toba hulk powers and abilities

The Hulk's regenerative healing factor also enables him to resist to physical transmutations (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #262, #266 and #363). But just how did the Hulk get his powers? Brian Banner was aware that something exists beyond the limits of his comprehension since he had dealt with it.He knew that the strange entity he sighted in the deepest reaches of his mind was something that was made powerful and drawn to gamma radiation. Wolverine explains that Hulk is basically a walking earthquake (from Wolverine: Origins Vol 1 #28). I am the One Above All. Hulk grew so furious that his ambient energy started tearing the Earth apart. It's a compliment not an insult. The Hulk's potentially infinite strength is tied to his rage, meaning the angrier he gets, the more stronger and powerful he becomes with residual gamma radiation emitting from him. The Hulk has consistently faced warriors with experience in combat, such as Thor, the Executioner, and Hercules (from Hulk: Let the Battle Begin #1, Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #102, As the Green Scar, he has had training in multiple combat arms, including broadswords, spears, and battle shields (from. After billions of years of immortality, the most powerful Hulk roams the ninth cosmos, far in the distant future, Dormammu was able to defeat Multiversal Eternity, Stated that he could conquer the multiverse, and melt all creation into a pool of cosmic slag, absorbed the power of Multiversal Eternity, and threatened to destroy the entire multiverse, Umar own states Dormammu has stole Eternity's power after trick him, Sends Fin Fang Foom flying with a thunderclap, turning him into a projectile that shatters a barrier capable of withstanding the Mindless Ones, The Hulk's thunderclap sends back the Night-Crawler's sonic beams, destroying the entire universe, Can run at eye blurring speeds, as confirmed by text boxes Bruce Banner's dialogue, Withstood a 100,000,000,000,000 ton punch, Darwin (X-Men) attempted to absorb gamma radiation from the Hulk only to find that the Hulk's gamma radiation supply was far more than he could drain, Said by Thor to see the naked souls of men and smell the lies in their hearts hidden even from themselves, Gained the ability to see ghosts because he was afraid of his father coming back to haunt him, Hulk is able to see Dr. strange astral form when no one can, which comes in handy when working with his fellow defender strange, Absorbed the power and redirects it back at the Galaxy Master, destroying him completely, absorbed all of Robert Reynolds' energy (both the supernatural and scientific essences of his powers), Devil Hulk breaks one of the shards and absorbs its power without any harm, Absorb Metatron, the Sentience of the Eighth Omniverse, to become Breaker of Worlds and becoming the cosmic being of the Ninth Cosmos, Can explode if fueled by too much gamma energy, The Galaxy Master reforms into his normal shape and fires gamma radiation rays at the Hulk. First appearing in Eternals #14 by Jack Kirby, this robotic Hulk merely emulates his flesh and blood counterpart in every way. He was recruited by General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross and the U.S. Army to develop the first Gamma Bomb, which would use gamma radiation (basically Satan magic) to target enemy weapons and buildings without endangering human lives. It then went on to kill the likes of Franklin Richards, Galactus, Mister Immortal, and many others, thus becoming the only being left in the universe. Her boyfriend, Hotshot, then was forced to tie her to a chair, due to her power growing out of control. While holding back, a thunderclap stuns Namora, Angel and the Immortal Hercules (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #107). Power Stone Controls all of the power in the universe. Pressed sections of a building made of adamantium alloy with his bare hands (from Marvel Team-Up #18). Pulled two tectonic plates together to stop an earthquake (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #202). by . Can withstand extreme hot and cold temperatures, and has even endured the sun's heat (from Tales to Astonish #73, Tales to Astonish #80, Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #105). So much so that Al Ewing considers them omniverses and for good reason. Thor can also channel his godly energies through Mjolnir, creating rays powerful enough to kill even immortals. People were worried Hulk's infinite power derived from Hell, but