top 10 reasons to follow jesus

If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Fathers commandments and abide in His love. The point was that as he eats, the owner of the food may have evil thoughts about his manner of eating, and later on, talk to others negatively about him. Jesus the Christ remains the only best teacher ever, and He alone will be the best teacher forever. Jesus still calls on us to follow him and provides perfect leadership. WebAt Jesus baptism, the divine voice from heaven declared Jesus as Gods Son, our Savior, and eternal King. WebPutting off without putting on is always susceptible to failure. We also know that old documents get lost and have to be copied. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NASB), Do not worry then, saying, What will we eat? or What will we drink? or What will we wear for clothing? Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. He said that was the ugliest creature he ever has seen and will never ever want to see again. Helping people see their desperate need for Christ is no easy task. Our joy matters to Jesus. My role model is Jesus, the Christ. His most important writings included The Antiquities of the Jews which provides a narrative of the history of the world from the Jewish perspective. This field of study is not new though. The answer of course is religion. This is because He is the only true healer that ever existed. It would have been an extremely valuable piece of propaganda to help lure converts to the new faith yet the early church fathers excluded it why? St Paul was a dynamic self-publicist who rarely mentioned Jesus at all but rather encourages Christians to live their lives according to a framework designed by Paul himself. Peace 3. It's funny how living in hell forever, with no chance of ever escaping, motivates us to seek If Jesus really healed all kinds of diseases as recorded in the gospels, and He did it in most cases by simply speaking a word, or by touching the sick, or by doing something funny, like spitting into the ground, mix the saliva with dirt, and smear it on someones eyes, who do you think could be like Him here on earth? Where do the Israelites get all these animals in the desert? Do you see the conflict? John 1:29 says, The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, Behold, the What about the Golden Rule? Everybody testifying You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good 2x. For Christians and Muslims therefore the existence of Jesus, both the man and the son of God is a matter of faith. The Epistles themselves, however, put the lie to this claim as St Pauls writings mention 2 meetings with James, the brother of Jesus. Much like the fact that Mark has Jesus coming from the wrong city the baptism plays into the criterion of embarrassment a doctrine of historical analysis that states that the more embarrassing a story is to the people who are writing it the more likely it is to be true. In addition, you can select to hear an audio version of any verse by clicking on the speaker icon. Hes not full of life, but He is life Himself. Would He be a loving God still? He is as gracious in the manner of His mercy as in the matter of it. WebAs humans, we are bound to sin against one another and sin against the Lord. Buy America has the potential to provide an additional boost. It wasnt until I humbled myself, said no to the world, and yes to Christ, that I found a real, lasting reason to wake up each morning. Iran 9. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. We have the promise from Jesus that the Holy Spirit will live in us forever and will never leave us nor forsake us. So dont let the extra stuff that the American culture of spirituality promotes dominate you the stuff many of us do (if truth be told) at least partly to show others or ourselves how pious we are. He was writing about the great fire of Rome which the Emperor Nero blamed on Christians. The Bible calls those who dont want to try their best to understand these things simple because they focus their minds and their attention mostly on the simple ways of thinking and understanding. St Paul was born in around 10 AD to an Israelite family. It was only recently that firm evidence that Pontius Pilate was in Judea at the time of the crucifixion has finally come to light. When he was a man, Christ was a man who exemplified what one can do when they are righteous and free of sin. If they were not we would have different versions of the original books all saying very different things. Bible Gateway allows you to change the verse to your favorite translation and compare it side-by-side with multiple translations. You believe in Jesus, so you follow Jesus. We are lost, helpless, hopeless and hell-bound sheep without a shepherd going our own way into sin and destruction, and Jesus reaches down into our depravity and chaos and brokenness and doesnt wait for us to get our act together or somehow earn His favor. Try to curse a live tree now and see if it will die. Why slaughter and burn an animal twice a day? When I read my Bible, especially the Old Testament, I have a lot of questions from time to time. I want to 4. There are many healers today even in His name, but there is no doubt He said Hell deny many if not all of them at the Last Day. He holds the world in His hands! Follow Jesus: First Reason. But Jesus is a unique prophet. To help, here are 10 reasons Jesus came: Jesus came to glorify God. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.. Give me the pure, unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is also near contemporaneous evidence of an unexpected eclipse or other darkening of the sky around the time of the crucifixion. 