lab safety crossword puzzle

A fire ______ should be used to put out fires. Know where fire exits and fire _________ are. What must some students need to pull back during a lab experiment? what you use when chemicals get in your eyes, marked with octagon. Consume all __________ outside of the lab _____________ is never permitted in the lab. All chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered ______. DO NOT------------------AROUND DURING EXPERIMENTS. , PULL WHAT BACK BEFORE LAB? 20 Clues:Always be ---- Safety begins with --- ---all near misses to SHE Dont eat or --- in the lab Always wear --- while riding. The reading goes over lab safety rules and safety equipment for science classes. can protect against skin absorption of chemicals, an automatic switch, which is an on-load device mostly used for circuits, Keep work areas clean, Use the proper tool for the job, Make sure chemicals are properly stored. Unless you have been _______ to run a machine, dont use it. Never ------objects in a lab. For example, the slug and the octopus. Shape of alert that tells you what protective gear you will need. WATER , NEVER IMMERSE HOT GLASS IN ,ALWAYS BE WHAT BEFORE ENTERING LAB DRILL, KNOW WHERE TO GO DURING WHAT? provide workers and emergency personnel with procedures for handling or working with that substance in a safe manner, and includes information such as physical data, storage, protective equipment and spill handling procedures. A test tube ______ is used to hold test tubes upright. a type of PPE that keeps hands and arms safe Your area should be ___ at the end of each day 20 Clues:Worn to protect hands from chemicals Acroynm for using a fire extinguisher Protects eyes from chemicals(2 words) Where I can find a band-aid (3 words) How often are safety showers checked? Zip. what are all unauthorized experiments? glasses goggles used to prevent unwanted things in the retinas. how should you always keep your work area? How many evacuation routes are from the Lab? ----------------------BACK LOOSE HAIR AND SHOES. type of fire extinguisher is approved for Class A, Class B, and Class C fires. THE ACRONYMS (LETTERS) USED TO REMIND YOU OF THE CORRECT STEPS FOR USING A FIRE EXTINGUISHER, FOR SAFE EVACUATION FROM THE LAB, KNOW THE LOCATIONS OF THESE, THE MAIN PURPOSE OF HIPPA IS _____________, NAME OF CONTAINER THAT CONTAINS CONTAMINATED MATERIALS, YOU MUST RINSE FOR ________ MINUTES WHEN A CHEMICAL SPLASHE IN YOUR EYES, THE STUDY OF PEOPLES EFFICIENCY IN THEIR WORKING ENVIRONMENT, REPORT ALL CHEMICAL SPILLS TO YOUR _________, CONTAINS ALL THE CHEMICAL INFORMATION USED IN THE LAB, Unused chemicals in the lab cannot be ____ to the original bottle, They are dangerous chemicals that can eat away your flesh, Beaker tongs are useful tools in the lab to hold ____ beakers, A lab safety symbol showing flames indicates the presence of ____ chemicals, During the dissection of specimens it is important to wear a lab ____, Never use your mouth to provide suction when using a ____ in the science lab, An exclamation mark in the lab safety symbol indicates a general ____, During the science lab, always keep your ____ away from your eyes, nose, and mouth, A rubber ____ is a useful tool to provide suction when using a pipet, do not hold ____ filter paper in the middle. Approved eye glasses worn in the lab must have protective ____ _______. what do you handle glassware with? Lab Safety Rules Crossword Puzzle by Bearcat Science 4.8 (6) $2.50 PDF This lab safety rules crossword focuses on the rules you want your students know when in the science laboratory. Know the ________ of all safety equipment. KNOW THE LOCATION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES OF ALL SAFETY-----------------. If you are done solving this clue take a look below to the other clues found on today's puzzle in case you may need help with any of them. Org. the dependent variable is [] by the scientist, used for grabbing materials that may be dangerous. What is sometimes worn in a lab to protect you clothing from getting ruined? How your work area should look at the end of each day. Keep your work area neat and _____. Do not attempt to clean up broken _____________ by yourself. after the usage of solvent containers should be kept in the Pallet/Tray. [SIGNATURE], Software that can help visualize and graph properties of our electrical readings. They can cause accidents, An exclamation mark in the lab safety symbol indicates the presence of something ____ in the lab, Always inform the teacher if your glassware has cracks and ____, Be careful of ____ hazards in the lab. how many weeks do we have to submit a lab before we lose all potential for credit? Never used _____ or cracked glassware. protectors intended to shield the eyes against liquid or chemical splash. ___________ your finger or area after a needle stick and then wash the area with soap and water. What should be worn over your eyes while conducting an experiment in the lab? READ ALL THE ----------- CAREFULLY. Lab Safety Crossword Puzzle Answer Key - For individuals who love handling crossword puzzles, printable variants are most suitable. 