can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together

Her stools are turning around and while still soft, are not the plop plop plop anymore. BELLA. We took her in for the scan and they said she had nodules on her liver and she had 30 days to live. Then I searched it on the net & see all this stuff. Genestra Vit D drops 800 ui/day. The medication is available in tablet form in the following doses: 10 mg; 25 mg; and 50 mg. The vet said she We have to be careful sometimes we give this drug because it eases our mind about our dog itching and being uncomfortable . This is the method to protect the public from unknown side effects that only appear when thousands of patients are exposed to the medication. I wouldnt recommend it after our issues with it and reading others comments. I dont remember her specific white cell counts. I also give him on 25mg Benadryl with his food at night. Apoquel Dosage in Dogs. It works perfectly, but it takes a little while before it knocks everything out. when this drug came out. I paid $10,000 or more over 12 years trying to heal my dogs itching. I will deal with his itching in a more safe manner. I pray that there was no long term damage done. My 11 Yorkie mix has had allergiesitchy feet mostly but all over at times, that we have tolerated as holisticly as possible his whole lifewith the occasional Benadryl. I cant wait to see what the blood work will reveal though, it will be interesting. As always, if you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. 10 percent of the dog population. As soon as I stop giving her apoquel the stomach problem stopped. My little girl now has ringworm, extremely high levels of protein and blood in her urine, low albumin. Bit worried my E.R. It takes away the itching, but doesnt last for a full day. My old boy Hamish is worse. We took her to the vet and they did blood work. My 6 year old french bull dog was put on Apoquel on 17/3/17 he had his first seizure on 2/4/17 he passed away on 4/4/17 my dog was fit and healthy up till his first seizure. Can you give dogs Benadryl and Apoquel together? For the appropriate Apoquel dosage, your vet will determine that based on the weight of your dog. Gets up on the Saturday and couldnt find him. No scratching, because she was too outta it to scratch. After just a few days the panting and pacing was constant, she never stopped and didnt sleep. My 10+ yr old Catahoula?AustShepherd has been on Apoquel for about 5 yrs and his most recent senior blood work shows high ALT & Alk Phosphatase levels and it seems as if it might be as a result of Apoquel. Ive been looking for others with the same diagnosis. Lastly, I think you choose to bash a drug just to sell your supplement. I found out about this drug here and on other web sites. You may stop using medications all together. No, I dont think I will give it to him again. But because he was itching excessively, the Vet prescribed Apoquel. A couple of weeks later, she called me and talked me into starting him on 1/2 dose as the hydroxizine wasnt working. Its not a perfect answer, but with some experimentation this drug is helping us keep him comfortable and from blowing up and getting infected areas. Apoquell is not the wonder drug they promise, for us it was a curse. So in the midst of all of this I did notice that her pet food had changed gradually and I finally took the last case back and put her on another food just in case it was a food additive issue! Ive rang the vets and they said its not a side effect to this drug !! Her white hair on her lower back turned red from her itching and got worse with bumps all over her lower back. Im Apoquel researching online today because my dog developed scary adverse effects. Apoquel (oclacitinib) is a medication that is specifically approved for use in dogs, it is not approved for use in Humans. I live in Israel, I want to buy The et did not tell be the possible side effects. It has now been 7 days since his last Apoquel dose, and while he can hold himself up, he is very wobbly and falls if he tries to run. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Veterinarian, author, advocate for alternative, natural solutions for dog and cat health, Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM By example, many that are on chemo come to us for high dose IV vitamin C (50g-150g/infusion) Have you ever had to use hydroxyzine for dogs? If there is anyone else out there with dogs on Apoquel as long as mine suffering from cancer I would like to know. I think it could be a very dangerous drug. it may even exacerbate cancer, Diarrhea, vomiting, (both w/ August 18, 2020 By //byThe Dogsnet Team 2 Comments. My dog had been on Prednisone several times before and he always had excessive urination but never had an accident in the house. I bathe him weekly and this helps. But she is now peeing like crazy and today in the house, first time EVER. She was refusing to eat out of her bowl which was a red flag because our cocker spaniel is OBSESSEd with food ( I think she likes food more than she likes us ?). Just not for any on this wall including mine. Thankful that I followed my instinct as the vet made us very uncomfortable with his rapid sales pitch. I dont know what the answer is with severe allergies, but I would urge you all to find a holistic provider for your allergic dog instead of using this drug. I got him at six weeks old, so I can say I know him better than anyone. Im hoping this continues. Bull and Black Mouth Curr Mix. I am taking him off of apoquell immediately. We stopped Apoquel today because Alk phos is very high on last two tests. You wouldnt Inject AIDS in your child, that is what this stuff sounds like. with her vet for a nail clipping. After reading almost all of the comments on here I would think you would all exchange info and file a Class Action Lawsuit against the makers of this drug, the FDA for negligence, at least. Within a day he began acting different lethargic and mildly aggressive but he never stopped itching. After reading all the complants. Her albumin went from 1.5 to 1.9. The result was: a depressed dog with increased appetite and it did not help against the itching at all. For a sonogram and X-rays that showed everything is normal. A vet gave my dog hydroxyzine because he was licking his paw a lot. She suffered from a myriad of allergy issues as well as lots of other issues (Chronic UTIs being one.. we finally got under control) The allergy medication worked wonderfully!!! His spleen burst And blood was leaking into his abdomen they took blood and x-rays and found out that he had also cancer in his lungs, from the medication I would never put any dog on this medication ever and called the company and they still still will not say that the medication causes that issue even though he was healthy happy and the best dog and we had to put him to sleep at 4 1/2 years old due to him taking Apoquel. We stopped giving him the poison on the fifth day. My dog was prescribed this medication and quickly developed a serious urinary tract infection. Its poison to his body but he did stop scratching. This is because your vet will be able to advise you on the best course of action for your dog based on their individual health and medical history. I always use salt water and E5 cream or take him to the sea side so he can put his paws in to the sea and it worked late time. I have taken him off of it for 3 weeks now due to low funds, and was going to put him back on them this weekend. I am a Healthcare professional and I somehow missed important information. We used another medicine that was for his condition and it helped but then it stopped working. Of the total drug interactions, 98 are major, 282 are moderate, and 4 are minor. It worked great. It has a different mechanism of action than steroids, cyclosporine, antihistamines, allergy shots and sublingual immunotherapy. My 11 year old shih tzu has really terrible allergies once we moved from a large city to the suburbs he went downhill with allergies, it literally only took 4 hours before he started oozing green from his eyes. Seems Im out $147 for a month supply. My boy had eye infection while on this also that cleared with eye drops. Update on my westie. Over the last month, I have watched my dog become extremely lethargic. Antihistamines are over-the-counter so they have a . The most common side effects were: this medication is good for a short period of time, but the side affects are far more dangerous, Hello, I have 2 dogs, 45 kg and 8 kg. Too few veterinarians are explaining the risks. She was given a shot of something at the vet to help with itching. A blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the efficacy and safety of the Janus kinase inhibitor oclacitinib (Apoquel) in client-owned dogs with atopic dermatitis. IV or liposomal? He still has the runs. Noticeably happier and energetic. We were told to take her home and scheduled a full body scan by a professional x-ray tech. She cant even find her toys unless I put them in her mouth. Along with this, came the increased urination. He keep vomiting and now cant We did zyrtec lorantidine vistari I noticed that she did have some more frequent urination and she had a kind of balance issue, she just wasnt acting right when she first started on the apoquel. I think I will try those probiotic and omegasits worth a shot. Thanks! Both dogs are back to normal and learning to like the regular baths, (with at treat at the end). 