2: Jesus is worthy of our worship because He is the bread of life. He wanted to cut through all the rules and regulations to get to the relationship, purposely putting all the goodies down on the bottom shelf where anyone (whether they be fisherman or Pharisee, freshman or physics prof) could have the chance to understand and embrace Him. Two words: After the resurrection, on a lonely beach one morning, Jesus described to Peter the kind of martyrdom he was to endure. My life is not a bed of roses all the time, but at least I know what my mission is each day: To know Christ and to make Him known. No more. In Jewish society and religion at the time the concept of a superior being baptized by their junior would have been a hard concept for people to understand it should have been the other way around particularly as Jesus was without sin and therefore did not need to be washed clean by baptism. WebJesus the Christ was, is, and will always be God in the human form. An amazing fact when compared with the works of Plato, Homer or many other writers or personalities of antiquity. Tacitus writes, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Joshua Rogers has three helpful tips to remember next time we find ourselves sinning. Mark that definite article well, [the]. Evidence in the geologic record shows that there were earthquakes in the Jerusalem area during that period although nothing can be dated exactly we know that there was a large earthquake in around 31AD and a more localized earthquake at sometime between 26 and 36 AD but most likely after the 31AD earthquake. Web6 Powerful Reasons to Follow Jesus instead of the World 1. The call to follow Jesus is a call to forsake everyone and everything other than Him. If Jesus the Christ died and rose again from the dead to save me and you, then He is the only way to life and peace, not to hell and pain. Me? It was written by Luke, a doctor who travelled with Paul. If Jesus the Christ indeed rose again, then why are we not following Him forever? Those same opening verses also refer to eyewitness accounts which have been given to the church by which he means the Gospels of Matthew, one of the Apostles and Mark who was a companion to Peter. At that moment Larry adds, Oh, you may have been asking me about my relationship. He is the Lord of lords and the King of kings. There were many before Jesus came, and there were many prophets in His day and age. We can date it fairly accurately because there are several key events that would have had an impact on the young Church The Martyrdom of Paul in AD62, the Fire of Rome and subsequent persecution of Christians in AD64 and the sacking of Jerusalem in AD70. Ash from the Jabal ad Druze volcanos could have easily darkened the sky of Jerusalem and it is not unlikely that any earthquake activity could have set off some volcanic activity in that field. He is the only true source of nourishment and life for sinners who need salvation. Related Scripture Readings. In the final analysis, the Christian life is not about me. Whether or not you believe he was something more is a matter of personal faith and belief between you and your god (or lack of) and that is something we will not delve into! Allow me to offer a Top Ten list of reasons why we as Christians should worship Jesus. WebOn March 12, 2003, 15-year-old Elizabeth Smart was found safe nine months after being abducted from her familys home in Salt Lake City, Utah. Ill never forget the liberal philosophy professor who assured all the students that there was no hell and that everyone makes it to heaven. Isnt not following easier than following, A lifestyle publication. But there was none that led as Jesus the Christ did. Although his work has been lost this passage was referred to in the works of Julius Africanus about 2 centuries later who saw the writings of Thallus and says that they referred to a severe earthquake and an eclipse. WebFollowing Jesus is a life choice. The other reason is that we dont believe we can do so. God wants us to seek Him genuinely. With that said, lets dive deep into the article. WebJesus Christ is unique from any other person who ever lived because no ones name is misused more than his, his life marks our time in history, he was conceived of the Holy In all your ways acknowledge Today, billions of people on earth still believe in His teachings. I hope you are not one of them. Alright, alright, enough. The second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets. Matthew 22:36-40 (NASB), If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9(NASB), But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5 (NASB), Having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of Gods mystery, that is, Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:2-3 (NASB), Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. With his signature insight and contagious enthusiasm, Ray Comfort walks you through twelve persuasive reasons to be more Get A Copy Kindle Store $10.99 Amazon Stores Paperback Published March 2022 More Details Edit Details But how much is good enough? Most answers will have to do with our actions. Related: Good vs Evil: Pros and Cons for Modern Humans. With gentle, loving touch, He heals the broken in heart and binds up their wounds. Imagine this for a while. Jesus, the God, holds each and everything together in the whole universe. Psalm 52:8. 1. But instead, he said he looked at her in the eyes and said, Im not scared of you, and she again threw him to the other side of the room, and followed after him. If this article has been helpful to you personally, let me hear from you in the comments section below. I mean, how do we classify or describe Him? Some people may start a fight with me because they were taught that God doesnt kill anyone. His desire is for me to set aside my own agenda for His. