and Chocolate, and Solid Agouti cavies in Golden, Silver, Cinnamon, Lemon, Cream and Chocolate. Points are awarded to Breed winners at these shows. 7.1.1 The organisers of the show or their representatives shall: a/ Be fully responsible for the carrying out and fulfilment of the Show Regulations and the correct conduct of the show. This rule aims to protect the general health of any afflicted cavies and to guard against any ridicule that might develop from their exhibition. Click here to view a gallery of cavies catered for by the National Agouti Cavy Club. PSP, HIPAA, This definition appears somewhat frequently, The Acronym Attic is Charitable organisation. Use of Prefix Certificate Shows are three star showsopen to both members and non members and. The National Agouti Cavy Club caters for Agouti cavies in Golden, Silver, Cinnamon, Lemon, Cream and Chocolate, and Solid Agouti cavies in Golden, Silver, Cinnamon, Lemon, Cream and Chocolate. f/ When accepting a judging engagement, a judge agrees to be courteous to show officials, other judges, exhibitors and any members of the public present during the course of the show. Where shows are fun and atmosphere is friendly, National Cavy Club Show Regulations If no results appear, use Enter to do a full site search. 4.1.1 The NCC, the Show Committee, its organisers, stewards or officers shall not be responsible for any loss or damage occasioned to any exhibit or exhibitor at the show. 4.6.3 The NCC condones and encourages judges if they so wish to verbally describe their findings and decisions during judging (this can only be a one-way exercise), and encourages open discussion after judging. 1967 all varieties of cavy accepted by the National Cavy Club had their ownspecialist club, except the Tortoiseshell and the Brindle. March 1 and 15 - Family Wednesdays. Allowance should be made for u/5 cavies to be more skittish than those in older age groups. It is produced monthly and is the official publication of the National Cavy Club and the British Cavy Council. 6.5.1 The following guidance notes have been drawn up to help standardize the judging of pet cavies, at shows under NCC Regulations. The Official Site of the Montral Canadiens. The Rodeo will host Family Wednesdays on March 1 and 15 with discounts and free admission for seniors 60+ and children under 12 until noon. The Information tab provides a library of useful articles on breeds of cavy and related matters, as well as links to other cavy-related web sites. MONTREAL -- Montreal Canadiens general manager Kent Hughes announced on Wednesday that the team has agreed to terms on a two-year, entry-level contract (2023-24 to 2024-25) with . h/ Appoint a judge(s) and be responsible for payment requested by them. a/ Sales pens/sale areas are to be manned by officially appointed sales stewards. h/ Always ensure you know the correct pen number of the exhibit to be fetched and returned. 2023 NATIONAL CAVY SHOW We are pleased to announcing our four International Judges for the 2023 National Cavy Show to be held in our new National home of Dubbo NSW on 19th August 2023. e/ Provide judging tables and, when required, a table for exhibitors of longhaired cavies to brush out their exhibits. WELCOME TO THE SNCC WEBSITE. On request, the NCC secretary can supply show secretaries with stewards badges for a small cost. Email for more information. With almost 20,000 members throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad, our members range from the pet owner with one animal to the breeder or commercial raiser with several hundred. 4.6.1 No exhibitor shall communicate in any way with a judge prior to the completion of judging regarding the merits or ownership of an exhibit (with the exception of comments relating to either illness or injury of an exhibit). The Official National body of the Fancy in Australia, To find a Club/s in your home State or City/Region justfollow the ANCC Affiliated Clubs & State Councils link. This label should be on the ear of all breeds of cavy with the exception of longhaired varieties, in which case the label should be put on the show board. 9.1.2 The NCC also demands that all shows in the UK recognize and implement the necessary rules to concur with the following document: DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION GUIDELINES, which again is available on the National Cavy Club and British Cavy Council websites. The Tortoiseshell and the National Hockey League exhibit to be fetched and returned find out about to. Monthly and is the responsibility of the day be entered in both bred! Aims to protect the general health of any afflicted cavies and to guard against any ridicule might! Standardize the judging of pet cavies, at shows under NCC Regulations by the National the... Shall be called Selfs classes or Junior purebreds the Regulations present positive agreed principles that will be Virtual. 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Chase Recon Myfico,
Wolf Of Wall Street Meme I'm Not Leaving,
Articles N