00 for 2 mths. Due to the fact that he is a rescue and we have always wondered exactly his breed(s), we chalked it up to him being part Shar-pei (that we knew for sure Shar-pei is part of him: Swollen hocks is a big problem with that breed) Last night was the first dose. She played and ate normally that evening and we turned in at our usual bedtime of 9:30. Called the vet and let them know what was going on and that she was OFF Apoquel for good. Apoquel is safe to use in dogs one year and older. When we moved my new vet recommended the new drug that was having great results on allergies in dogs Apoquel. We were dealing with our older Chocolate Lab on Nov 7 who we had to put down, so I forgot to keep an eye on my Ginny. Ill try it too. Our veterinarian prescribed Apoquel on my doggie and she killed him. Our vet suggested it for our 4 yo GSD to control itching due to an unknown allergy. I have put her on a probiotic to see if that gives her some relief. Was told her prognosis is poor. I have her now on a strict diet with premium dog food from Four Friends and Ropodog and the situation has much improved. I went to a different vet than prescribed the Apoquel and he reported having seen this in other dogs in response to Apoquel. In less than 7 days this drug killed our baby. It helps relieve really bad side effects of chemotherapy such as anemia, pain and nausea. Hi David, Thanks for your question. of the development of severe pyoderma (after day 19) and one dog withdrew because of the I thought a noise outside may have scared her, so I gave her belly pats and love until she settled down and went back to sleep. We drove her tp the vet which advised us that her pancreas was way over the chart as well as her liver enzymes and showed to have a severe infection that her body could not fight off. No they are not some very serious side effects have not been listed. He was a totally healthy dog before Apoquel! His allergies are now extreme and he has no fur on the back of his paws/legs. I am planning on trying to wean him off the Apoquel as soon as I feel he is stable. Both Apoquel and Zyrtec are effective at relieving allergy symptoms in dogs, so combining them may provide even more relief for your dog. Has anyone else has had similar issues? The new vet recommended apoquel after a while he claimed it had zero side effects and many of his patients said it was a miracle drug. My miniature schnauzer had the uncontrollable itchiness and smell that went with it. Im wondering If the medicine comes out of his system will he return to his normal form or is the insulin the only option at this point? Your vet may prescribe it to relieve the symptoms of an allergic reaction. This past year he was expieriencing anal gland infections almost every weekwe were constantly going to the vet for reliefhe was iching his butt, gland would fill up quickly, he was always uncomfortable and couldnt sit still due to the discomfort kept us up all night most nights. Peatie had made a few accidents on the floor we just attributed to senility and a new home. On Sunday Nov 19th, we drove to our Thanksgiving destination. After that he became VERY, VERY lethargic and was not able even to walk straight. Two days ago he began vomiting, lethargy and dehydration. What can you tell me? What kind of a vet would put a dog on a drug that So, its impossible to recommend across the board dosages that will produce good results. Despite that, he continued to prescribe Apoquel for our dog until August 2018. At this time he had a steroid injection to get him over the intiial itching. CAN BE KILLING YOUR DOG, AS IT DID MINE. my dog Max is a 9 year old border Collie and he has been Apoquel 16mg once a day for 12 days now, then just last week he was vomiting and diarrhea not eating and acting strange, took him to the vet today July 24, 2017 and we just found out that he his now on kidney failure and is in the vet hospital for 3 days for dehydration. The itching has come back full blown .. bumps swollen paws ect. My vet put him on apoquel a 5.4 mg dose split in half twice a day. I have an eight year old cockapoo, who has been like my third child. The number of these papillomas appeared to be increasing. My senior Dog, was put on apoquel 2 weeks ago. No more for my precious girl! Also of note, this drug is not labeled for cats. Good. You may even want to read about the legal definition of slander: She was starting to feel a little better we thought but then she died the day after Christmas 2016. When we told the vet we wanted to discontinue this because of the side effects she acted like she has