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. We live in a world of darkness and sin where people do evil deeds of wickedness. Other religions, cults and works-oriented Christian groups have taken the truth and twisted it. Tacitus was a very highly regarded historian who always mentioned any references to hearsay in his works. He gives and takes away life. If Jesus the Christ offered Himself up to be treated the way He was treated, crucified, died, and buried, just to save the whole world from sin and its consequences, then Jesus must be the love Himself instead of being full of love. He is the grandson of the late evangelist Billy Graham and his wife Ruth Graham. The T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas is loaded with talent beyond its Then if you happen to catch up with him, the next thing he does is to grab your hand full force with his unclean hand. Whether out of honest curiosity or defensive insecurity, the person will almost always come back with the question: What religion are you? Larry, of course, knows the person is really asking him what church or denomination hes part of. He lives with His real and physical human body there in heaven. Its over. There is some thought that the earlier passage may be a forgery or was an authentic reference that was expanded upon by devout Christians. It is tender mercy. How many carpenters, plumbers or people in similar employment today will leave evidence of their daily lives in 2,000 years time? So here are some reminders. The Jewish Messiah was not supposed to be an innocent, a savior who sacrificed himself. He is worthy! Support List Land! He is the way, the truth, and the life. He assembled a council of judges, and brought it before the brother of Jesus, the so-called Christ, whose name was James. The man you see there is Brain Deacon, not Jesus the Christ. WebUFC 285 hosts not only a homecoming for Jon Jones, but a number of coming out parties for potential future stars. In the same way, these abstract teachings are harder to understand than mathematics or natural sciences lessons. His being the fulfillment of And Jesus took the mission and carried it out perfectly! However, Jesus forgives all who follow him. This month marks the 20th anniversary of Elizabeths return home and on this weeks episode of All In, we speak with Chris Thomas who acted as spokesperson for the Smart Family throughout their entire He and He alone is eternal King. In religion, we think small and become foolish in the long run. Or does it? Is He full of love, or is He the love Himself? Meditate a little on the mercy of God. I remember all too well what my life was like before Christ, and I dont want to go back to the emptiness I saw in my own soul and others. Jesus He emphatically claims that He alone is the sole doorway or entrance into a relationship with God. If you read the four Gospels and the other works of the Bible with a fine tooth comb you will find that there are a large number of contradictions. The Christ-following life is one of daily obedience to Christ and His Word. It is all by works. Sleep Hygiene. The darkening of the sky might not have been the result of an eclipse at all (as an eclipse is not possible during the full moon) but as a result of a nearby volcanic eruption. Libya 5.

');(playerPro=window.playerPro||[]).push(i);})(); Dave is a voracious reader and ferocious writer of top 10 lists. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. Note His attitude: He wept. Something holds them together, and these scientists named it, the string. When it comes to spiritual things, many of us are doing the right things for the wrong reasons or doing nothing at all. The truth of the matter is that a man called Jesus was born in Judea around 4BC, he was baptized by John the Baptist and crucified in about the year 33 AD when Pontius Pilatus was procurator of Judea. Top ten reasons the era of listicles is done: Theyre stupid. They act as if they are one. Baptism introduces us to a life of obedience to Christ. You [] Jesus the Christ is the truth, the only truth because He is truth Himself. There were several good leaders before, during, and after Jesus the Christ. Research indicates that you can experience drastic improvement in your spiritual life by merely reading the Bible more. WebOn March 12, 2003, 15-year-old Elizabeth Smart was found safe nine months after being abducted from her familys home in Salt Lake City, Utah. Why can such a loving God send people into the lake of fire that burns on and on for eternity future? His durability. When He finished, Jesus fixed His eyes on the disciple and simply said, Follow Me!(John 21:19). Jesus sustains life on the planet earth, as He does elsewhere. Why dont we pray to God directly? Try to learn more about string theory in physics. They may not even know how to say the name, but they can say something that means the same thing in their own God-given languages. Somalia 4. Muslims also believe that Jesus was born to a virgin and that he had an important ministry. Whether COVID-19 was created in a human-made laboratory, or it was brought from some unclean animals, or God sent it to earth because people are following and worshipping their own knowledge and wisdom, Jesus warned us about it long ago. You also have Him in you even when you are dead because a human or disease cant create or destroy life. Gracious are Your works and precious to behold. We dont know how many deities are there in these worlds and universes, but we know this one unique character, Jesus the Christ. 