which statement best describes operational risk management sejpme

No matter what staff organization a commander decides upon, there is a need to add a/an _____ activity to the battle rhythm. prepares individuals, joint forces, or joint staffs to respond to strategic, operational, or tactical requirements considered necessary by the Combatant Commanders to execute their assigned or anticipated missions. Which Statement Best Describes Operational Risk Management Sejpme. 45) How can the sustainment community provide better support to the components and the commander's decision-making? Social Media gives people the ability to communicate with larger audiences faster and in new ways. MODULE 2 TO 24 SEJPME II MODULE TEST BANK. joint doctrine and publications Allows anticipation or prediction of future situations and circumstances. Although created with military operations in mind these procedures can be used to. A. Service members must realize that ___________________ must be practiced whenever using social media. . What are some joint task force level commanders doing to effectively deal with this challenge? SEJPME Joint Force Leadership SEJPME-US002-03 5 Which statement best describes the purpose of resilience-based training. This term refers to the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of a person. eliminating the "say-do gap" where actions, words, and images do not match (correct) Risk assessment risk management and recommending mitigating measures to the commander or others are all steps thatin order to properly mitigate risk. Operational Risk Management ORM - The process of dealing with risk associated within military operations which includes risk assessment risk decision making and implementation of effective risk controls. staff emphasis; synchronized, unified, and flexible Docx Sejpme Us002 03 Joint Force Leadership Pre Test 10 11 Correct 1 Successful Teamwork Requires Course Hero Departments to accomplish objectives in the best interest of national security unfettered by parochialism. Which Statement Best Describes Operational Risk Management Sejpme. A professional is a person of both character and competence. establishing a separate communications effort 7) The _____ is the primary intelligence organization that provides support to the combatant commands at the operational and tactical levels. 5) When leaders dedicate themselves to promoting healthy lifestyles to maintain the psychological health of their. . a.Does, You read a description of a French researcher's work in an English language journal. The highlighted questions are the questions you have missed. Can vary widely depending on the context of the operation and the objective. 1) The non-operational chain of command runs directly from the President to the Secretary of Defense and then to the _____. SEJPME MODULE TEST QUESTION BANK. It simplifies the separate role of the joint staff headquarters. Rather than defaulting to a joint task force (JTF) task organizations comprised of Service forces components and functional components, which of the the following statements best describes another option that field commanders have to craft their task organization? Anna Maria. 8) Military operations vary in scope, purpose and _____ across a range that spans from military engagement to major operations and campaigns. IPR A adapt deliberate planning for crisis situations. What is the product of joint force development? Risk assessment, risk management, and recommending mitigating measures to the commander or others, are all steps that .in order to properly mitigate risk. I find Docmerit to be authentic, easy to use and a community with quality notes and study tips. Joint Fires Element (JFE) responsibilities and tasks include which of the following (select all that apply)? [. 3 Which statement best describes Operational Risk Management. Recognizing concussions/traumatic brain injuries, family impact and operational environment conditions are some of the many inherent military ____________ that impact psychological health. Which of the following is consistent regarding termination in brief psychodynamic therapy? develop/update meeting; tactics meeting; planning meeting; execute plan and assess process. When joint operation planning begins. During and after treatment, leaders assist their service members with recovery and reintegration efforts. Experienced and mature leaders communicate concerns to leaders, peers and subordinates. Fight and Win the nations wars. (correct) - Spiritual Fitness. Trust, confidence, and cooperation. civil military operations (CMO) multinational, support, economic, and information All of the answers are correct (correct) The establishing authority must give clear direction to subordinates in terms of priorities and intent to allow subordinates to work horizontally with each other in accomplishing tasks. 36) Communication strategy is the commander's tool for engaging in the "battle for the narrative" through _____. sejpme exam _____ is a violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant population(s). Assume the following variable definitions: What are the values of the following expressions? Some people have stress reactions that don?t go away on their own or may even get worse over time following a life-threatening event like military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents or violent personal assaults like rape. Guidance from which joint operations are planned and executed is obtained from joint _____. Which statement best describes Operational Risk Management? 