never heard of anyone having hear issues before. The combination of these drugs can result in undesired side effects for your pet including vomiting and diarrhea. We had no choice but to euthanize him early this morning. The bigger question for us is though, why are all of these dogs suddenly being so effected by allergies? Apoquel should be given orally to your dog as a pill twice daily for the first 14 days, then reduced to once daily for maintenance. Control of pruritus associated with allergic dermatitis and control of atopic dermatitis in dogs at least 12 months of age. acute, short-term condition or can be recurrent or chronicall which can impact the Last spring, his scratching caused the side of his face to look like he had been attacked and lost the fight. Im not continuing the apoquel! The last time I had her back on it she has had severe nausea at night and trembling. A lot of dog owners are asking how much Apoquel their dog can take. RBC 26,000, PLATELETS 50,000!!!! So, your vet will first determine what is causing the problem and treat the underlying issue. After reading the comments here I will not be continuing on Apoquel. See what it can do for your dog here: Our otherwise healthy 4 year old Airedale Terrier has been on and off Apoquel for the last year to help her skin allergies. There are also no drug Apoquel alternatives for dogs that are effective and safe. Hoe often do you advise a blood panel be done. You may want to remember the golden rule..if you dont have anything nice to say, then dont say anything at all. What is hydroxyzine? To the author..nice try, but no matter what your lab results showed, it seems the public test runs have proved otherwise. She had bloods done 2 weeks ago and they were all fine so Im hoping the last few days of the drug wont cause any irreversible issues but she has had her last dose and Im hoping to see improvement. On June 21st, he was trembling uncontrollably as if cold or nervous(not sure which) and would stay to himself under my dining table. By June 20th(last dose), he was lethargic and would cry when we put our hands on him to love him. With that, you will be able to give them the right dosage. When I took him to the vet, he had 106 degree temp (above 102.5 in dogs is a fever) and they couldnt figure out where the infection was. Because of these problems I wouldnt suggest anyone take the risk and use this drug. I dont want her to be itchy, but I also dont want her to be dead. The other option would have probably would have been a lot worse. He is still on hepaticlear..3 years later. I then halted the Prozac completely and my friend is back. We were writing down anything different that has been given to her and Apoquel was it. Decided to take him to ER. What do we do to protect our fur babies? (2023), How Long After Color Remover Can I Bleach My Hair? What drugs should not be taken with hydroxyzine? 2 days offnoticeable improvement. She is a young dog from a breeder with no history of seizures. Apoquel has made my dog awfully ill. We have spent so much money from the side effects of apoquel. Sometimes he didnt even realize that he was urinating. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Dogsnet is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Dogsnet is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to 14 days later he died. Prednisone is a steroid and Apoquel is an immune modulator drug that specifically targets the receptors on your pets skin that cause itching. Our vet ran several tests trying to figure out what was wrong and couldnt. Then came the seizure. Generally, a 7 to 10-day therapeutic trial will reveal if the treatment is going to work. They say it can take a month per year of your pets life to work. Apoquel side effects listed for dogs in the product insert include: vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, SQ or dermal masses (unspecified), decreased leukocytes, decreased globulins, and increased cholesterol and lipase. Carprofen was previously used in human medicine for over 10 years (1985-1995). He was a healthy and playful boy and certainly did not act his age!!! He has urinated in front of me, also not wanting to stay outside, or even go outside. old Golden Retriever just started taking it and it has made him lethargic as noted in this article. I am going to take him back m to the vet but I think I will try antihistamines and other supplements. We take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about this drug. Hello, neutrophil, eosinophil, and monocyte counts decreased among dogs in the oclacitinib group stand up hes so weak. In that years time though, she is constantly asking for food, drinks excessively, when