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He is the origin of all things, the basis for all things. The Gospel of Mark is understood by Bible Scholars to be the earliest of the four. For example, why was God so glutton on animal sacrifices in such a big way? The work documents the early struggles and history of the Church. What is more likely is that they were excluded from the New Testament, not as a cynical ploy but simply because they were wrong, not in a confusion of memory as shown by the contradictions in the four main Gospels but in their core understanding of the teachings and ministry of Jesus and the church he founded. We hardly understand what it means to be a king in our 21st century because of many factors. Jesus said we can do these things, but only if we have faith in Him. Look, I just read a story in a WhatsApp group from a friend writer who got admitted to a certain hospital because he was diagnosed positive for SARS-Cov2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease, COVID-19. Was it a good thing to do to slaughter animals each and every day, morning and evening? Jesus meant to make the complicated simple. WebMany people follow Jesus to escape judgment and avoid the flames of hell. This means there is no language barrier at all because even the gentiles must have a way to know about Jesus. Please remove from my heart anything that is selfish and manipulative in my relationship with him so I will follow him with wholehearted joy regardless of my circumstances! If you ask ten people their thoughts about following Jesus, theres a good chance youll get ten different answers! There are some good addictions, and this is one of them. Psalm 52:8. How Old is Too Old To Trick or Treat? Blue Light. God knew that sicknesses can travel from person to person through these unwanted social activities, such as hugging, kissing, etc. Here are our top 10 reasons to believe Jesus really existed that he was born and died, a man like any other. The debunking of the many parallels that sceptics try to draw between the story of Jesus and that of other gods such as Mithras, Osiris, Horus or many others. WebFollow Jesus 1. We have a different rule to follow. Its obvious from the gospels that Jesus knew there is a literal heaven and hell. The Gospels attribute miracles to him he can even kill with a word when he chooses to but far from using his powers for the glory of Judea and to attack the hated Roman invaders he preached a ministry of love and humility. These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. John 15:9-11 (NASB), Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law? And He said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. 8 Simple Ways to Boost Your Faith This Year, 3 Things to Remember Next Time You Fall Into Sin. We need to understand that difference. It means there is none like Jesus, the Christ. But Jesus is the only way to life. You can go and go until you end up crazy or insane. His understanding, knowledge, and wisdom are just and pure. Editors Note: This piece was originally published in 2004. We will still be humans, mere humans. His job is not follow me around to fulfill my every wish. It's a clear day out on the lake. Many of you are probably familiar with the disciple named doubting Thomas who needed absolute proof that Christ did in fact raise from the dead. Joshua was a leader. But to show us the way to Him is not through those animal sacrifices, but through His own way, Jesus Christ. Jesus went on to say in John 14:15, If you love Me, keep My commandments.. If so, then He and He alone is the prophet. Do you know what John His beloved apostle did, when he saw Jesus at the time when He revealed to him the future of the world? He healed without pay, but today, we tell people to plant seeds in order to get the healing they terribly and urgently need. What do you have to lose? WebJOY. WebTullian is the pastor at The Sanctuary church in Jupiter, Florida. It's a call to a radical abandonment. If life is another unique form of energy that humans cant create or destroy, then that means Jesus is life. Life is that energy that lives on and on, and on unto eternity future. He served as a tax collector and was well known for his anti-Christian views and is said to have participated in the stoning of St Stephen. The H10 Villa de la Reina Madrid has a lot of great qualities, much like other hotels on this street, but its position where the street curves is a hallmark. 3. That does not mean that we discount the original. Whether or not that humble and extraordinary man was a prophet or the Son of God we leave to you. When Christians put off a thought, word, or action that is sinful, negative, un-Christlike, etc, they must also put on a thought, word, or action that will replace that which they put off. The highly respected Jewish historian Titus Flavius Josephus was born shortly after the death of Jesus. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. John 1:1-3(NASB), And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14 (NASB), For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. None have a Jesus. No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you. John 15:14-15 (NASB), Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. Blue light is emitted by electronic devices, and it can disrupt your sleep. Once youve had it you cant get enough of it and best of all (unlike drugs), its 100 percent real. A person of note, they claim, should have left some evidence of his life. Pakistan 6. We no longer agree on the universal rules that work for everyone. To survive crucifixion was unheard of. The second reference is considered to be absolutely genuine. But now I know that God demanded all these [just as He did in each and every tribe of people in His own way]. These are hardly the attributes of a Messiah so if you were creating a religion from the start and trying to claim that your central figure was the Messiah you would surely make his behavior fit the expectation a little more. He is alive today but in the form of the Holy Spirit. Hes not in agreement with cunning wisdom and deception. Tullian pastored two churches in 20th February 2023 In this article, we will be looking at what book writing is, what are its types, The Bible: 10 Reasons Why I Read, Study, Meditate, and Speak It Out In the 21st Century, Career-Discovery vs Career-Improvement: Your Career Development Skills, Good vs Evil: Pros and Cons for Modern Humans, Book Editing: What It Is and Its Importance, Book Writing: What It Is and Its Importance, Personal Development: Your Self-Discovery and Self-Improvement Guide. No one comes to the Father except through me. Jesus is not just one of many good or desirable ways to be accepted by God. What is the result of suppressing the truth? Please give it a rest.

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