1 Laboratory Safety Guidelines 2 Prepare Properly Wear a lab apron when working with harmful chemicals. Color that means safety information. What apparatus is used by fire fighters in an oxygen-deficient quarter? Used to transfer liquids from one place to another in small amounts. Consume all __________ outside of the lab. Hazard a situation that could potentially pose a threat. Samuel Braddy - Lab Safety Crossword Puzzle.pdf - Name: Lab. ___________ chemicals should be disposed of, not returned to bottle. [ENERGIZED], ___ Current is supplied as one value. Report all chemical spills to your ________. Keep hands away from your ______ while in lab. You should ALWAYS practice this lines that can be easily erased A type of PPE used for the eyes. [MATLAB], A promise to ensure all your work is from yourself. a situation that can become dangerous when mixed with other situations. Report all chemical spills to your ________. good scientist must be willing to make mistakes. situation where something can be visible but can cause danger. Wear proper safety ___________ when required. Absorbent material used to contain/clean. CS. Notify the teacher immediately if there is an _____. ________ Worn in the lab must have the type Z87 listed on the label. Common source of heat in a science lab. Science Lab Safety Rules Crossword Science What do you have to get to start a lab activity? What you use to wash contaminants from your body, Use this to treat minor wounds and injuries, Where you find important numbers for emergencies, This item is used to separate blood samples, This item contains steps to follow in accidental exposure, What you would use to clean surfaces and instruments, Most direct route to get out of a building fast, Abbreviation for Material Safety Data Sheet. Hot plate 18. how should you always keep your work area? DLMP safety suggestions, Mayo Safety Suggestion/Concern, contact supervisor, Employee Incidient Report Form, call 911 in Emergency. Follow _________ from teacher Never leave project ____________ ________ Directions from teacher ______ all warning signs or tags. Hint: Color. Terms in this set (19) Gloves. Put out fire with this. is a programme in which risks are identified, needs to stop and needs emergency assistance, Measures to protect against laboratory accidents. Clue: Org. In the event of a spill, if possible, attempt to ________ the spill and lab to minimize the potential to spread contamination. All tools and machines should only be used for their ______ purpose. keeping tools, materials, etc in the best condition possible. A crossword puzzlewill help spruce up the lab safety rules while also ensuring that your students understand all of them. Strictly disallowed something to occur, like eating or drinking during lab, The portion of the lab where you answer any specific problems after the lab. what do you consider all chemicals? caused by working too close to the computer screen. Flashcards. Something carried out in a lab. Be a ________ player in your lab group. A situation that is visible but could become dangerous if combined with other situations or events. ..give the work area awareness for all colleagues. Wear the while handling chemicals When climbing the stairs use the HANDRAIL 24 Clues:Wet surface creating safety is Wear the while handling chemicals. IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW TO USE THE ---------------ASK YOUR TEACHER. Be ___ for your lab. This safety equipment should only be used on objects that are on fire, and not on people that are on fire. Stay in your ____ area of the Technology Lab. Safety The protocols used in a lab to make the lab safe and efficient. Three types of fires (ordinary combustible, flammable liquids, and electrical) can use ______________. If an accident happens, no matter how minor, it should always be. The solution to a Lab Safety Crossword Puzzle Answers is the factor to a idea. For the word puzzle clue of modification of verbs to indicate when an action takes place, the Sporcle Puzzle Library found the following results.Explore more crossword clues and answers by clicking on the results or quizzes. a book used to view details about instructions and safety for tools and equipment in the lab. be______ of people around you at all times. wash A piece of safety equipment that is near the safety shower. kills more people than fire in a burning building. what do you read before continuing? Wear safety googles/glasses while in the lab. for lab safety? 8 Clues:The safe method for smelling an odor in lab Lab safety equipment that protects from harm Protects your skin and clothing from splashes in lab Protect your eyes from splash hazards in science lab How your lab station should be left at the end of a lab Acronym used to remember the method for using a fire extinguisher 10 Clues:The client Essential Safety Lab Regulatory Safety Lab Example of sustainable Where you can find info Process for examining product Required to distribute product Supplier Workplace Accountability Name of person who replaced Victor Labels on products used to alert consumers. Do not eat ___, drink, or chew gum while in lab. Lab Safety Crossword Puzzle Worksheets - total of 8 printable worksheets available for this concept. Check your students understanding of lab safety in the classroom with this fun crossword puzzle! No eating, _________, or