27) The PMESII variables describe a set of non-military effects, which are relevant for coordination with USG agencies. SEJPME Joint Force Leadership SEJPME-US002-03 5 Which statement best describes the purpose of resilience-based training. Secretaries of the Military Departments and then to the Combatant Commanders . (Select all that apply. deputy commander(s) (correct) Training exercises are conducted by joint force commanders and their headquarters and based on their operation plans concept plans and scenarios related to most likely and most dangerous crisescontingencies in their areas of responsibility. In the context of the profession of arms it entails moral and ethical adherence to our values. The seriousness of our profession was most vividly explained by _________ in his farewell speech to West Point Cadets in May of 1962 when he said ?Yours is the profession of arms, the will to win, the sure knowledge that in war there is no substitute for victory, that if you lose, the Nation will be destroyed, that the very obsession of your public service must be Duty, Honor, Country?. Assessment supports joint force progress towards accomplishing the mission. Original Title of the, According to Grove and Gray (2019), which of the following statements are important when considering the significance and relevance of a study's problem and purpose ? lues, the military profession, trust, leadership, mission command, the concept of Jointness, and advancing the profession. Operational Risk Management (ORM) is the _____________ used to mitigate operational risks. This allows the J2 to _____. The sustainment community provides better support when it focuses closer on the tactical fight. 23) What effect(s) can occur when commanders retain tactical level decision-oriented CCIRs at the operational level in lieu of decentralizing CCIRs associated with decentralized decision approval levels? Question 5: Stabilize. What is a secondary role of these complex training events? The termination date is set, Question 31 Factors that distinguish psychodynamic therapy from cognitive behavioral therapy include which of the following factors. all of the answers are correct (correct) . Which statement best describes what experience and maturity allows a leader to do when leading personnel in a JIIM. These responses and changes will all be negative. Kesimpulan Cara Kekalkan Motivasi Dalam Mengusahakan Perniagaan. The law of war rests on the fundamental principles of military necessity, unnecessary suffering, proportionality and distinction, The law of war is binding on the U.S. or its individual citizens, The law of war applies to the joint targeting process. 29) In apportioning forces to accomplish both assigned tasks and the tasks of the supported commanders, what is a key responsibility of the supporting commander? combatant commands Joint education can be broadly parsed into three categories: Joint Professional Military Education (JPME), Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education (EJPME), and other Joint Education. 3) Which statement best describes Operational Risk Management? notification criteria matrix An understanding of the security environment and HQ staff The technique for converting data between incompatible type systems The process used to mitigate operational risks The inherit goal of putting one's own personal satisfaction before others, In relation to the . When given a liaison officer from another agency, you should clarify whether he/she has the authority to speak on behalf of agency leadership or whether he/she prefers to act as _____. True (correct) Allows anticipation or prediction of future situations and circumstances. Concept development taking the time to ascertain the supported commander's requirements (correct) mass (correct) Title 50 (correct) 34) Planning for communication activities involves the careful alignment of themes and messages with which of the following? (b) How many excess electrons or protons reside on the drop? strategic agility Assessment helps deepen the understanding of the operational environment. During and after treatment, leaders assist their service members with recovery and reintegration efforts. it is at the heart of the relationship of the profession with the American people, and to each other. ), -assigning which action-agent will engage each of the key audiences, -determining how to inform and/or influence audiences. higher and lower headquarters (correct) Some individuals that are exposed to stressful situations, trauma, and combat develop new skills, display previously hidden strengths, and grow in character. Other Apps - April 21 2022. - May 06, 2022. . Which statement best describes what the joint force commander has the operational authority and responsibility to do? National Intelligence Support Team (NIST) Mission Analysis 1) In the Chairman's White Paper on "America's Military - A Profession of Arms," the importance of all of the following themes is discussed: values, the military profession, trust, leadership, mission command, the concept of Jointness, and advancing the profession. 1. 3 Which statement best describes Operational Risk Management. SEJPME Exam 1 475 Question and Answers The Missile Defense Agency MDA works with the combatant commanders CCDRs of the _____. Leaders must understand that ____________ based training contributes to overall mission readiness. Future plans (correct) U.S. government interagency partners (correct) approve the command Joint Manning Document Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Our oath demands each of us display_____ and always do what is right, regardless of the cost. _____ best describes this concept. In the context of the profession of arms, it entails moral and ethical adherence to our values. The communication strategy working group (CSWG) is informed by subordinate units and the interagency stakeholders, and supports planning across the current operations, future operations, and future plans event horizons. The J2 has overall staff responsibility for consolidating and recommending _____. False A target the enemy commander requires for the successful completion of the mission. You don't read French, but you mention the research in your paper, citing the article you read. priority intelligence requirements (PIRs). are limited in duration and scope (correct) Both are the products of lifelong learning and are embedded in _______________. Service Chiefs via the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. 