it was really TOAA in a way which explains that aspect of his abilities. The Red Door no longer acts as a functional barrier for Hulk's resurrection (from Immortal Hulk #45). For that you have to go way back to Incredible Hulk issue #1. World Breaker Hulk was so terrifying and so dangerous that when Hulk went up against Darwin, whose a mutant that evolves to survive anything, though it is involuntary, Darwin's power actually teleported him away from the fight as it was the only way Darwin would survive (from World War Hulk: X-Men #3). He's just the biggest kid in all the playgrounds. However, Hulk faces the manifestations of Rick Jones and Ross, which enraged him and transformed him into Savage Hulk. He sends Blastaar and the armies of the Negative Zone flying (from Sentry Vol 2 #3). Smashing and crushing Adamantium with his bare hands (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #228; Marvel Team-up Annual #2). "[10] In the aftermath of the events of Infinity Gauntlet, the Living Tribunal easily undid all the destruction an enraged Adam Warlock wreaked in his Trial, claiming that, "I represent forces that dwarf even your might. boost his anger at least three times over alone. Even though TOBA is omnipotent when it comes to its sphere of influence, it does not have a mind of its own nor a personality of its own. The Green Scar. Strange riding Surfer's board through time (from Dr. Originally, the Hulk was grey. A hollow shell. Far more than multiverses even! Hulk sucks in pandora's box and absorbs it, which should give him a 133.45 power increase. Before we explain what TOBA Hulk is we need to touch upon briefly the entity The One Below All itself. Separation - World Breaker Hulk was able to completely separate himself from Bruce Banner, without harming either of them. In the far future, TOBA Hulk managed to defeat Franklin Richards, Galactus, and even Mister Immortal who was considered to be unkillable. Then Tales to Astonish became The Incredible Hulk in 1968. "The ambient energy--they're absorbing it all!" Smashed through the Red Door, returning to his body all by himself (from Immortal Hulk #45). Usually, this being takes over and replaces the "Bruce Banner" identity when Bruce's body turn Continue Reading 1K 35 Ben Minch It and its power are only capable of altering or destroying. Took a God-Blast in Fear Itself and it only shoot him into orbit (from Fear Itself #5). Brian stumbled back and the impact of his head on Rebecca's gravestone killed him. Is more than twice as fast as a fighter jet (Mach 5) (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #206). Shook off a strike from Nova Prime, which had the impact force of 765,000 psf. [6], In the far future, the One Below All managed to destroy the soul of Bruce Banner and possessed the body of the Hulk. Can absorb beings caught in the middle of his regenerative process into his body, breaking down their being into an unrecognizable state (from Immortal Hulk #8). [1], When Thanos, controlled by his future self, began using the Astral Regulator to absorb the majority of the cosmic beings, putting the entire multiverse into chaos,[12] the Above-All-Others and the Living Tribunal tried to stop him, but was all in vain as Thanos was able to absorb them both, with his future self becoming the god and the manifestation of the entire multiverse. With his love interest and wife Betty Ross seemingly being the only person able to calm the Hulk back into Banner, and often being pursued by his nemesis Thunderbolt Ross who is also Betty's Father, Bruce is often on the run while trying to find a cure for his problem and keep calm as much as he can while at the same time battling super-villains. All of Hulk's powers retroactively stem from the Green Door, which is TOBA's own essence leaking in. Because of his healing factor that regenerates his cells, and the gamma energy he has absorbed that empowers him, the Hulk can live longer then is normal. They arresting Igor for being a spy, and had some doubts about Banners version of events because they were looking for anoversized and powerful intruder on the base and nearly surmised it was Bruce, until Rick was able to deflect the accusations by pointing out the absurdity of Bruce Bannerbeing the Hulk. Superhuman Leaping-. Upon dying, Brian was pulled down into the Below Place where TOBA took control of his personality and body to achieve its nefarious goals. The Hulk explodes with anger absorbing all of the radiation on Sakaar and the Old Power of the planet, which flowed through Caiera. It