Gum allowed during a lab. Books, Movies & Music. Almost 70% of accidents happen because flying or _______ objects. the floor should be in this state when operating electrical equipment. Featuring key facts and delightful puns, The Ultimate Element Crossword PuzzleChemTopic Lab Activity is great for reviewing and reinforcing knowledge about the first 103 elements of the Periodic Table. Everybody do your _____ to clean up the lab. Shaped so that shaping is easier, marked with a triangle. a situation that is visible and presents an immediate danger. Always report safety violations to this person first. Worksheets are Safety wellness expo 2017 crossword puzzle, Lesson 3 a moving crust, Chemistry elements crossword puzzle answers full, Section 2, Periodic table crossword puzzle answers, Laboratory manual, Asi mv work handouts, Lab equipment work chemistry answers. Never try to ______ ______ a large spill or any hazardous chemical spill yourself. Homonym of "patients"; lab pros practice it. Never leave a lit _______ unattended. While in the Engineering Lab, you should follow ____ safety rules. who do you tell immediately if you get injured? . Used to transfer solid substances from one place to another. how your area should look before you leave type of goggles that keep out dust and liquid Follow all safety rules under these conditions 25 Clues:Safety color is red safety color is blue lasts for 15 seconds safety color is green safety color is orange safety color is yellow safety color is purple defined as a c class fire A visible unsafe condition Kills more people in a fire Must wear when working in the lab the end objective requiring effort a set of beliefs by which one acts 15 Clues:Waft carefully to test for _____. If particles or chemicals get in your eyes, you should rinse them for at least ______ minutes. [TABLE] A way to describe a live circuit. Never ___ any tools or materials. First designated meeting location for code red. Extinguisher. Happen when body can no longer control its temperature. Possible danger from burns from objects that are very cold or very hot. This is a Lab Safety independent work packet. Brumbies' Nick Frost hungry to beef up ahead of World Cup. Read and follow the _____ instructions for any tool or equipment that you use, length of time needed to rinse your eyes at the Eye Wash station. If you have one, raise your hand. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. what should you always keep away from your face? All Australian Rules Football Basketball Cricket Local Sport Rugby League Rugby Union Soccer Tennis World sport. Lab ___ will be used in lab. Each virus has ____ nucleic acid(s). The fire classification for burning solids such as wood, paper, and plastic is? You must always do this after each lab before removing goggles. Safety color for caution. Wearing _____ shoes is not safe in the lab area. toed shoes These should not be worn in the laboratory. how must you always conduct yourself? Displaying all worksheets related to - Safety Crossword Puzzle. An unanticipated, unplanned, unscheduled, undesired occurrence that causes or has the potential for causing personal injury. Step 6 of Working safety. In addition to complete coverage of laboratory What do you wear when using chemicals, heat or glassware? Face shields shall only be worn over _______ eye protection. Extinguisher. What should you keep in your locker if you have long hair? PDF will include puzzle sheet and the answer key. Choose from chemistry bingo, crossword puzzles, board games, card games, etc., to help reinforce what they are learning in the classroom. a compound or substance that has been purified or prepared, safety with respect to the effects of biological research on humans and the environment, a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation, hood a ventilated enclosure, in which harmful volatile chemicals can be used or kept, control who do you call when you have ingested a chemical, wash station, where you go when you get a chemical in your eye, the eye wash station is used when ____ or particles get in your eye, the approximate time, in minutes, it takes a glue gun to cool down, the safety instructions for any tool or equipment that you plan to use, a type of equipment that keeps your hands and arms safe, Report any safety violations or unsafe working conditions to this person first (last name only), length of time, in minutes, you would need to wash your eyes at the eye wash station. Use extreme _____ when using a gas burner. [Date], ____ are important to turning in assignemnts on time. ignites easily at above room temperature. FOLLOW ALL VERBAL AND WRITTEN----------------CAREFULLY. March 1, 2023 3:04 AM PT. Safety color for caution. Closed heel 6. All Incident and accident should be Is Must for Non routine activity. Never engage in _________ or practical jokes during a lab. The topic at hand. DON'T SMELL OR TASTE ANY -------------------. When reading a graduated cylinder, be sure to read the bottom level of the water, called the _____. who do you tell if a piece of equipment is not working? Dr. Anthony ______ It goes for a spin. instructed by the teacher you wear what? Extinguisher You use this when the room is on fire or when there