6) Which statement best describes the purpose of resilience-based training. planning guidance, commander's intent, and an operational framework (correct) Title 22 3) Which statement best describes Operational Risk Management. Emphasis on the past; Focus on expression of emotion; Emphasis. The foremost value of joint force leaders is _____. MODULE 2 TO 24 LATEST-2020. Apply Your Knowledge #2. _____ are operations require independent actions involving a high degree of professionalism, self-discipline, flexibility, patience, and tact. It favors indirect and asymmetric approaches though it may employ the full range of military and other capacities in order to erode an adversarys power influence and will. Informs decisions by illuminating the differences in available courses of action. Tailor forces for the mission at hand, selecting those that most effectively and efficiently ensure success. 30) Significant design efforts, during deliberate planning at combatant commands, produce results as those commands _____. Experience 11 Which statement best describes Operational Risk Management. Joint _____ provides the fundamental principles that guide the employment of U.S. military forces in coordinated action toward a common objective. Remediation Accessed shows whether you accessed those links.'N' represents links not visited and 'Y Employs the military instrument of national power at home and abroad in support of its national security goals. * A. command emphasis; responsive, and responsible joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment (JIPOE). "white space" Analysis is a synthesis of quantitative analysis and qualitative judgment and therefore rarely subject to competing interpretations. Analysis is a synthesis of quantitative analysis and qualitative judgment and . It is at the heart of the relationship of the profession with the American people and to each other. The aspect of PME that focuses on imparting joint knowledge and attitudes is joint _____. Pesaing bukan lawan tetapi kawan agar terus berusaha buat yang terbaik. Sejpme exam _____ is a violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and. The technique for converting data between incompatible type systems The inherit goal of putting ones own personal satisfaction before others The process used to mitigate operational risks An understanding of the security environment and HQ staff 4 ____________ stands out as the. Strategic communication _____. The exercise of disciplined initiative at all echelons. an ad-hoc arrangement between two or more nations for common action (correct) Us002 03 Docx 1 Which Statement Best Describes What Inspires Individuals To Voluntarily Take The Oath To Serve Family Traditions And Its History Course Hero. Chief of Staff (correct) monitor And recognizing concussionstraumatic brain injury. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like During the enable civil authority phase of operations, the JFC may be required to do what?, _____ ensure(s) DoD processes, procedures, and resources are in place to support the President and Secretary of Defense in a national security emergency., Military operations vary in scope, purpose and _____ across a range that spans from . _________is an integrative and holistic framework to better understand, assess, and maintain the fitness of the joint force. Module 3 Joint Force Leadership Post Test. 40) What are some of the key billets the commander will need to consider filling right away? Risk analysis should be carried out first in the Migration Planning phase C. The inherit goal of putting ones own personal satisfaction before others The process used to mitigate operational risks An understanding of the security environment and HQ staff. Service members must realize that ___________________ must be practiced whenever using social media. As warfighting technologies have developed and access to effective medical care has improved, the incidents of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI?s) has _____________ for those serving in military operations. The inherit goal of putting one's own personal satisfaction before others The process used to mitigate operational risks An understanding of the security environment and HQ staff The technique for converting data between incompatible type systems University Of Arizona This term refers to the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of a person. MODULE 2 TO 24 LATEST-2020. (Select all that apply. [o, Design and planning efforts should be aligned with the well-established _____. JKO 101 SEJPME PRE-TEST EXAM 02 SETS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Here is the test resultCorrect answers are shown by next to the choice or given below the question. Junior enlisted leaders . defense, information, military, and economic subordinate unified commands (correct) Definition. knows how the commander best receives information, can quickly translate the commander's guidance and intent, has a battle rhythm that complements the Commander's Decision Cycle, seeks to gain superiority over the adversary's narrative, is an integral part of the commander's overall strategy, it is nested with strategic communication efforts, seeks to align joint task force actions, words, and images, assigning which action-agent will engage each of the key audiences, determining how to inform and/or influence audiences, Click here to study/print these flashcards.

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