loves and cares for all of its creations and while it may be disappointed and feel pity towards those who follow a dark path it will always present a way for anyone to move out of the darkness. However, the build doesn't have feats for disarm so who cares. This is exactly what happened and everything (and everybody) on the scene at that time was pulled down to the Below Place, to face TOBA. While calm, he is capable of leaping roughly 3 miles. When Bruce Banner fell victim to the Gamma Bomb, he opened a Green Door and was infused with the One Below All's power, becoming the Hulk. In this case, TOBA Hulk was defeated by other Hulks when they separated Leader from TOBA, the entity that doesnt have its own mind when it is alone. The angrier he gets, the intensity of the beam gets hotter. Its powers are unmatched and couldnt be graded by any power system in the Marvel Universe. This means I may earn commissions on products bought via links on this page. It was also stated by Dr. "[25], During her crusade, the Goddess, seeking to purge Creation of all evil and believing herself serving the will of "the Supreme One", gathered dozens of Earth's most devout heroes to her base in Paradise Omega. Bruce drains Walters gamma power and, without knowing, takes Brians possession as well. Like the name insinuates, The One Below All is the opposite aspect of The One Above All which is a creator of all things in the Marvel Universe and the strongest entity in the Marvel Universe. Could keep up with Thor Odinson who could travel at 48,000,000,000,000,000 c. Was able to tag the Silver Surfer, who can travel around 500,000 light years in seconds, while in a fight (from Tales to Astonish #92). Well weve loved talking about the Hulk and all the things he can do, hes definitely one of the more interesting characters out there, alternating from superhero to supervillain with alarming regularity, indeed hes fought entire teams of superheroes combined. TOBA himself does not have powers to create, but he does have the power to destroy, annihilate devour and twist the creations others have put forth. This content is provided as is and is subject to change or removal at any time. Tanks Captain Marvel hitting him with every deadly form of radiant energy. Most likely the best AQW Server in existence, best Browser MMORPG game on the universe, join today! Sealed off from the rest of the Multiverse through the metaphysical Green Doors, it manifests in other realities through "extreme gamma" -- the mutagenic third form of Gamma Radiation. Capable of pushing two spheres of matter and antimatter apart and throwing one into the outer space, the inertia force-field being greater than a neutron star (from Marvel Team-Up Annual #2). Unless you're wanting to put him up against characters of other properties, such as DBZ, DC, whatever, then it becomes a case of how you want to scale each property's own super capital G Gods. These factors led to Brian abusing Bruce physically. Fans know Brian Banner from Bruces origin story, who neglected his wife and newborn son over experiments and research looking into gamma radiation. Has overwhelmed threats who have overpowered him by getting angrier. Tanks 99.75% pure energy (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #379). Being the dark counterpart of the TOAA, TOBA shares the powers of its other side, which is essentially nigh-limitless and unrivaled power. [8] The One Below All then joined with Brian and used his personality as its own, now beginning its plan to destroy Bruce and silence the multiverse forever. Like her cousin, She-Hulk owes her abilities to her exposure to radiation. Amazon. Zom is a being that had to be imprisoned by Eternity (from World War Hulk #4). The future in which Breaker of Worlds managed to destroy all life in the Universe never happened, all because of the meddling of Leader. During its first live test, Bruce noticed a teenager named Rick Jones driving into the testing area. Gamma Flight arrived at the scene and further complicated things, as the Absorbing Man used the commotion to distract everybody at the scene so he can absorb all of the gamma radiation on the scene and use it to power up the portal that will be able to open the Green Door. [31], Multiversal Imbalance: When Thanos, controlled by his omnipotent future self, got hold of his universe's Regulator (an artifact more powerful than the Infinity Gems which served to keep each universe separate from one another), this caused a grave imbalance to the Multiverse, something that the Above-All-Others