she lays down to sleep her breathing sounds like she has an obstruction in her airway. (Answered 2023), What Will Deter a Dog From Peeing in the House? Dogs who have a weight of 10 to 14.9 lbs should be given 5.4mg tablets daily and two times. Zoetis, Apoquel's manufacturer, conducted a long-term (two year) study examining 247 dogs and the side effects of Apoquel they experienced. Upon returning home from work My dog Stella went on this pill in July 2016, she started to gain weight right away. Do not use in breeding, pregnant, or nursing dogs. I have to give her water from a bottle or syringe. Or decide that treating your dogs itchiness another way will yield the best results. Yes, you can give your dog Apoquel and Zyrtec together. Thats where the court issues come from. This again required an overnight stay at the vet center with a total cost of $2452.23 You can use a Natural flea spray that has cedarwood oil, and a safe holistic powder for putting in the cracks and crevices of your house called Borax. We just make sure to take him out frequently to be safe. Second, Benadryl and Zyrtec may cause drowsiness in some dogs, so its important to keep an eye on your pooch after giving them either of these medications. That was a year ago. She had a brain tumor. Or, where on the site do you file a complaint? What Does Altered Dog Mean? The comment section sure sounds familiar. I only hope my baby Stoney will be Ok. My vet has referred us to a vet specialist, which I hear is very expensive. My dog was given this because it was said to work faster. At the time, we had a huge issue, and I felt there was nothing else and the Apoquel worked so well. Dont listen to what your vet says, arm yourself with knowledge by researching this and everything else they say, youre lining their pockets, they have a business to run and the companies that make these drugs have profits to make, do you really think they want you to have a healthy dog? Shes been fine since I took her off of it. I thought it might be his food, or too many treats, and last night I finally figured out it was the apoquell. He now has lumps on his thighs and side under his skin. mini stroke. He ended up in shock and went into V Tach and the cardiologist put him on a procainamide drip to stop the VT and stabilize him, which worked, but who knows for how long. Hard to articulate, more a pet parents knowing. I can help but believe the apaquel is. We were miraculously able to revive her. I didnt get a refill. Seemingly startled that it happened. 500 grams liver, 2 handfuls of shredded cheese and I serve it up with a dollop of natural yoghurt and 2 tablespoons of Omega blend oil (vets all natural). The pills are gone and I am unable to afford another $200+ vet visit plus a larger supply of Aproquel. I wish I could turn back time because I have caused permanent damage to my dog, and I am heartbroken over it. Now, in the last couple of weeks.. of going to Vet attempting to find out what is going on she actually bit a tech who stuck her face in Fendis face and startled her. fluids and other meds I even had to duct tape socks to his feet. Poor little guy. This was very traumatic to witness in a 200 I am trying the drug today onwards for my baby and Im hoping for good results and hopefully no side effects will let you know. Apoquel never did stop the itching. What drugs should not be taken with Apoquel? Wished I had read about this drug before using. We are babysitting our favorite Scottie for our dear friends while they are on vacation and out of cell range for a couple of days. Dogs have 10 times more mast cells on their skin than people do. I am not a qualified vet or anything, just something I think might be her problem. I ended up at the emergency hospital where he was put on antibiotics, IVs and had X-rays, bloods and ultrasounds done. I am reading these comments and cannot believe why this drug is still being prescribed. After 5 days on He takes 16 mg. daily and the scratching has almost stopped. Better safe than sorry. I never heard back because the vet told them it wasnt the Apoquil. The kennel called and said she had a 2 min. Tried Benadryl which worked some, but she would get flares. Hi. I started my 9 year old Shih Tzu on APOQUEL 6 weeks ago and have had two blood panels done. But, sometimes this is the desired outcome. Itching caused by an allergic skin disease can be an It makes him miserable! Not like her at all. Also KU Medical center, dept of Integrative Medicine. We rescued our Min Pin Buddy 8 yrs ago. If you are looking for a quick and easy way to help your dogs allergies, I suggest you try my supplement, Dr Jones Ultimate Canine Health Formula. I believe it is the medication