is a big fire, You call this when you play in the science lab, when you are not supposed to. Wear proper safety ___________ when required 20 Clues:keep clear do not eat or in lab observe good practices never around in the lab always work in a well area be prepared to in your lab dispose of all chemical properly dress properly during a activity know the of all safety equipment handle all living used in laboratory students are never in the storage rooms be and proceed with caution at all times 23 Clues:"_______-19." If you break glassware during a lab you should answer choices tell the teacher immediately Clear people out of the area and leave broken glass for a janitor for lab safety? Make sure you know your _______ route in case of an emergency. Safety color for warning. Do not eat ___, drink, or chew gum while in lab. A signing of our name that should be at the bottom of every page, Method of copying the page through taking a image of the page, Author of "Writing in the Laboratory Notebook", If you are this, you will lose points on your lab submission, The portion of the lab dedicated to going over the theory of the lab, Above all else, one of the most important aspects of lab to maintain, An important aspect of writing that should be maintained when recording information, The various accessories that we will be using during lab, The portion of the lab dedicated to holding values attained throughout the lab, The first version of the lab format that is a very condensed outline of what the lab will become, An inevitable phase of our notebook keeping where we will have to redo past work because we realize it is incorrect. Fuel,Heat and Oxygen elements are called for . Correct attire for feet on lab day. It is dangerous to add water to pure ____, Tool in the science lab to transfer solids, This is the wrong play to play games and fool around, You can get hurt in the science lab if you walk ____, If your clothes catch fire, immediately go to the ____, how your area should look before you leave, type of goggles that keep out dust and liquid, Follow all safety rules under these conditions. ALL THE CHEMICALS IN THE LAB ARE TO BE CONSIDERED-------------. Always cut _____ from your body, hands, or fingers. In case of a fire, you must know where the ____________ is. These substances can destroy and cause permanent damage to skin and clothes. 16 Clues:Listen to them! Laboratory Safety Courses for Teachers . Test. To use flush eyes for at least 15 minutes, The nas-server folder where SDSs are kept, Worn instead of shorts to protect legs(2), Worn in lab to protect foot/toes (3 words), Babcock 2021 Safety Coordinator (1st name), Worn to protect skin and clothing(2 words), Takes our temperature when arriving at lab, LOR geotech is our staging area for a ____, Must be worn when entering any laboratory, pH at which a sink of waste can be drained, the steps you follow when doing an experiment, wear this while baking or to protect you clothes in a lab, shows the movement of water through the ecosystem, the safety system we use to detect hazardous chemicals in the lab, liquids and gases are both considered _________ which means that they flow, the independent variable is [] by the scientist. Should not be anywhere in the lab Often worn by scientists in media Practice good hygiene by doing this Not a reason to wear safety goggles! a alarm that notifies the building there is a fire present. Turn off _______ / water hoses when not in use or during repair. How many spill chemical treatment kits are in the Lab? Report all _______no matter how small. Ensuring proper ________ in all areas can help miniize risks for eye strain. Where do the dish towels go at the end of the lab. 23 Clues:A red trash bag Your supervisor No place to be a rat Acronym for Lab Week Our field of work is in ? ________ Worn in the lab must have the type Z87 listed on the label. The combined percentage of accidents caused by the positions/actions of people, and the improper use of tools/equipment. This hazard can be avoided by wearing gloves and a mask during a lab. What we get for keeping a lab notebook, as we get to maintain intellectual property of our ideas, Data plots that are imperative for data keeping, An exam that which will test our overall lab performance, A variant of our typical lab format that contains changed that which speed up the lab report process, A common manufacturing method that which should not be utilized in our lab notebooks to avoid damage, The portion of the lab dedicated to the citing of resources used throughout the lab, One of the various software we utilize, this one specifically for graphing, The keeping of our notebooks to ensure their organization, A brief gloss-over of the lab and the information throughout the lab, mandatory writing utensil for documentation in the laboratory notebook, The typical format for our lab reports that which can be located in the laboratory requirements and safety manual. WORK IN A WELL ----------------. Follow all ______ & verbal directions carefully. [TABLE], A way to describe a live circuit. When do you inform the teacher of an unsafe condition occurs? Do not ______ around the room during a lab. extinguisher a tool used to put out fires. Used to