was unable to fix. [16] The Hulk intervened and drained Walter's gamma power to stop him, which inadvertently passed Brian's possession on to him. If he gets angry enough, he can blow entire cities to smithereens with just a radiated roar. After becaming one with Bruce Banner, Hulk very existence got questioned where the narrator and Metatron question if he is The Accuser, Adversary, Khameal, Satan, Geburah or Golachab and which one he wants to be at the end of everything, His full power is estimated to be one of the One Above Alls strongest creatures, Death can't hold back the horror that is the Immortal Hulk. The Hulk can leap to cover great distances. Can adapt to any environment, be it holding in energy, surviving Earths core, whether underwater, or the vacuum of space itself. One mysterious version of Hulk that always stirs up a lot of questions is The One Below All Hulk which debuted in Immortal Hulk #24. These Gamma shockwaves were capable of utterly annihilating Fin Fang Foom and Arm'Chedon (from Incredible Hulks #634). Hulk's fullest potential, with no Bruce Banner to hold him back. Also, when cosmic e. Survived energy blasts from the Silver Surfer himself (from. He asked the One Above All if it knew if there is a final guiding hand to which the One Above All responded, "The mystery intrigues me, Adam." The Hulk absorbed the gamma radiation of several nuclear bombs, which made him grow to a huge size, to the point where he became much larger than. He gets tougher, stronger, harder to hurt. [14], It is speculated that the One Above All is possibly the start of something even higher. The One Below All Hulk origins in Marvel Universe, Who is World Breaker Hulk? The Hulk saw through the One Below All's plan, but when Absorbing Man intercepted him, he drained the Hulk's gamma energy, transferring the possession to himself. Can go for weeks without sleep or sustenance if he is angry. Its power depends of hate, and its ultimate goal is to destroy everything in existence; as per its own nature, it cannot truly create anything, only destroy and corrupt. After Brian lashed out at his son, blaming him for his insanity, Bruce left to visit his mother's grave since it was the anniversary of her death. His Thunderclap sent shockwaves across an infinite number of dimensions. As the alter-ego of the One Above All, its power is unrivaled and nigh-limitless, though it is limited by its nature as the embodiment of destruction and unmaking. The story of TOBA Hulk begins with Brian Banner, Bruces father. Bruce died, but the Gamma Bomb had created a metaphysical barrier called the Green Door that connected Earth with the Below-Place, the bottom layer of the Multiverse. Needless to say, the Hulk then proceeds to break out of the force field (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #144). Leader wanted to allow TOBA to possess Hulks body as soon as possible but accidentally got possessed by TOBA himself. Having said that, weve decided to put together this article and explain exactly who is TOBA Hulk and how strong is he? His very meddling in the affair caused the future never to happen. Superhuman Durability: She-Hulk's body is highly resistant to all forms of conventional injury. It ultimately fails when Hulk, with the help of Joe Fixit, arrives at Below Place and brings the Fantastic Four and Jackie McGee to assist them. Apart from stomping and causing earthquake across entire continents and planets, the World-Breaker has phenomenal destructive abilities. On more than one occasion, the Hulk has nearly jumped into orbit. Survived being punched into orbin by an amped Spider-Man (from the Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #328). Survived an encounter with The One Below All, the ruler and embodiment of the Below-Space, the lowest part of reality below even hell. Ten billion years later, the Breaker of Worlds destroyed all life, light, and planets in the cosmos, effectively rendering it dead. [19] These abilities were able to be "passed down" to the Leader when he tricked Brian and consumed his essence. Scarlet king vs Toba hulk with powers of (TOAA) #shorts#marvel #scarletking #tobahulk #shorts #viral #fyp #waitforend #trendingshorts #antidicootmusic:discord [6][7] It resides in the lowest point of reality, called the Below-Place, from which it rules. Counterpart in every way stomping and causing earthquake across entire continents and planets the. 202 ) plates together to stop an earthquake ( from World War Hulk # 4.. 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