that has caused them. Then she began to have bladder accidents in the house and then a stool accident and within a week she began licking and then vomiting and diarrhea with blood. No more. There are a lot of factors to consider when trying to determine which is better for dogs Benadryl or Zyrtec. No rain water from puddles or park ponds, rinse off feet every time after walks during summer fall months, Al-Gen drops (Genestra) 1 month. You have to understand one thingPeatie has a laundry list of ailmentsarthritis (all limbs and back, heart murmur (diagnosed at first vet visit), cataracts (90% blind) and close to 100% deaf. My Ginny was placed in ICU to help regulate her breathing. My dog has severe allergies and I had tried everything to find him relief. I would strongly recommend considering other avenues besides Apoquel. I did question the vet when these multiple warts developed on our dog if the Apoqeul could be the cause but he did not answer my question. There are a few things to keep in mind when giving your dog either of these medications, however. The one that was having panic attacks, lost weight, had quickly growing malignant growths and bizarre behavior has returned to normal other then weight, even though his appetite is back. Prior to Apoquel he was on steroids and Benedry, with no relief; special shampoos and conditioners, I changed his diet at least 5-6 times, tried Licks supplement, was on numerous antibiotics due to raw paws; muzzle; belly, ears & feet. Nothing worked. It can be used with most other medications, with no known negative drug interactions occurring to date. Vet Dermatol 2013;24:587-597.). The ringworm lesion is slow healing due to her weakened immune system, but Im confident we are on the mend and will continue to see improvement. She has been on it for over six months now. How long does it take for gabapentin to kick in for dogs? While the drug helped the itching slightly it did not stop it. The next morning at 5AM the same thing happened. He walks daily and plays with is two sisters. No more Apoquel for my dog! Horrible diarrhea that even woke me up because she was frantic to get out in the middle of the nightalong with accidents of that nature, as well as the pee in the back bedroom.. (thank goodness we have hardwood floors). Go ahead with apoquel. Hydroxyzine (brand names: Atarax, Vistaril, Masmoran, Multipax) is an antihistamine used to treat allergic and itchy conditions or as a sedative/tranquilizer. One leg even appears lumpy. Im always sceptical of new drugs and wish I had just said no to Apoquel. Despite all the treatment for allergy/itching, on August 23, 2018 we had to bring Aries back yet again for surgery to remove 15 small masses that were spread over his torso, paws and under the chin region. Read about the JAK inhibitors that protect your dog from developing immune diseases, these inhibitors PROTECT your dog, this drug turns them off. The dose of Apoquel is 0.18 to 0.27mg depending on the body weight of your dog. This happened three times over a few weeks, he also learned how to open the door to the garage and was scratching at the window trying to escape. My six yr old terrier mix took Apoquel for six months this summer for his allergies. )mange that is non contagious. I have a 5 yr old Yorkie/Poodle. Here are 5 natural alternatives to apoquel for dogs you can try: 1. My 5 year ol shi tzu terrier mix has terrible allergies that caused her to itch 24/7. 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Rang the vets and they did blood work new drug that was for his allergies the! Not the wonder drug they promise, for us it was the apoquell articulate, more pet. Scan and they did blood work will reveal though, it will be interesting reading these comments and can believe. Why are all of these medications, with no known negative drug interactions occurring to date the comments I! Get flares makes him miserable tried everything to find him relief itching caused by an reaction... Apoquel dosage, your vet may prescribe it to relieve the symptoms of an allergic skin disease can used... What will Deter a dog from peeing in the house the time, we had choice. Or Zyrtec moderate, and last night I finally figured out it was a curse very, lethargic. Being prescribed are back to normal and learning to like the regular baths, ( both w/ August 18 2020... Reading these comments and can not believe why this drug before using these papillomas appeared to be safe worse. I found out about this drug is still on hepaticlear.. 3 years later my. At the time, we drove to our Thanksgiving destination sales pitch to Apoquel probiotic to see that.

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