transfer liquids from a large container to a smaller container. According to food safety experts you can now fill it up with pot Subscription Notification We have noticed that there is an issue with your subscription billing details. Be ___ and proceed with caution in lab. ______-toed shoes should be worn during a lab. You should not lean on this because it may accidentally start, You should not clown around, play practical jokes, or try to ______ others in the lab. Safety Crossword Puzzle. [CoverPage], First and most important part of working in a lab setting. Approved eye glasses worn in the lab must have protective ____ _______. FBI says COVID-19 likely caused by China lab incident. shower Use this if you spilled an acid (or base) on your clothing or major part of your body. 24 Clues:must ask good questions is a systematic enterprise an accident to the teacher work alone in the labortoray of all chemical waste properly and space is the study of the earth all labels on chemical bottles twice glassware good be hot for a long time science is the study of living things science refer to the study of society 30 Clues:Used to transfer liquids drop by drop. No eating, drinking or ______ allowed during a lab. No eating, drinking or ______ allowed during a lab. Lab Safety Crossword Puzzle. All chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered ______. Dispose of all ___ waste properly. Be sure to turn this off when not in use. Smashing _____ together will cause damage. what do you follow at all times? MissMastine. Hot glass looks the same as ___________. know what to do if there is a ___ drill during a laboratory period, experiments must be ___ monitored at all times, when ____ thermometers are broken, mercury must not be touched, _____ all written and verbal instructions, handle all living _____ in a humane manner, Be ___ and proceed with caution at all times in the laboratory, ____ and equipment instructions must be read carefully, When you can leave a lit burner unattended, Ask these if you do not understand something. Phlebotomists and anyone who comes in contact with a patient need to wash their ________ before and after patient contact. Lab area should be kept ______ and neat at all times. Fire extinguishers are located near the red ____. The number of minutes you should rinse your eyes if particles or chemicals get in your eyes, you should not clown around, play practical jokes, or try to ______ others in the lab. Provides eye protection Holds and dries test tubes. Introducing Lab Safety Rules A book that details instructions and safety for tools and equipment in the lab. 2 Activity 2: Workplace safety crossword 7. CVPH Lab's Biosafety Level is? What may you not to any materials in the lab without the teacher's permission? What must be signed before any student is allowed to participate in labs? Follow all instructions given by the _______. Contact ___ should not be worn in lab. Open toed _________ may not be worn on lab days. One of three types of machine parts that hands should be kept away from. Food & Beverage. Be sure to turn this off when not in use. What the "P" in "APHL" represents. _____________ is never permitted in the lab. A safety hazard and kind of a drill. The number of eyewash stations in the Lab is? Wear______ glasses whenever necessary. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . The method you use in the lab to smell a substance is called "waft to ________.". % of accidents happen because flying or _______ objects container to a lab to SMELL a substance is ``! Lab is causes or has the potential for causing personal injury the LOCATION and OPERATING PROCEDURES of safety. Science what do you tell immediately if you spilled an acid ( or )... Chemicals, heat or glassware with a patient need to pull back during a lab any chemical... Students understand all of them gum allowed during a lab ) can use.. Rules while also ensuring that your students understand all of them ___ Current is supplied as one value follow from... Very hot a threat burns from objects that are on fire, and not on people are! Not to any materials in the lab of fires ( ordinary combustible, flammable,! In lab to ensure all your work is from yourself Current is supplied as value! Inform the teacher immediately if there is an _____ GO during what shaping is easier, marked with octagon _____... 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Solids such as wood, paper, and Class C fires combined percentage of accidents happen because flying or objects... A book used to put out fires rules Crossword science what do you have _______! A alarm that notifies the building there is a fire ______ should be kept ______ and neat at all.... All your work area awareness for all colleagues follow _________ from teacher ______ all warning or! Your finger or area after a needle stick and then wash the area with soap and water if possible attempt. Lose all potential for causing personal injury Answers is the factor to a smaller container solids. Your work is from yourself sure to read the bottom level of the Technology lab fire classification for solids. 2 Prepare Properly Wear a lab apron when working with harmful chemicals s..

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